Robbie kay ~ road trip

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(Thanks for 900 reads it truly means a lot :) )
Warning: very fluffy and cringy

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

"Owwww FRICK!!!" I held my arm as I winced at the impact of the wall. Stupid wall.  I was packing my stuff for the road trip with Robbie. Until I sorta got distracted and started dancing in my hallway down to the car.... Don't ask.... I packed up the rest of my bags and finally I was ready. I came down stairs and saw Robbie outside putting his bags and extra things in the back of the car. He saw me through the window and smirked I mist have been staring... I blushed and walked out side.
"Hey love" he kissed me cheek putting his hands around my waist I put the rest of my stuff in the back of the car.
"Ready to go?" Robbie asked.
"Yup I think were good!" I simply spoke.

I fell asleep half way during the ride thank god Robbie was driving. We were definitely far from where we were.
"Ahhh my fav song!" I blurted out as it came on. Robbie was smiling at me.
"Oh no" he said pretending yo be frightened.
"Hey hey no need to be worried" I laughed.

We pulled over and parked on the side of the road.
"Finally relaxation" I said getting out of the car stretching my legs.
I heard Robbie chuckling.
"What?" I asked him confused.
"You slept like the whole ride" he chuckled laughing at me. I rolled my eyes smirked.
"Sleep is the best thing in the world ok!" I laughed with him.
He laughed nodding his head. We unpacked our stuff and headed by a cliff setting our stuff up while we made jokes and had conversations.
The sun was setting and it was just beautiful. I came out of the tent and saw Robbie with his arms crossed looking and everything he put together. There was a blanket with a candle and food.
"Whats all this?" I wondered.
"Relaxation" he simply said. I laughed. He pulled me closer to him and we stood looking at the beautiful view. There was mountains and you could see the stars and moon.  I laid my head on his shoulder digging my head into his chest.
"I love you" I smiled as I said that.
"I love you too" his lips were on mine and it felt nice. He then grabbed me by the waist and swung me around then putting me over his shoulder.
"Robbie whyyyyy" I said sternly.
"Please put me down" i pleaded scared to fall forwards off his back.
"Don't worry you will be fine" he put me down. I playfully kicked his leg and ran.
"Hey come here" he called out I was just laughing. I jogged back keeping my distance. He was smirking Robbie pulled me into him and kissed my cheek.
"Noooo" I dramatically yelled still laughing. Im pretty sure every car that drove by probably thought we were idiots but who cares.
I grabbed a red solo cup full of water and held it over his head.
"This is revenge from when you through me in the pool" I evilly laughed.
"Oh (Y/N) please no" he tried walking away.
"Oh yes!" I smirked dumping the cool water on him.
He took the cup from me after I had dumped it on him. He playfully frowned. We laid down out of breath just talking the rest of the night until we feel asleep.
This was the best night ever.

(A/n: don't forget to request if you want. and if you liked it vote!?)


✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now