Robbie kay ~ the dancer

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(A/n: guys I'm so sorry for the long wait for updates. But I just got new inspiration and I hope you like this one! Not matter how cringy it may be)

(Y/BFFS/N): your best friends name
Warning: lots of cringe

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

The music blasted through my earbuds as I spent my free period in the music room dancing to hip hop. You could say it was my secret talent (I wish XD), except no one else knew only my friend (Y/BFFs/N).

I perfected every move I made and let the moves flow with the music. From insane flips to popping and locking my body. (Y/Bffs/N) is always telling me I should join the cheer squad but I refuse because of (enemies name) the "queen B" of this school.

Robbie's p.o.v

I was walking down the loud halls of people chatting and rushing to different areas with my earbuds in. I saw something interesting in the music room. I stopped and took out my earbuds, And smiled at how amazing the mysterious dancer was. I put most of my body weight against the door and caused it to creep open. But the dancer never realized until who I assumed was "she" turned around and froze. "Umm... sorry I w-was... just uhh-" I scratched the back of my neck. I saw her blushing which might I say she was adorable when she did that. "It's ok..." she took out her earbuds awkwardly and stood there unsure what to say. "(Y/N) right?" She smirked "you know my name?" How couldn't I she was beautiful. "Yeah why wouldn't I?" "I just assumed you didn't care that much" she responded and put her hands on her hips. "Your a good dancer by the way" I smirked and walked away to wander the halls.

(Y/N)'a p.o.v

I can't believe that just happened I thought to myself as I left the music room. "Hey (Y/N)!" My friend called from her locker "hey (Y/bffs/N)" I replied thinking about earlier. "You look pale! What happened" she laughed "very funny" I rolled my eyes. "Well I was ya know.. messing around with some moves in the music room and well... Robbie Kay walked in on me" I squinted my eyes shut bracing for her answer, (Y/bffs/N) didn't really like Robbie because of his girlfriend (enemies name). "WHAT?!, What did he say??!" I smiled "well he did compliment my dancing and surprisingly knew my name" I laughed and (Y/bff/N) giggled. 

"Oh please you don't have a single flexible bone in your body!" (Enemies name) giggled along with her friends me and (Y/bffs/N) rolled our eyes. I put my hands on my hips and rested my weight on one leg "oh really!" I snapped "oh yes!" She sasses back "I could dance circles around you" I sassed back. I caught a glimpse of Robbie Kay smiling and looking at me with his soft green eyes I slightly blushed "Oh could you?!" She said in disbelief "I could" I smirked confidently "prove it" "ok" "today in gym class!" "Ok" I back up smirking knowing she would lose "and the class gets to vote" she added raising one eyebrow "it's on" "be ready to lose" she shouted, I rolled my eyes "you may be flexible (enemies name) and have moves, but one thing is for sure you don't have Rhythm! Cause your just to stiff" I made the "f" sound last longer at the end and poked her cheek. (If you do cheer please don't be offended In anyway I have no hate towards cheerleaders I think there cool! This is just a fan fiction) she stopped in her tracks and turned around "let the class be the judge of that" she spat and walked away.

"I'm routing for you trust me" Robbie whispered to me and followed her.

---time skip to gym---

"Ok suicides, 50 of them no-" (suicides are a type of annoying exercise thing incase y'all thought different) "actually miss V, I have a different idea" (enemies name) stood up and looked at me and I knew what she meant "uhh (enemies name) your not the teacher" miss V reassured "hang on miss V this won't take long and plus its active" (enemies name) reassured. The teacher threw her hands up in defence and sat down. "You got this!" I heard a British voice that belonged to Robbie. (Enemies name) glared at me and nodded to some direction and music started playing.

(Enemies name) started off and sure she was good. She used her hips a lot and did a bunch of back flips. I decided to step in starting with an Ariel into a flip then on the ground (u know those moves when your like spinning on the ground but I forget what there called). This dance battle was intense but the only thing that seemed to be on my mind was Robbie. As the dancing went on everyone was cheering for me and it made my day to be honest.

When it was over (enemies name) asked the class who was better by voting. And by surprise it was me. When it was over (Y/bff/N) was fangirling over me and Robbie came up to me and I hugged him. Once I realized what I was doing I quickly back off, I could feel my cheeks heating up from embarrassment. I looked up and saw him blushing to "you were really good" he said smirking "why thank you" I bowed for fun. "Whatever" I heard (enemies name) from across the gym. "Your still a loser!" She held "L"s up to her forehead and so did her friends "then why did she beat you" Robbie defended. "UGGGGGHHHHH" she stormed out of the gym and me and (Y/bff/N) laughed "thanks" I turned to Robbie "no problem" he handed me a piece of paper and left the gym. Once I looked at it it was his number. I smiled to my self. "Things are happening" I said to my friend excited.

(A/n: ok yep bad ending I know someone slap me. Well hope you guys enjoyed it and do request if you have any. And ask my questions if you have any. And keep being awesome)


✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now