Peter pan imagine2 ~ feelings

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(Y/N): your name

Narrators  p.o.v

You were taking a walk in the rain on the beach of Neverland to clear your thoughts to try and make sense of things mostly peter. Peter was being irritatingly confusing lately. You walked as the cold rain drops hit your body and your hair was almost completely soaked. You were trying to hide from pan as you saw him flying around probably looking for you. Lately he had be so protective of you and nice to you most of the time then sometimes he would act like he would want to send you back home. You finally sat down on a rock close to the forest starring at the ocean ahead. In the corner of your eye you saw peter and tried to pretend not to see him.

"I know your avoiding me love" he shot you a smirk. You looked at him annoyed.

"Would you please stop reading my mind for at least a few minutes every time i talk to you" you continued to look out at the ocean.

"Why? You can't forever avoid me darling you will have to come back to camp and do your part" he walked a little bit closer to you.

"I just need a few minutes to myself."

"That still doesn't answer my question" he folded his arms and got closer.

You stood up and walked towards him "BECAUSE PETER! YOU ARE SOOOOO CONFUSING ALL THE TIME!, one minute your so protective of me and all caring and stuff then the next minute your angry and act like you wanna get rid of me!!" Soon you found yourself right in front of him barely touching his lips standing tall. Looking deeply in his beautiful forest green eyes with anger but mostly confusion, like you were trying to find some sign of a answer to your confusion. He looked back at yours almost with tears.

"I don't know I-I just..." He stuttered trying to respond to you. You backed up a bit and he turned around and walked away. You scoffed and walked back to camp.

Peter had deep feelings for you he didn't really understand love. He really wasn't sure what to do nor how to act after all he was evil. He was trying to find away to explain them but he wasn't sure how so he went to felix for help.

You over heard some voices you could really make out who's they were. "Felix what if she doesn't feel the same....??? How am I suppose to tell her how I feel?!!" Then you realized it was peters. "Well thats a risk your going to have to take pan, Just tell her! I know she feels the same" felix out his hand on pans shoulder. "How do you know?" Peter questioned "Shes been really distant from me lately, shes also mad with me!" "Because I see the way she looks at you, the way she acts when she's around you trust me pan she will feel the same. Tell her you love her." And with that felix walked away back to his job. You were starting to get even more confused but felix was right you did love peter.

You made it back to camp and it was still raining, you looked at peter you really wanted to ask about his conversation with felix. He walked over to you "(Y/N) we need to talk."

"Umm ok?.." You followed him into the forest "Is this the part where you kill me??" You laughed a bit.

"No I just need to tell you something.." You looked down "You know how you asked me why I've been acting all confusing..?" "Yeah..." You started getting nervous. "Well its because I love you I started to after I first saw you and the one night we were together practicing your fighting skills, getting to know you better, And I always will the only reason I've been acting like a jerk is because I realize deep down that you will never love me back because Im just a monster to you." His voice got a slightly but higher and it cracked at the end when he had tears in his eyes.

"Peter I-" he cut you off.

"Please just don't make this much harder than this is for me love" he walked away but before you spoke up.

"I do love you." He turned around and you grabbed his arm and pulled him into a kiss. He was shocked at first but soon got more comfortable. Your lips were moving in perfect motion getting more heated and the rain made even more of amazing moment. You both then pulled away to catch your breath.

"Do you believe me?" You spoke looking directly at him.

"But how... Im just a demon..." He frowned.

"Thats not the peter pan I see"he kissed you again.

"I love you too"

(A/n~ sorry if the grammar was bad... But hope it was good)


✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now