Peter pan imagine ~ jealous

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(Y/N): your name

Narrative p.o.v

You had been on Neverland for a little while now, got to know all the boys. You and felix were close but not as close as you and Peter. TinkerBell was the only your only other close friend too, next to felix. You could go to her about anything and she was always there when you needed her. Lately you felt frustrated mostly with this new Wendy girl. You didn't really hate her but you didn't like her either. You were mostly afraid of how close she was with all the boys and Peter considering what happened before with lily. (Just pretend you had a terrible past with lily) you didn't ever want to talk about it either.

"I don't know Tink not sure I really like Wendy I don't think she likes me either..." You realized Wendy probably didn't like you either and made sure you knew it.

"Why don't you try talking to her?" Tink pointed out. You weren't sure how you would because you liked peter and she probably did too.
"I don't know... She seems... Like she wants me gone or something. Like I did something horrible to her! Even though I've never really met her."
"Just try maybe shes not bad?" Tink suggested. "Ok.." You got up to go find Wendy to understand what her deal was.

You walked to the camp to see. When you had got there you saw all the lost boys dancing. You soon noticed peter sitting on a rock with Wendy next to him almost cuddled up to really close. You walked into camp and peter quickly noticed you. He nodded for you come over to them.
"(Y/N)! Come meet Wendy." He smiled. You walked over to the closest rock to them not the happiest... Wendy smiled at you and peter as he told you many things about her.
"One moment Im going to find my flute" peter got up and went off looking for his magical flute. As soon as he did Wendys cute little smile quickly turned to a annoyed disgusted glare.
"Alright listen here!" She sassed. You quickly turned confused.
"I know you like pan and its not hard to tell." You blushed straight faced in embarrassment and you bit your lip a little.
"BUT guess what!" She stood up. You slowly stood up as well.
"You will never have a chance because if he wanted you here he would have told you so." Oh she did NOT stop there!
"So back off I've noticed you lately trying to get him! But your just a salty bitch that no one likes only a stupid lost girl!"
"Umm Wendy..." You eyes went wide.
"No you listen to me! Stop acting like he likes you! Because guess WHAT!"
"Uhhh Wendy..." You pointed behind her trying to warn her.
"NO!, peter will choose me weather you like it or not! Im way prettier than you!" She finished.
"Wendy..." You widened your eyes still pointing behind you.
"WHAT!" She snapped.
"Turn around...." You felt a little bit guilty for her. She rolled her eyes.
"Oh ..." She became calm as peter was standing right behind her her eyes widened.
"Well cant say I didn't warn you..." You said awkwardly and walked away.
"Peter... Wait..." He became really SALTY with her by that I mean angry.
"Leave me alone.." He snapped at her. She defiantly regretted her words now. You walked into your tent flopped on your bed with tears.
"(Y/N)?......." A calm British voice you recognized you still laid there.... Sobbing..... Quietly.
"I know your in there please let me come in...." Peter asked again but you refused to let your self speak or let him in.
~~~~~~~Time skip to next day~~~

Narrative p.o.v

You woke up the next morning only to sit in a tree all day sharpening your arrows and knifes with an angry look plastered on your face.

Peters p.o.v

I couldn't believe the things I heard Wendy say last night. It made me angry. I looked for (Y/N) all day but she was nowhere to be found. But I did find TinkerBell!
"Hey tink do you know where (Y/N) went?" I asked desperately.
"No why???" She asked looking concerned as much as I was.
"Wendy said some things yesterday.. About her and I have no idea where she is."
"Oh right yes (Y/N) told me about that this morning no clue where she went off too after that." She went back to her work. I decided to go ask felix but on my way there I ran into Wendy.
"Peter can we talk?" She asked.
"No" I teleported past her.
"Why? Her!??" She yelled to me.
"Im so much better than she is!" I stopped.
"But she is worth much more to me than you ever will.." I kept walking. She scoffed. I quickly found felix.
"Felix! Wheres (Y/N)!" I demanded.
"Umuhhhhh I-I don't know...." I could tell he was hiding something. "I think you do" I crossed my arms. "Look she dose my even want to be found" I furrowed my eye brows looking him straight in the eye stepping closer threatening to use my magic. "Ok! ok! She went to your special tree" I quickly flew off into the air. I made it to the tree I found (Y/N) sharpening her arrows and knifes.

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I heard a sound of a leaf crunch and foot steps on the tree branch I was sitting on. It was peter I didn't make eye contact with him.
"(Y/N)?" He asked softly.
"What do you need?..." I asked still not making eye contact clearly annoyed.
"I came to see if you were ok" he put his hand on my shoulder.
"Why don't you ask Wendy you love her so much" I sneered.
"You honestly think I would after are that and when I've known you the longest." He raised his eyebrows.
"Well lately..." I shot back.
"No she could never replace you because I love you!" He stated. I finally made eye contact.
"Really?" I questioned not believing him.
"Yes I really do" he then put his lips against mine. This was a perfect moment.

An: love the cringe lol!!! ?? Hope you enjoyed it :3


✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now