Peter vs Newt (part 1)

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(Requested by maaiawaiwiri hope you enjoy it :3 I also used Y/N for the name but if you want I can change that also merry Christmas! Sorry this was late I've been bombarded with homework the whole last week so...)


Narrative p.o.v

No one is really sure how they got there I mean they're fairy tale stories but I mean storybrook am I right. I was a normal day on Neverland some would say but I guess things can change. It had been a few since they were all trapped together in this cursed maze.

~~~two days ago~~~

Maaia p.o.v

My eyes shot open as I gasped for air for a  moment I thought it was a bad dream but no. A blond boy with fluffy-Ish looking hair jumped into the metal box I was in.
He held his hand out for me as we climbed out I saw the lost boys all together in the crowed with the other boys. I saw peter and he looked afraid I could see it written all over his face.

I let go of the boy and ran over to peter hugging him for dear life "Are you ok love?" He asked pulling my body closer to him "yes what about you?" Asked looking deep in his eyes. Me and Peter weren't dating but we were really good friends I wish we were more... "I'm alright" we let go of each other gaining awkward stares from others. This placed seemed to be all boys just like Neverland I only saw one girl just a bit taller than me. She was brunette with blue eyes and a blue shirt and jeans (I don't remember what she was wearing ok...). She pushed the other boys through the crowed and made her way over we stood in front of each other. She was confused but surprised at the same time just like me "another girl?" A brunette boy walked over to us "not just a girl but more boys at the same time?" The boy that pulled me out of the box said. I looked over at peter who was as confused as the rest of us "well what are we doing just standing here get them cleaned up and fed!" Another guy who was brown said holding frying pans in his hand.

Everyone scattered around leaving me and peter and Felix alone "peter where are we?" I asked looking at the walls around us he stayed silent I looked at Felix for a response "don't ask me I don't know" he said walking away quietly to the others. "Must have been a portal failure..." he mumbled to himself "what?" I asked glaring at him "I said it must have been a failure in the portal!" He said again "how?" I asked worriedly "by the way you guys are kind of stuck here so...." a younger boy with curly hair said carrying bags and things walking away after. "Peter..." "Look Maaia I don't know ok! This isn't a place from our realm in fact it's not even from the other realm where fairly tale creatures exist!" He said sternly thinking. "Then what world are we in!" I whisper yelled. I looked over and saw the blond-ish guy from earlier glancing at us as the other brunette boy was. "In a world like storybrook but not that world- look I don't know Ok magic is magic!" My eyes widened "HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!" I threw my hands in the air noticing the two boys were listening. "I don't know Maaia! But you still have to follow my rules got it!" I rolled my eyes "yeah whatever" I sight leaning by a tree. I saw the blond boy looking at me with a sad look almost depressing until he walked away.

The brunette came over and knelt down in front of me "im Thomas and your in the glade also you might not remember your name for a few days so..." he said holding out his hand for me to shake "Maaia L/N" I shook his hand he looked shocked "what?" I ask led looking behind me. "You remember your name already? Do you remember anything else" he asked curious looking at me then the blond boy. Come to think of it that blond boy looked sort of familiar "um yeah I come from- you wouldn't believe me" he grinned sitting next to me "try me" I sight "I come from Neverland" he laughed a little I glared "sorry sorry it's just a weird name" he said we both stood up "yeah..." I started to go look for peter.

✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now