Robbie kay ~ when we met

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;Y/N): your name
A/n: sorry if this is supper terrible and cringy....... Also you guys can request if you want. Anyway hope you like it!
(Note that you and Robbie are kids right now)

Narrative p.o.v

You were in class and trying to focus on what my your teacher was saying. But you were distracted. Three girls that hated were sitting behind you throwing crumbled up pieces of paper with notes.
"Please!!! Stop!!"you whisper yelled at them.
"Shut up you freak were trying to pay attention!!!!" The giggled you just rolled your eyes.
"GIRLS pay attention please!" The teacher yelled. The three girls started flirting with Robbie my crush. They knew I liked him and it bothered me they would just put me down about it. I looked at one of the notes they threw at me.
It read,
No one likes you loser! Everyone hates you! Besides its not like you have friends.

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I could feel the tears building up in my eyes. The bell rang all I could do was just sit there in my salty tears. I felt a tap on my shoulder I quickly wiped my tears away and saw Robbie looking at me with a concerned face.
"Are you ok?" He asked putting his hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah... Im fine..." I wasn't sure what say.
"I saw the notes they were writing.... You shouldn't believe them." Dose he actually care?.....
"Why would you care anyway... We never talked you never bothered to notice me anyway." I got out of the chair starting walking to the hallway.
"Because! Ive heard the stuff they say to you.. And I do care I care about you!" He stood in front me. 
"Really?" I questioned with a small smile of hope.
"I really do" he smiled. After that we spent the rest of the day hanging out and becoming good friends.

Narrative p.o.v
You and Robbie have been becoming great friends for years since then.

~~~years later~~~~

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I finished unpacking my stuff in my new house because I am now eighteen. I took a break and decided to watch my favourite show once upon a time. I had finished season one and two I was now on season three at the part were everyone was travelling to Neverland the latest episode.
I got comfortable in comfortable clothes and popcorn and a cup of water of course at the moment all I had was plastic cups. I turned on the tv and started watching. As I was just getting into the episode... My eyes widened as I saw someone I recognized... It was Robbie Kay one my closest friend. I froze for a moment and dropped my cup of water.
"Oh crap...." I got up to get a towel then I got a phone call.
"Hey honey!" I heard my mom say really excited about something.
"Hey mom whats up!" I replied while cleaning my mess.
"I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to come over for dinner we have a guest that I think you might wanna see..!" She explained.
"Ok cool sure!"
"Ok sweetie see you later" then she hung up on me thanks mom.

After a few hours I got ready and headed to my parents house. My mom greeted me at the door and gave me a big hug.
"Mom..." "Yes ...." "I need to breath..." She let go and I caught me breath from the long hug. I walked in and saw the food of course typical me.
"(Y/N)!! Come here please" my mom cheered. I walked over and say Robbie and his sisters and his parents. He smiled at me surprised to see me. They all left me and Robbie alone.
"Its been a while.." I awkwardly said starting a conversation.
"Yeah I missed you" he smiled I blushed.
"Yeah, hey why didn't you tell me you were an actor!?? And for how long!" He chuckled.
"Sorry.... I was and ever since I was little, but I also wanted you to know me before you knew me..." He spoke.
"Aw I still would have wanted to get to know you" I blushed. Robbie looked like he wanted to tell me something. But then we had to go eat.

~~~time skip to after the dinner~~

I was standing outside on the porch thinking about how much I loved Robbie and still do. I wasn't sure if I should tell him. I felt two pairs of arms rapped around my waist it was Robbie.
"Hey" I said.
"(Y/N) I need to tell you something" he said looking serious.
"I should have told you before that I like you... And ever since the first time we became friends but I got feelings for you and I still have them..." He laughed a bit staring into my eyes. Me staring back at his. Gosh they were amazing eyes.
"What Im trying to say is I love you" he held my hands.
"Thank god Because I feel the same way!" I blushed and so did he. "I love you Robbie Kay" we both leaned in. His lips were on mine moving perfectly.
"I love you too" we kissed again.


A/n: hope this ones ok. Oh the cringe lol.


✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now