Peter pan ~ hooks little girl Pt. 1/3

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(A/n: soooo I know updates are slow and stuff but I'm sorry...)


Y/n's p.o.v

As me, my father and his crew sailed the seas searching for a way away out of Neverland I stared out at the water, watching the small waves. I thought about what I wanted and I wasn't sure the pirate life was the life I wanted anymore... It sounded exciting at first but once I figured out what my father really does it's hard to picture myself being one of them. I'm not saying they're all cruel but my father was when he wanted to be.

I felt someone's presence next to me, it was hook. He looked at me questionably as he watched my facial expressions change every two minutes.

"What are you thinking about love?" He asked leaning on the side of the boat. I struggled to find the words to tell him what I was feeling because I didn't want to hurt his feelings.

"Nothing just blankly staring at the water" I replied avoiding his gaze. He could tell something was off but he didn't question it.

The sun was beginning to set and the waters became rough and smooth sailing was no more, rain started to pour and the crew began to prep for a stormy night. Something inside me felt off... was it fear, sadness, boredom or suspicion? I thought to myself as I walked back over to the edge of the boat leaning against the wooden railing.

I saw something in the distance... a dark figure that looked like a black blob. I grabbed my mini telescope and looked closer at the floating object. It was a boat. I furrowed my eyebrows in suspicion and squinted my eyes out at the sea as I noticed the waters became calm and silent and the rain turned into a shower that wasn't really rain. I looked into the telescope again to the see that the little boat that was out there was floating towards us with six people rowing. Wait a minute... those aren't just people I thought to myself. I quickly latched on to my dagger gripping it tightly as I knew the danger that was heading towards us fast.

"Lost boys..." I whispered letting out a small gasp under my breath as I pulled out the mini daggar my father got me for my fourteenth birthday. You could hear the sound of the metal gliding along the holster as I pulled out my knife. I ran around the boat eagerly looking for my father to warn him.

"DAD!?" I shouted across the boat awaiting his response.

"Killian?!" I tried again but no answer. I saw mr.smee in the corner of my eye and walked fast over to him to see if he knew where my father had gone too.

"Mr. Smee where's my father?" I asked.

"I his office" he replied questioningly. Before he could say anything else I walked away.

"EVERYONE GRAB YOUR WEAPONS! LOST BOYS ARE HEADED OUR WAY!" I shouted and everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and pulled out there weapons. I opened the door to under the boat and ran down the stairs alerting my father.

"Lost boys! There coming for us..." I said taking a deep breath waiting for him to react.

"Help the men defend I will join you up there in a second love." He said rummaging through his drawers.

"What are you doing?"

"Just get up there y/n!"

I did as I was told and just in time I made my way to the main deck as I watched the lost boys aboard our ship. The first one to hop on up was Felix and his crazy irritating smirk of evil. The rest of the lost boys joined him as they held out there weapons too.

"You know why we're here" Felix laughed as he paced around the main deck while everyone cautiously held out there weapons making sure he wasn't going to do anything.

"Do you have the kid?" He asked sternly.

"No" I replied.

"Are you sure about that"

Everyone eyes widened and giant gasps escaped their lips at the sound of his voice, the British little genius leader of the group, Peter Pan. I looked over to see him standing behind Felix as he approached me carefully but confidently. Beafires small head appeared around the corner.

"Get the boy!" Pan instructed and his boys obeyed. Everyone immediately attacked our enemy's. No matter what we wouldn't hand over bealfire ever.

I took a swing at pan only for him to teleport behind me and slice me in the back with his little dagger. I moaned in pain as I fell to the ground. Peter let out a small demonic chuckle. I got up and ran the blade of my dagger straight against his cheek causing him to bleed. Pan furrowed his eyebrows in anger and flew up to the top of the boat.

I climbed the roaps to the top as I did this is saw beafire about to be attacked and stolen. I did the quickest thing I could think of and that was to swing on the lose road kicking the boy off the boat into the water saving bealfire.

"Bealfire find somewhere to hide and grab a weapon to protect yourself!" I shouted at the boy as I began to climb the roads again. He nodded his head and ran down inside the boat. I met Pan up at the top of sails and carefully stood up of them keeping my balance steady so I wouldn't fall. Pan had a sly smirk on his face as he tilted his head towards me.

"How have you been y/n" he chuckled. I kept myself silent and lunged at him. Lifting my dagger I made an attempt to puncture him right in the face except my knife got caught in the wood.

"Ooo so close" he taunted as he lifted his knee causing me to flip over and grab the pole of the sail.

"Looks like you've got a little situation" He laughed. Just before pan could do anything Killian stepped in.

"Stay away from my daughter Pan!" He shouted. I took this to advantage and pulled myself up back on the sail. right before I knew it Pan was right behind me. I quickly turned around and punched him in the face successfully. Hook came at him with his sword.

This fight lasted a few minutes and neither of us were winning. I felt a hand wrap around my waist and another held a knife to my throat.

"Drop the dagger darling" pan whispered into my ear. Hooks eyes widened as he held his sword down. I did as I was told knowing I ha don choice and dropped my dagger.

"She comes with me!" Pan shouted.

"No let her go she has nothing to do with this pan!" My father attempted to make things better but I knew there was no point. I thought about all my options but nothing seemed to work in this scenario no matter how many times I imagined it.

"She comes with me or all your men die including the boy!" Pan threatened.

"Dad... just let me go..." I pleaded.

"Bealfire needs you, he needs your help more than me! I can take care of myself he can't. Not against them and not on his own" I tried to reason hoping I could get through to him to ensure no more blood was spilled.

"Do what she says hook" pan encouraged. I could tell Killian was debating about this even though it didn't matter someone would die at the hands of me or pan or bealfire.


"This shouldn't even be a discussion..." a tear drop fell from my eyes knowing this could be the last time I would ever him or the crew. But this is what I wanted right? Now I wasn't even really sure. But I defiantly didn't want to be with pan and his band of thugs.

"Let me make this easier" pan rolled his eyes and levitated in the air lifting his dagger aiming it towards my chest.


(A/n: WOOO part 1)


✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now