Peter pan ~ Evil meets Evil

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(A/n: thank you guys sooooo much for 3k reads it means a lot! And thanks to @Bourg92_Kay95 for this awesome idea and for letting me use it 👍🏼)


The land of Neverland was quiet the wind blew threw the trees. But the camp was full of dancing boys except for one peter pan.

Narrative p.o.v

"What do you want from us!" (Y/N) chuckled at the poor woman's cries for answers as she the lady knelt on the ground. (Y/N) laughed evilly igniting a ball of fire in her palms. "I believe your village owes me money!" She created a smug face Regina stood behind her pleased at her daughters actions. "Please... Y- You t-took t-the last o-of it" Regina and (Y/N) looked at each other plotting what would happen next "then were is snow white?! Give away her place and Il let you go" she grinned Regina nodded a disappeared in a cloud of smoke. No response (Y/N) raised her ball of fire and through it at a hut. "Il only ask one more time WHERE IS SNOW WHITE!" She raised her voice more sternly. A boy wearing a black cloak came out of the shadows "I know where she is" he lifted his hood and revealed his face. "WELL!.. do my eyes deceive me? Or is the famous peter pan standing in front of me!?" He smug face re-appeared "Then you know what I can do to people who cross me" he smirked pulling out his dagger and his floating in the air. "You cant be as bad as me" (Y/N) laughed "Ahhh the daughter of the evil queen!" A shocked look spread across his face. "Then you must know Im much worse" A white light glowed around (Y/N)'s body as black poison shards formed in the light. She lifted both her hands up in front of her magnetizing the poisoned shards forming a black steel sword. Pan came back to the ground "what would the coward himself be doing in the enchanted forest?" She wheeled her sword "Looking for lost boys but now... Proving to a naive little girl that no one is more powerful than me!" (Y/N)'s eyes burned with fire as anger boiled up in her blood, adrenaline rushing through her vanes. "Oh I assure you Im quite far from naive" she created a fireball again and lit her sword up on fire. The poison lingered from the tip of the blade. "Prove it!" Pan grinned. (Y/N) stabbed her sword into the ground causing a crack to form. The impact causes peter to stumble to the ground. Everyone watching was frightened as the clutched on to each other. "That the best you got?" Pan raised his had using his magic to creat waves of magic for (Y/N) to fly back. She acted fast using her sword to block the impact still slightly moving back. "Don't get to cocky! Little boy" she mimicked. She magnetized more of her poison magic shards creating an army of blotches of them firing them at Pan he used his magic to block them he smirked. They both charged at each other using there weapons to fight and occasional magic.

Finally (Y/N) levitated pan throwing him into one of the huts. "Please your magic is nothing compared to mine! All these people are more afraid of me" she laughed evilly walking closer to pan. He struggled a little bit to get up "I know you know were snow white is! Your going to tell me!" She held a knife to his neck "not until you admit that Im more evil!" "Sorry bud but its in my jeans you know who my mother is" She defended "Well then I guess you will just have to find snow white yourself for the rest of eternity" he stated "HA you cant bait me you fool!" She laughed "A fool for you" he flirted (Y/N) rolled her eyes "not buying it" she place her hand on her hips "Fine" he marched over to her "Then I guess you will just have to except this" "Wha-" she was cut of as Peter place his lips on hers. They pulled apart and (Y/N) was left surprised as she couldn't move "dream shade darling no one can beat it no one can beat me" he smirked. Her facial expression didn't show it but she was mad. "But! The kiss was good.." He winked and teleported away. (Y/N) unfroze "ughhhhhhhh" with that she teleported away to the castle.

(A/n: I know what your thinking..... ULTIMATE cringe XD guys
sorry lol oh yeah don't forget to keep being awesome)


✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now