Peter pan ~ wedding?

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(Thanks for 1k reads :D by the way I wrote this really late at night sooo)

Your p.o.v

I was standing outside my balcony gazing at the stars enjoying the warm breeze of the night.
"Sweetie are you alright?" I heard my mother the queen asking.
"Yes mother" I lied giving her a soft smile. My mother was forcing me to marry someone that I didn't love. He was a prince and rich and our kingdom was poor we needed the money. Sure the man was nice but I did not love him I love someone no one would ever expect.
"Honey I know you don't want this but we need this" my mother stood next to me.
"Are you sure thats the reason..." I held my head down.
"What do you mean?" She put her hand on my shoulder.
"Are you sure you don't just want me to marry this prince because of who I truly love and you just don't like him." I simply spoke.
"Darling no one likes that boy you somehow managed to love! He is no good for you! He is a demon! Sinister and he would break your heart" my mother snapped.
"His name is peter pan and you don't know him you never met him like I have!" I shouted. Yes peter pan he is whom I fell in love with I truly got to know him and we became close and soon we had a secret relationship which I wish we could keep.
"Clearly she doesn't like me" I heard pan chuckle. That laugh and smile made me melt. I started to tear up I've known peter for too long ever since I was a child. I started to cry.
"Don't worry love everything will be ok I promise" he whipped my tears away.
"I wish I didn't have to do this.." I sobbed.
"Me either..." We smiled at each other for a moment.

~~~next day~~~

I woke up stressed not wanting this wedding to take place today nor at all. I finished getting ready I took the bouquet of pink roses and headed down the isle with me father. Well here goes nothing. I stood up in front of the groom my soon to be husband. Minutes passed by and it became the time for the I do's and stuff.
"Do you prince (whatever you wanna name him) take (Y/N) to be your wife?" I stood with a slight frown in my face.
"I do" he spoke. "Do you (Y/N) take (princes name) to be your husband?" I thought long and hard and no I didn't want him.
"Sorry but I have to go..." I ran out of the castle my parents tried stopping me but I knew my way around the place to well. I saw peter sitting on a rock with a sad face.
"Peter!" He turned around and his sad face turned into smile.
"Take me to Neverland" I smirked.
"I love you (Y/N)" he held my waist so we can fly.
"I love you too" I kissed him we then flew to Neverland.

(A/n: terrible ending I know XD but yeah I don't know for some reason the first part with pan hit the sad feels •_• idk I'm weird sorry its short I wrote this at a late time)


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