Peter pan ~ hooks little girl pt.2/3

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(A/n: Ayee thanks guys for 30k reads! Also sorry for being so inactive lately...)


Y/n's p.o.v

I woke up in a small wooden cage, little specs of light were sealing through the cracks of the wooden sticks. It felt like I was dangling from somewhere high, I couldn't figure out what.

A sharp pain ran through my head as I sat up in the walking cage. For a moment I was confused... why am I here? How did I get here? What the hell is going on? I thought to myself as I jerked my head around the my tiny cage.

Then I remembered I was fighting with Pan along side my father. Then I also remembered getting stabbed in the chest. Only... I wasn't stabbed in the chest. I lifted my hand up to my chest feeling for a stab wound. But there wasn't one, Peter Pan spared my life, why...?

I searched my cloak and pockets for knives or any other weapons, my sword was gone that meant my other weapons I hid in my clothing was gone too.

Suddenly my cage hit the ground rapidly and harshly.

"Ugh!" I groaned as I hit the ground. My face hit the cold and dirty ground as well as the rest of my body.

"Open it up" I heard a muffled voice on the other side of this cage.

A bright light hit my face like a stone wall. As soon as my eyes adjusted to the brightness of the sun, a tall-short further was standing over top of me.

"Well hello love" his demonic voice was sharp and venomous, it sent shivers down my spine. Pan bent down to my level with his signature devilish smirk. His green eyes pierced through my y/e/c ones.

"Welcome back" he chuckled standing back up.

I struggled on the ground trying to break free of the ropes that held my hands back, binding them together. I used as much energy as I could to break free of the tightening ropes.

"The more you struggle the more you'll bleed" he spoke in a serious tone.

"Felix bring y/n to the camp" he said walking away from me and the three other lost boys that stood with him.

Everything in my view went dark and all I could see now was a dark brown fabric. Barely and light was peaking in the sack that was placed over my head.


It felt like it had been hours since I last saw the light of day and when the sack was yanked off my head. And I thought... how pointless that was, I mean I knew this place like the back of my hand. Besides what could I do, I wasn't no magical being, just a pirate.

It was now dark out and all I could see were the flames of the bonfire going wild. Lost boys were dancing around it, like usual. Felix was watching me from afar and two lost boys stood next to me.

"You're seriously stupid" I chuckled at Pan watching his face fall into confusion.

"I already knew where your camp was" I said breaking away from my laugh.

"You know we could have avoided all of this" pan spoke sitting down on a log in front of me. He was so calm and determined for something.

"If you had just handed bealfire over to me" he said folding his hands together.

"I know he's not the kid you want, I know who you want" I replied.

"Oh really"

"You want Henry Mills" I said with a challenging grin. Pan sat there silently and definitely surprised that I knew who his target was, for his selfish ways.

✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now