Peter pan~back (requested by xLoveDovex)

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(Imagine requested by xLoveDovex)

(An: NO freakin way 2k reads honestly thats a lot to me thank you guys so much I hope you enjoy what your reading :3 imagine requested by @xLoveDovex and sorry this took so long but i hope its not confusing.. Enjoy!)

Trinity's p.o.v

Emma Swan, Hook, Neil, Regina, snow and charming and rumplestiltskin had saved henry from Neverland. Which made me happy but then again there was still him... Peter pan my father had died because he tried to take henrys heart but they had taken it back. Leaving him to die thats a lot to take in for a 13 year old girl. "Are you alright?" Bell asked.
"Im not sure..." She pulled me into a hug giving me a sympathetic look.everyone came up to me and hugged me. "Were glad your ok trinity" Regina spoke softly to me. 

The night went by slowly and we were all sitting in granny's celebrating that henry was safe. But something feels off I don't know if its just me. My thoughts were interrupted by someone sitting next to me. Rumple came and sat next to us. "How are my two favourite people" bell smiled. You see Rumple is my bother and I haven't seen him for a long time considering I lived on Neverland most of my life with my father Peter pan lets just say there was a lot of unwanted tension.

~~~time skip to the next day~~~

Everyone had figured out pans shadow had killed the blue fairy just now but how? It was trapped and someone must now be controlling it. It couldn't have been pan he was locked up  in the pandora box. Everyone stood sad over the blue fairy as they covered her body. Regina and henry came rushing over "what the hell happened!?" Regina asked. "Shadow it killed her" charming stood up. "Pans shadow? I trapped it on the sail!" Regina replied in confusion. "Yeah well it got free" Emma added. We were all confused. Neil suggested they go back to the ship and get the candle. Emma was sure pan was behind this but its impossible he is trapped... My dad is gone. "So he can still hurt me?!" Henry shook. Everyone reassured him he would be fine but something was off especially with henry. Regina took henry with her to protect him Emma gave a confused look. I was now starting to get creeped out so I decided to head to golds shop while he was about to go out with bell. I saw them all talking I walked over to them. They were talking about the box they wanted to open it. Rumple didn't want to because pan was dangerous. I didn't know what happened to him and pan
Until they arrived in Neverland my heart broke because this whole time I never knew I had a brother.  Rumple finally gave in and we headed to the town line. Rumple let pan out of the box over the line while emma held a gun pointing at the confused pan. "Please don't hurt him" I asked emma scared of what was about to happen. She asked him personal questions only henry would know. Turns out pam switched the bodies out that means pan wasn't dead! I ran off to find peter. "Trinity! Where are you going?" I heard rumple shout. "Shes going to find pan!" Emma said shocked "trinity don't!" I heard Emma shout about to chase me. I ignored them both.

I soon found peter walking in town with by the looks of it with a curse assuming he was looking for the rest of us. He must have heard me walking over cause he looked up and saw me. "I know its you peter!" I walked up to him. "Trinity..." He said walking more towards me and hugged me. "Why?" I asked him. "BECAUSE they left me for dead so all I could do is switch with henry so I wouldn't get trapped in that box! So I CAN save us!" I wasn't sure how to respond. "But there my friends you cant put this curse on them please!" "Im sorry trinity its whats needs to be done!"
"I don't believe that!"
"I do..." "
"Try forgiving them! Especially Rumple he deserves it!" Pan held the curse close to the ground looking down debating on what he should do.
"Ok" he dropped the curse. "I will for you" I could tell he meant it.  I saw his body magically turn back to himself. Then everyone stood next to each other with Rumple running up to us with anger. I could see henry back to himself.
"STEP AWAY TRINITY!" He yelled gritting his teeth.
"NO rumple wait!" I stood in front. He used his magic to levitate me aside harsh fully.
"Rumple my boy..." He spoke.
"No pan theres nothing thats going to stop me!" He had his arms around pan ready to kill him and himself.
"Please rumple don't!" I yelled.
"Im sorry rumple I wronged you! We can start again!" He has tears in his eyes. Rumple took out his knife. Tears stung my eyes.
"YOU PUT MY FAMILY IN DANGER!" Before he could stab him. "Rumple wait!" I held his hand away from what was about to happen.
"He only wanted to keep me safe Im the one that needed the heart..." Rumples face softened as he looked at me. Before I left Neverland with the gang( I'm to lazy to write all their names XD I'm sorry.) regina managed to save me.
"Please my boy! I am sorry!" He pleaded one more time. Rumple backed away. Peter gave me a hug almost suffocating me. Everyone stood their saddened.  "Thank you" I mouthed to Rumple who had small tears in his eyes with a little anger left on his face.

It had been a day since peter 'returned' all day he was trying to apologize to everyone. Soon The charmings forgave him except for Emma obviously she kept tabs on him. Regina was hesitant to forgive him. Actually everyone was.
"Hey" peter came up to me.
"Papa" I hugged him. He handed me a small box. Inside was a necklace with the letter T for Trinity and P for peter pan.
"For you so you will never forget me." I smiled up at him.
"Thank you" the rest of the evening was celebrating at granny's of henry actually coming back.

(I hope you liked it! Again sorry for making you wait so long. Vote? Comment?  //and keep being awesome//)


✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now