Robbie kay ~ too late you cheated

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(A/n: Thank you guys so much for 11k reads it means that what I'm writing is good and you guys got some reason like it lol anyways here the chapter and I am so sorry about my procrastination 😂 also this one a short I'm sorry) (idea of Y/N surprising Robbie at work: Animebae12343)


Y/N's p.o.v

I was on my way to visit my boyfriend Robbie he's playing Peter Pan in once upon a time so I thought I'd stop by to bring him some coffee something he'd been wanting for a while. I grabbed my bag and keys and headed out the door. I got into my car and started driving.

After I had gotten to the nearest Starbucks because that's the closest place to go I started driving to the set he was at.

I walked in to a see a grumpy receptionist tapping away at a key board with her face in her screen. "I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N)" she groaned "go ahead" she nodded pursing her red lips rolling her eyes at me behind the glass of her brown glasses. I walked around looking for Robbie but there was no sign of him anywhere. "Oh hey Jennifer do you know where Robbie is?" I asked the blond woman that played the Emma swan "um? I think I saw him go to his trailer you can check there" she smiled I thank And we both went our separate ways. I walked up to his trailer and nocked on his door softly *knock *knock *knock "Robbie?" I called out softly I heard the sound of two whispering voices "babe you in there?" I called "I got coffee" I slightly laughed I heard the faint whisper of a girls voice and a males but there was no response. Which made me suspicious, after one final knock the door opened slightly making a cringy creeping rusty sound. I walked in to see the thing I wished I never saw "you know you should really lock your doors when your trying to keep secrets" I chimed in on peter and Laura(made up) making out. Laura was on top of him half naked but It was obvious what was going on. Laura gasped and Robbie's eyes went wide "(Y/N)!..." I ran out of his trailer with tears in my eyes. I thought this would never happen he promised to keep my heart safe and to never hurt me!

How could I not have seen it he has been distant... "Y/N! Wait let me explain" He grabbed my wrist turning me to face him only for me to slap him causing him to let go "fuck You Robert!" I yelled walking away again. With a mix of anger and sadness running through my vaines. "Please it's not what it looks like! Let me explain!" He tried catching up to me but I kept waking. He said he would never hurt me he promised to keep my heart safe... he told me he would never cheat on me... he gave me a promis ring that was now on the ground because I chucked it there. All the good memory's we had and the best ones ran through my brain. But it didn't matter now it made sense now... I can't blame him now because I have the cancer I will die soon and he will have to move on anyway. He wanted to be there for me but I know what we are now to him I'm just some girl he used to know.

Robbie's p.o.v ~~~one year later~~~

I sat in the dim and dark depressing house I once shared with Y/N. The thunder cracked from outside and the rain kept pouring harder. I kept the bottle next to me drinking away the pain I was depressed. Every time I look at this place I remember her and pain floods my body... she died thinking I cheated when it was all Laura I did nothing I couldn't get her off me she was like glue. And now the bottle was glued to my hand.

I walked to my kitchen throwing the bottle in the sink drowning in my own tears "daddy?" I heard my sons soft voice the son that belonged to me and Y/N she gave him life before she died. She gave him life when we were together and happy "Are you ok?" He asked peaking around the corner I gave him a small smile "yes Felix(I thought Felix deserved a break because he's always getting abused mentally and physically in all my Peter Pan imagines...) "I can't sleep..." he said speed walking over to me hugging my leg. I picked him up in my arms walking to his room putting him back in his bed "don't worry dad isn't going anywhere" he squeezed my hand. I sat by his bed before he fell asleep.

(A/n: sorry this was short... I hope it was still good, more imagines are coming and so ideas you guys want me to write so I shall create them for you :3 don't be afraid to request if you want, and keep being awesooooome!)


✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now