Peter pan ~ no way

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A/n: ok people so hopefully this is good because I need some ideas please comment for a request if you wanna.

Narrative p.o.v

You were walking around the village in the enchanted forest(note: I do know the other places they've been but I forget the names) looking for a place to stay and to find food. But your luck just wasn't that great... You could feel people looking at you and whispering rumours.
"Oh my lord look at that mess.." You heard one person speak. The only thing you really had was a bow and arrows (or any weapon) a cloak clothing. (don't worry your not roaming around naked I just felt the need to point that out...).

Your p.o.v

I hated this no one wanted a poor unfortunate teen with no money to stay anywhere. So many thoughts about this were swarming my brain. Until I felt a tallish figure bump into me.
"What WHERE your going!!!" A disgusted look upon a girls face as she spoke.
"I-Im s-sorry.." I replied to her. She came closer to me.
"Who do you think your talking to and just ran into!" She was angry now. I wasn't sure how to reply even though I knew.
"HENRY!!!" She yelled more like demanded.
"Yes cora?" The man henry asked.

(Yes I know what you are probably thinking.. Maybe not... But just imagine🙌🏻 and go with this think of the time when cora became queen)

"This servant girl was being disrespectful to me! The queen!" She was now really angry at least she sounded like it. I still was not sure what to say or do I was just tired.
"GUARDS..!!" Henry demanded. They all surrounded me. I pulled out my bow and threatened to shoot them with it. They pulled there swords out and we were all fighting by this point. I almost shot everyone except for one who knocked me out.

I woke up in a jail sell I heard some guards and cora having a conversation.
"When shall we execute her?" One of the guards said assuming they were talking about me.
"Tomorrow"she simply said and walked away.

The next day one of the guards came in and took me out of my cage. In the corner of my eyes I saw a male green figure with his arms crossed but then he disappeared. They tied me up to a stone wall. I just looked at her with disgusted and anger like really I just barely bumped into her. She a grin on her face while the guard pulled back the arrow to shoot me with my own bow savages... I closed my eyes embracing my fate.
"So sorry to crash the party" a boy standing right in front of me with the arrow he had caught in front of me. Smirking at me coras face soon turned into a angry expression.
"Oh sorry am I late?!" He acted clueless.
"Cora took the bow and Amed it at the boy. Now that I think about it he was my age and rather attractive.
"Oh you know that wont work on me" he chuckled. She pulled the arrow back.
"Leave peter! This has nothing to do with you"She threatened.
"I come for someone important to me I shall take her with me and you know what happens when someone try's to threaten me" he smirked I wonder who he's here for? He turned towards me with that same smirk I recognized him peter pan I knew him but paths crossed once or twice.. I returned the smirk nodding my head no way. Soon enough he appeared right beside me and my hands were unbound. We both teleported in the air outside the castle his arm was around my waist holding me in the air we were flying.
"Why?" Was all I managed.
"Because I cant lose someone I love" he leaned in slowly than his lips were on mine. His arms wrapped around my waist my around his neck. Our lips were moving in sync then I realized we were still flying.
"Umm peter.." I whispered.
"Yes love?" He looked at me.
"Were still flying.." I pointed out.
"Right.." He blushed as we made it to camp.

A/n: thanks for 500 reads never actually though I would get that much
:3 also feel free to request (also sorry if this made you cringe that your future children could feel it)


✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now