Robbie kay ~ drunk confessions (requested by Kathplaa)

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(A/n: request by KathPlaa ! Enjoy and go check her out shes
Warning: swearing

Narrative p.o.v

You were standing your locker getting ready for your next class putting the books you didn't need away. "Hahahaha!" You heard the sound of laughter coming from the girls they called popular but bitchy. Only one boy caught your attention, Robbie Kay he was the cute popular stereotype guy that everyone loved. You jerked your head away when you realized you were staring as he caught you but didn't look away. As he was amazed by your beauty.

Kathleen's p.o.v

"Hey!" My thoughts were interrupted by my best friend Emily (totally not me... *cough *cough *cough not at all...) "hey" I smiled at her "are you coming to the party tonight?" She asked curious. "I don't know..." I sight slamming my locker shut. "You should!!! Maybe you will him" she wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

I walked away laughing as I rolled my eyes it didn't take long for her to follow. "Come on! It would be fun!" She tried boosting my confidence "I- I just... Don't want to see her..." I took a deep breath "who? Amanda? Ugh please she's just another jerk! Who cares!!!" She threw her hands in the air. (Sorry if your names Amanda) I stood there debating it as she gave me the... Puppy dog eyes... "Fine!".

~~~after school/ late at night~~~

I finished doing my hair and everything else that's needed. "Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh HURRY UP KAT!" Em shouted from outside my window waiting by the car. "COMING!" I replied.

I walked outside to the car "finally" she rolled her eyes getting inside the car. I took the passenger side. We then drove to the party.

When we got there the house was full of people. The music blasted loud through the echoey halls. We walked over to the table full of food. Em looked at me with a plead "what?" I asked. She pointed to a brunette sort of tall with brown eye. It was her boyfriend Tom (Tom holland💕 hehe...) "fine" "Yesss" she went running over to hug him from behind then he turned around and kissed her. Makes me wish I had someone like that. I looked down at my drink now awkwardly alone "hey" I heard a male voice behind me (when you realize robbie and tom are the same age and both British.... And ends up making sense. •_• ok il shut up now). "Hey" my heart beaded faster "your alone?" He slurred a little "um... Actually my friend was here a few minutes ago" I set my drink down "well a beautiful girl like you shouldn't be alone" he held out his hand I gave him a confused look "come" he kept he's hand out "oh? Okay..." I took his hand ad he brought me to the backyard were the outside dangling lights shinned on the porch. I felt awkward "beautiful?" I blurted out questioning what he said two minutes ago. "Yeah" he replied sheepishly putting his hands in his pockets. "Why though?" I didn't really see myself the same "because you are" he pointed out almost fumbling over. "I like you" he admitted I stood shocked "you what?" I asked surprised as soon as he realized what he said he covered his mouth "Rob you have a girlfriend" I whispered "yeah sorry Im just... Drunk, what am I doing?" he put his hand to his forehead squinting his eyes shut. He ran back inside. Part of me was a bit confused but crushed at the same time.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek, I went back inside to go find Emily. When I found her I pulled on her wrist "Hey! Whats wrong" I cried a little how could I be so stupid. "Can we just leave!!" I asked wanting to desperately leave "yeah sure" she grabbed the keys and we headed out.

~~next day~~

I stood by my locker thinking about what happened last night. I actually almost fell for his lies I knew he couldn't like me back. I saw him run up to me, I slammed my locker shut angry walking away. "Kathleen wait!" He grabbed my wrist "leave me alone" I yanked away.

"Kat ever since the second grade, I always thought you were beautiful and kind! We used to be best friends you were my best friend! I could always count on you." I stood there in shock of his words "do you remember the time when we were little. And that rude boy Adam was bullying me, well you stood up for me! And all the times when I was rejected for movie rolls, you made me feel better! Thats when I realized I liked you... I meant what I said yesterday! But I was scared to tell you the truth" he looked down. I pulled him into a hug it was actually cute he was scared to tell me. "I love you too" I whispered in his ear "I love you kat" he whispered back. "AWWWWWWWW" I jerked my head behind me to see Emily fangirling. "YASSSSS MY SHIP SAILD! Its about fucking time!" I face palmed and blushed hard as Tom and Robbie laughed "really Em!?" I chuckled embarrassed "yes" she smirked.

(A/n: welp this was crap •_• anyways hope you liked it Kathleen! Hehe... And keep being awesome guys!)


✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now