Peter pan ~ Demon

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(This is a request for @NeverlandBeliever  Hope you enjoy it! /and that I got your user name right...../Also don't read it if you feel you will get triggered)


Allie's p.o.v

I felt sand underneath my body. The cold smooth feeling of water brushed against half of my body. I opened my eyes.
"Where am I?" I looked around all I saw were land mountains, trees and the ocean by the looks of it in the middle of no where.  Until a boy appeared in front of me. I knew he looked evil so it was best I kept my mouth shut after all I did know who he was. He came closer to me with his usual smirk and yanked me up. We walked in the forest until he threw me in the cage. All I could do now is sit in loneliness.
"Felix I need you to keep and eye on her!" He yelled. Who's felix...? I thought to myself. The felix guy came at pans request. I sat back 'this is gonna be a long night' I said in my head.

A long time passed and I got to know felix we became close. On the other hand me and pan.. Actually I don't even know whats going on with us he has good moments with me but the others it feels like I'm trapped in a total nightmare. Pan came by and yanked me out of his cage.
"Your going to learn how to be a lost boy! You are now going to train" pan handed me his sword and took out his dagger. I took the sword he swung his dagger close to my face.
"Fight back" ha said and gave me an evil smirk. I swung my sword at him barely slicing his face. We fought a good two minutes as if it was a simple game but I was the one getting hurt the most.  Until I finally cut his face he was angry now. He used his magic and flung me at a tree as he was walking away. Felix came rushing towards me.
"Are you ok Allie!?!!" He asked with pure worry on his face. I gave him a reassuring nod even though I wasn't. Felix was looking straight at me in the eyes.
"Why am I even here if he doesn't want me to be..." I held my head down felix lifted my chin up.
"I mean whats the point..." I kept on. Soon his lips were on mine. I couldn't tell if I wanted this or not.
"Bloody hell!" Pan came angrily walking over to us.  Felix back up. Peter grabbed my wrist throwing me the ground I could feel myself laying on the cold hard ground. He bent down my to my level.
He glared pure demonic evil in his eyes. He kicked my stomach I rolled on my back in pain. He levitated me with magic and flung me to a tree again. Hey where the hell did felix go? Peter punched my gut three times I whimpered.
"You belong to me" I looked up with tears in my eyes all I could see in his was hatred and a demon thats all he was. He had his signature evil smirk. All I could manage to say was..
"W-wh-y?..." My breath was week. He kicked me over again. But then he just left me there. I ran up to him attempting to punch him out but he caught my wrist and through me to the ground again. I sat there curled up in a ball wishing for a way home.

(A/n: Hope this was good  @NeverlandBeliever
btw thanks for 700 reads :) Im tryin people)


✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now