Peter pan ~ whats up with you lately?

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(A/n: hey guys thanks for 1k reads i feel so happy tbh never imagined people would actually read my book (if you still do XD) I also wrote this at 2 am so its short)

(Y/N): your name


Y/n's p.o.v

I giggled laughing at Felix at what he said. Felix was my best friend on the island everyone else seemed to not like me very much.  "Hey don't make fun of me! Im sensitive..." We both laughed. "Aw Felix" I put my hand on my chest dramatically. We smiled at each other. "I know you were joking" he smiled. "Yeah.." Awkward silence kicked in. "Get back to work" a demanding little peter spoke to us I looked at pan suspiciously "ok jeez" we both got up getting back to work.

Pan's p.o.v

"What was that about?" Felix asked me I didn't face time simply ignoring his question. "Your jealous" he mocked. "Excuse me?" It was true. "Come one pan Im not dumb! I see the way you looked at us" (hehehe... Panlix      >:3 sorry I had too). "Sorry felix not sure I understand what your saying" I raised my fantastic eyebrows at him. "Uh-huh" he started to wall back into the forest. "Theres nothing FELIX!" I knew Felix was smirking as he was walking away.

Time passed all I could think about all day was (Y/N). I looked around for her she was once again with felix.

"Hey felix" She said to him as he walk over to her. "Hey (Y/N) do you know were pan is? I talked to him earlier I cant find him now.." "No sorry.." I kept myself not visible to their conversation. "Are you ok (Y/N)?" Felix asked her deep inside me, me was asking the same question. "Yeah I guess.." She just replied to him. "No your not" "then why did you ask?" She laughed. "Its pan isn't it" his face looked heart broken. "Maybe.." She nodded. "Oh..." He was heart broken. But not as much as I was I could tell she had something for Felix some feelings. Ive known her for a long time got close to her it was almost hard to not tell when she was feeling down. "Aw felix don't get jealous... You know I only see you as a friend. You told me you were ok with me liking pan!" She gave him a sincere look. My face softened. She liked me? "I know I just... Love you too much..." He whispered my heart sunk I knew she would chose him and not me I was cruel and a monster to everyone why wouldn't she think of me the same way. What I saw next really killed me inside. Felix's lips were suddenly on hers. Anger and sadness crawled up my vanes I flew to my thinking tree with tears in my eyes.

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

The weather suddenly got rainy. I slapped felix when I realized what he was doing. "Felix!" "Im sorry...." He immediately apologized. "Look I only see you as a friend ok" I ran into the forest ignoring felix.

My brain focused on finding pan but he was no where to be seen.

Pan's p.o.v

"PETER!" I snapped my head up when I heard (Y/N)'s voice call out for me. I was to upset to respond. "Peter come on please!" She added on but I kept still until she found me. "Peter?" She came up to me. "What do you need" I avoided eye contact. "Whats up with you lately?" "Nothing! Go away" Oh crap that was harsh. "No!" Knew it. "You saw felix kiss me didn't you." "Yes" I kept my head down. "Then Im guessing you heard the conversation we were having" she raised an eyebrow. I looked up in her beautiful (eye colour) eyes. "Yes" i simply replied. "Then you know I don't like Felix like that!" She came closer to me. "Are you sure I can see in your eyes on your face you have feelings for him" I wasn't sure what I could say. "He's my best friend the only best friend I have on this island."  Oh...  "Mhmm.." My face went from sad to confused. "Wow..." She came closer is she not scared of me? Wow thats a first. "Look (Y/N) I love you ok and that wont ever change" Once she was only inches apart from my face "I love you to peter" I closed the gap in between us our lips together. "But." She cut me off "No don't even try to influence my life choices on you!" She chuckled. I smiled this is the girl I love.

A/n: AHHhHhHnejeifjebekslsnsnskskslendnrne I need help people I'm running out of ideas... Please request if you would like.

To request:
1: your name
2:plot thingy
3:extra characters(optional)
4: imagine setting
Any other details you want.


✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now