Robbie kay ~ I like you

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(Y/N): your name
(Y/L/N): your last name
(A/n: your both in high school. Sorry I get stuff wrong I'm not in high school so...)

Your p.o.v

My mom gave us the news last night we were moving because of her job. Don't get me wrong I was happy in a way meaning fresh start. But at the same time I was crushed all my friends were here I was just getting better in school now Im forced to adjust to a new one. Its also far away from home were all my childhood memory's are in this house I was standing in packing up all my stuff in boxed.
"(Y/N) hurry up we have to get going so we don't miss the plane!" My mom shouted from down stares.
"Coming!" We packed our boxes in the moving van so all our stuff would get shipped or something over. Before we got to the airport I said goodbye to my friends.

We were flying to London and the plane ride was long. I basically slept to whole time.

We made it to our new house it was pretty decent size. I picked the second biggest room and my sister got the medium sized one. Once I was finished I fell asleep the rest of the evening.

I woke up the next morning ready for school. Ugh I hate school. When I made it to school I got my basic stuff from the office. I looked at my schedule it says math is first room 204 I wonder where that is.
"Do you need help?" a British accent spoke. I poked my head up and saw a boy with deep green eyes, soft brown hair and fairly tall he was attractive.yes.
"Uh-umm yeah.." I said a little nervous and awkward.
"Robbie kay" he said and stuck out his hand for me to shake it.
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)" I took his hand and shook it.
"Just follow me Im going the same way" he said while peaking at my schedule and giving me a small smile which was a cute smile by the way. I followed behind him till we got to the class.
"Robbie your late!" The teacher yelled in the middle of what she was teaching.
"Sorry I was showing around the new girl (Y/N)" he apologized.
"Oh how could I have forgotten, EVERYONE this is the new student" she yelled out. Everyone was staring at me "(Y/N)" she added "please lets make her feel welcome." I was standing awkwardly till she pointed me to a seat near Robbie. The teacher started talking again while Robbie quietly introduced me to his friends. "(Y/N) this is (Pick random guy names...) and lastly angel." He finished (I just picked a random girl name ok) angel was glaring at me not sure why she doesn't even know me. We all had a conversation while whispering and most of Robbie's liked me except for angel. The bell rang and I separated from Robbie and his friends. When I went to my next classes the rest of the morning was horrible some people were being rude angel and her girlfriends were pulling stupid pranks on me all day and insulting me every chance they got.

Every day for a month it was the same with angel and her friends it was horrible. But it was different with Robbie we became really good close friends but I wish it was more.

It was lunch as usual I sat with Robbie angel and the rest of his friends also my friends now except for angel and as usual angel was still making her dumb remarks about me and put me down every shot she got. But I was getting fed up with it.
"Ugh we dose she always sit with us anyways!! Its not like shes actually our friend!" She snapped mid conversation. My anger was really boiling up and soon about to explode.
"Because Angie she is our friend get over it" one of the guys shot back at her.
"We don't need her she is a useless human being!" She yelled by this moment everyone could hear.
"I never asked for her to be here!" She ranted on and now everyone was looking at our table I just sat there holding back the tears. She faced me.
"Kys! No one likes you, leave!!!" She yelled again that was it I slammed my tray on the table.
"You know what..... I AM SICK OF YOU! Insulting me, putting me down ANY CHANCE you GET!!! Get a life because obviously you need one if you have nothing better to do" I ran out of the cafeteria all the way outside. I sat on the bleachers tears flowing down my cheeks staring out into nothing. I called my friend.
"H-h-hey" I could choked on my sentence because of my sobs.
"Awww whats wrong?" She asked over the phone.
"I ha-ate my school I HATE" I cried.
"Hey,hey! You'll be alright.. Whatever's going on I know you will get through it" she comforted me.
"Its only been a month and theres all ready a Regina George" I laughed a little.
I told her everything that happened even the good parts. Soon the conversation ended I realized I still had Robbie. I whipped my tears away and saw Robbie coming towards me.
"Hi" I managed.
"Sorry about angel usually shes pretty nice to the new people" I raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah she really knows how to make people feel welcomed" I sarcastically said. We both laughed. We stared into each others eyes for a good two minutes.
"Sooooo" I said breaking the awkward silence.
"(Y/N) I cant hold this in anymore" I was getting a bit concerned.
"I like you" we both blushed.
"I have ever since I got to know your more. The first day I saw you, you were the most beautiful girl that caught my eye.." I was madly blushing. He held my cheek in his hand.
"Thank god I didn't have to say anything" I said we laughed a little again. We both slowly leaned in and our lips touched it was amazing like fireworks.
"I like you too"


A/n: hope you this one was good. Feel free to pv message me or comment for a request :3)


✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now