Peter pan ~ come back (requested by AshleyTheGamer5)

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(A/n: this was requested by @AshleyTheGamer5 hope you enjoy sorry this might be short)

Warning: may be short

Y/n's p.o.v

"I can't do this anymore peter" I spun around stopping harshly in my tracks shaking my hands in the air frustratedly.

"Oh really" peter responded taken aback. "You can't do this anymore miss I know everything and cheated!" He screamed shaking his head.

I scoffed rolling my eyes "I didn't cheat on you peter!" I turned back around heading towards the beach further.

"That's not what I saw!" He defended appearing right in front of me causing me to drop my bag I had packed. "I SAW YOU KISSING HOOK! I saw it!" My eyes widened I was truly furious.

"Are you kidding me! That never happened!" I yelled back at him making my way to the small boat parked at shore.

"So that's it your just going to leave and not even try to fix this!?" He stopped behind me watching me step on the boat.

I sight "yes" i couldn't do this anymore we fought way to much and he always accused me of lying.

I pushed the boat of into the water preparing to leave. I didn't care if Pan was going to try and stop me because it wasn't going to work. I took one last look at the island and peter watching as the lost boys emerged from the forest. I saw a tear roll down his cheek as I floated away. I mentally said good bye as this was going to be the last time I see this island.

~~~A year later~~~

Y/n's p.o.v

I was down at the market on a mission for food. I covered my body with a long brown coat that went all the way down to my feet, keeping my hoodie up to cover part of my face so no one would recognize me. I kept my routine the same every Saturday studying and learning what I could do better to steal. Yes after I left the island it had been a year and I was poor with no where to go and no one to help me. But I would never go back to Neverland.

I made my way through the crowds swiftly and being as stealthy as possible keeping a fast pace. My heart was racing as I approached the stand filled with different kinds of bread. I got closer and closer until I reached it. I carefully reached out to snatch the loaf of bread but keeping it quick.

"HEY! GET BACK HERE WITH THAT YOU ROTTEN THIEF!" The old lady's raspy voice rang behind me as she grabbed a bat and started to chase me.

I ran as fast as my feet could carry me "STOP HER! SHES A THEIF!" The lady shouted expecting someone to help her which of course the castle guards did.

My breathing became heavy and quicker and my legs were becoming soar from running a distance. Just my luck I tripped falling face forward.

"Ow.." I groaned in pain rolling over to my side holding my knee that was now in pain.

"Gotcha!" The lady spat snatching the loaf of bread from me going back to her stand. I groaned in pain holding my knee just sitting there thinking of how stupid that was.

"Having fun?" I heard a chuckle from the corner of the lot I was in being surrounded by houses and other buildings. I stood up carefully not to irritate my injured knee looking around I spotted him, peter Peter Pan.

"What are you doing here" I scoffed looking away from him fixing my gloves and coat.

"Come back to Neverland" he said.

"Um yeah no I'm good" I sight dusting off my jacket rolling my eyes.

"Are you sure? Because I just watched you steal a loaf of bread and be chased by an old woman with a bat then fall on your face, it not even being worth it because she took back the bread" he smirked leaning on the wall crossing his arms being cocky.

"So" I crossed my arms facing him.

"Do you really want to live here and be a criminal? If you come back you wouldn't have to worry about that" he responded coming over to me.

"I would rather eat a dead, old, infected rat then go back there" I placed my hands on my hips.

"Y/n I know I messed up and I'm sorry... please I don't like seeing you live like this" he pleaded.

"No peter! All you and me do is fight! Oh look we're doing it right now" I pushed him back a little in anger.

"Y/n i can change we can fix this!" He pleases once again.

"No peter... I can't you really crossed the line in our last fight I don't want to go through that again and fight anymore" I took a deep breath grabbing the bag that was attached to my waist and tied it back around my waist.

"Please y/n I love you" he whispered barely audible.

I tear rolled down my cheek as I walked away "I found someone else anyway" I finished then walked away back home. This time I didn't look back.

(A/n: ok this one wasn't so good I'm sorry but if you guys really want a part two ill make one if enough people want one)


✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now