Robbie kay ~ photoshoot

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(A/n: this is no hate to his girlfriend and it's not his I made the girl up her name is gonna be Alexa(sorry if that is your name) also sorry for long updates I haven't been inspired for a while) (sorry if it's kinda short)

Y/N's p.o.v

Today was a nice afternoon, well like I said it was!

I was setting up my equipment for today's photo shoot today I was scheduled to take photos of Robbie Kay. As I finished setting up the lights and other things "ok we should be good" I whispered to myself checking my camera settings.

I heard the door open Robbie Kay and his girlfriend Alexa walked in. The makeup team immediately started getting them ready. As I waited I set a stool up and put red tape to mark the ground for different spots to stand. "Are we good?" My boss Kate came up examining the set up "we should be" I responded confidently.

And from there things went downhill...

"Hi my name is Y/N nice to meet you!" I introduced myself to Robbie as he gave my a smile and his girlfriend who... stared at me blankly. "Well then" I muttered to myself. I took some shots of Alexa the actress first then some Robbie Kay ones using the stool "Ok Robbie can I get you to stand in the middle there with your arms crossed slightly facing to the left?! Smirking" I directed and he smiled cooperating. "And Alexa can you stand next to him like hugging him sort of" I basically moulded her to where I wanted her to stand but she rolled her eyes. Wow this girl has some problem "ok good" I took the picture three times and continued to guide them. Almost every time I told Robbie to smile or move around he would blush and looking at me. I had to admit it he was cute.
The more pictures I took of Robbie or at least each time I did I would get nasty glares from Alexa. "Alexa can you put your hands in your hair facing the right slightly giving a straight face but dramatic" she groaned "bossy much!?" She snapped "ummm.... I'm the photographer.... I'm suppose to tell you what to do...!" I said irritated. "Whatever" she glared.
Some of the times when I tried getting her and Robbie to pose she and him fought because she would complain about the stupidest things. "Robbie can't you just respect the things I want!!!" She yelled at him because he was pretty much the face of this shoot. "What are you talking about!" He defended confused "let me have space JEEZ!" She rolled her eyes completely done with him. She clearly didn't care about him or his feelings or anything almost as if she was just using him.

Let the b*tching begin!

After we took a break I chugged down a bottle of water well needed water, WATER FROM THE GODS! I sigh sweating leaning on the food table putting my drink down. Attempting to get Alexa to focus or cooperate was the hardest thing EVER!! "Hey" Robbie smiled taking a piece of strawberry from the fruit tray. "Hey" I manage to respond between heavy breaths. There were times when Alexa would throw things at me! "Are you ok?" He chuckled looking slightly concerned "you have quite the girlfriend!..." I gave a fake smile. "I know she's kind of a pain, don't worry your not the first to experience the madness." He sight feeling bad for me "hurry up! I'm ready! Slow a**'s" Alexa shouted at us coming from a dressing room. "It's only been like two minutes!" I threw my plastic waked bottle in the air behind me. "I don't care! I have places to be!" She sasses putting her hands on her hips.

There was a moment in between shots where I just looked at Robbie apologetically because he has to deal with Alexa. Man she really is a diva in real life! "Are you deaf?! Come on move along here!" Alexa said sternly getting strongly impatient "who's taking your pictures so you can look pretty?? OH YEAH ME!" I fought back. Oops bad idea.

Yeah no kidding! *scoffs* oh shush up future me!..

"Excuse me! But did you just sass me?! Are you giving me attitude?!!!" She boiled "well someone should!" I muttered holding my camera looking to change the settings. "What did you just say!" she spat. At this point I really felt bad for Robbie "nothing" I rolled my eyes "Alexa calm down" Robbie tried keeping her sane. "Don't tell me what to do!" She hissed "I'm going to ask you to leave and I'm only going to ask once!" I said pointed to the door. She scoffed walking away but before she did she knocked everything off the food table. Nooooo not thaaaa foood! "CALM THE F*CK DOWN JEEZ ANGER ISSUES!" I screamed but who would have thought that was a bad idea. "Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING YELLIN AT OUR CLIENTS!" My boss Kate walked in. Her timing couldn't be more horrible "but...." "not buts! Your fired" she saw the mess and looked at me disappointed. Robbie looked at me sad and apologetic "wait it wasn't her fault my girlfriend is a madwoman" he tried persuading my boss. But I kept packing my stuff to leave.

I headed out he door angry at this day "wait!" I heard Robbie's British voice behind me "take this" he hand my a piece of paper. "I'm sorry about what happened..." he started "ROBBIE WHAT ARE YOU DOING TALKING TO THIS JERK!" Alexa stomped over "were over Alexa..." he snapped. "Wha-wha-wha-what?" She seemed to get more angry "YOU DONT BRAKE UP WITH ME I BEAKE UP WITH YOU!" She cried. "Well I just did" he finished she stomped away angry rapidly texting on her phone.

"Sorry.." was all he said then he left, I looked at the piece of paper and it was his number saying -call me I would like to know you- it read I smiled.

Maybe it was worth it. Really? Your broke now? Hey! This is my fanfiction find your own to pick on!

Anyway in the end things escalated and I gained an amazing Boyfriend.

(A/n: I don't even know what's going on with the narrations... but... it's interesting XD lmao send help at 780-weirdthings-thatescalate anyway keep being awesome!)


✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now