Peter pan ~ shes mine! Part 2

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(A/n: this was requested by @Az12345678910123456 hope you enjoy! And here is part 2! Yes I know this took a long time to update but I finally have my summer break and now I don't have to worry about anymore school work and other drama crap that's been happening)

Warning: swearing(the usual...), ultimate cringe levels increased to high.


Y/n's p.o.v

I had to get away from the chaos and stupidity that was Felix, pan, hook and Henry because I couldn't take it anymore every little thing they did got on my nerves. I decided to just avoid going back to camp and stay with tinker bell she and I are close friends well my only friend really.

"Tink!" I shouted knocking on the door annoyed hoping no one could see me.

The door slowly opened revealing tinker bell with a concerned expression written all over her face "y/n what's wrong?" She questioned letting me inside.

"It's the boys" I rolled my eyes knowing she would know what I meant. Tink nodded her head letting me in closing the door behind us. She followed behind me cleaning up her home as I ranted about recent events.

Pans p.o.v

I sat in my tent thinking about what had just happened moments ago. It worried me that y/n was no where to be seen she had been gone the whole day and that was unusual for her.

"You sent for me Pan?" One of my lost boys poked their head through the door.

"Yes I want you to keep a close eye on the camp while I look for y/n, I can't trust Felix right now" I ordered as the boy nodded going back to camp closing the door.

Felix's p.o.v

Right after y/n had disappeared I made my way into the woods going to her favourite place hoping she'd be there which was a little pond by the cliff. Once I got there she was no where to be seen, funny she always comes here when she is sad. As I waited I set up a little dinner kind of thing. Hopefully she would chose me over them... none of them would care about her the way I would.

Y/n's p.o.v

It was darker down the path I was following through the forest more than usual. But it was normal on this side of the island I was on which was a little more dangerous then everywhere else. I was searching for animals for dinner for me and tink. I felt a small breeze pass by behind me and the sound of crunching of leaves and sticks.

I turned around and no one was there "hello?" I shouted waiting for a response. My palms started to sweat as I gripped the handle of my sword.

"Sorry love" was the last thing I heard as everything became dark and my vision blurred becoming unconscious.

***an hour later***

I woke up to the calming sound of waves and feet taping against wooden floor boards. I sat up rubbing my eyes looking up at the sky and my surroundings confused. 'Where am I?' I thought to myself as I carefully stood up.

"How are you feeling?" The Irish accent brought me out of my thoughts.

"Hook?!" I said both confused and cautious searching for my swords "don't worry love I don't want to hurt you" he came close to me handing me my sword.

"Why am I here?" I raised and eyebrow shifting my weight on one leg and hands on my hips.

"I want to give you a choice" he replied running his fingers down his hook "to stay with me and become a pirate ridding ourselves of this island or you can stay here and stay pans prisoner" he finished looking at me with sorrow. Deep down apart of me felt the offer was tempting but it didn't feel right to just abandon tink she was my closest friend.

✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now