Peter pan 4~his kind of girl

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(Y/N): your name
(Y/E/C): your eye colour


Narrators p.o.v

You lived in storybrook and were very good friends with regina. Back in the enchanted forest you were the only one that understood her and was her only friend. There was a new villain (You guys can make a villain up) in storybrook and regina and the rest of the gang Emma swan, hook, bell, henry, rumplestiltskin, Mary Margaret and David needed you and peter pan.
They needed to resurrect pan first. Once they were done that they now needed to find you.

"Look pan we only resurrected you because you have really strong powers and we need you, so you unless you wanna stay alive I suggest you stick with us!" Rumple said to pan as he put a magical cuff on him.

"Alright..." Pan gave a little angry look and the rest all went to find you. But incase regina sent you a message on a scroll poofing it away to get to you.
Suddenly as they almost got to you they were attacked by one of the evil villains minions. They tried fighting it off it went after pan, pan landed straight on the ground causing him to be in pain just as he was about to almost die an arrow shot the minions stomach. They all looked to where it came from it was yours. You took out your sword and swung it creating a 'x' on its chest finally stabbing its stomach.

"(Y/N)!.?..!!!" Regina looked at you ran over and hugged you. Pan stood up with a smirk on his face turned toward you with a sight of relief that it didn't look like another evil creature. Everyone was in relief as well.

"My kind of girl!.." Peter said looking over at rumple and regina. They just rolled there eyes. "What!??" He just simply said. Rumple chuckled a little.

"So what do you want me to do?" You said cockily.

"What you just did there..." Emma said.

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

As we were walking back to Mary Margret's and Davids place I could feel Pan glancing at me a few times maybe more than a few times and I looked back a few times. Finally I decided to just talk to him even though everyone said he was a evil teenage demon. "So whats your deal here?" I questioned. "Depends on what you mean" he replied in a British accent (may I say was hot) raising one eyebrow. "Well aren't you suppose to be.... Dead?..." He smirked "well yes but apparently Im needed on there side." "Oh really?... Ok.." I wasn't sure what to say next. "What about you?" "Same reason except I was always on there side" I was kinda getting nervous he laughed I blushed. "Your nervous to talk to me I can sense it" thats awkward. "Maybe a little..." I put my head down smiling. "You shouldn't be" I blushed again 'oh my gosh (Y/N) stop' i thought to myself "oh really and why is that? Aren't you evil" "well maybe I'm willing to change for someone.." I had no idea about who he was talking about after all he didn't appreciate anyone or love anyone.

Emily/me: Or soooo you thought!!!
Ok anyways.....

Narrators p.o.v

they returned to Mary Margret's and Davids to plan there next attack against (your evil villain).

Peter's p.o.v

They were planning there attack all I could do is pretend I was paying attention. All I could think about was the girl that saved me. Thinking about her made me realize I never got her name. I kept glancing at her almost staring. She looked at me a few times a little bit later I asked her "wanna talk somewhere else?" Nervously scratched the back of my neck hoping she would say yes. "Sure" we walked out to the balcony (btw I don't know if theres a balcony just imagine it

Regina's p.o.v

I saw (Y/N) and pan walk outside I didn't like it I didn't trust pan. I didn't want (Y/N) to be alone with him.

Narrators p.o.v
Pan and (Y/N) walked outside. "So whats up?" (Y/N) asked.
Peter walked close to her and pushed her off the balcony!!!!!! "What the- " peter smiled evilly. "Nooooo!!!!" she yelled as she was falling.... And that was the end of her life....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~jk haha got ya... Lololol , Sorry i had to anyways back to the imagine~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Narrators p.o.v

It was just peter and (Y/N) alone outside. They talked for at least a few hours getting to know each other really well becoming close. The sun was setting slowly and their conversation was about to come to a end.

"Ww should probably get back there probably wondering what were doing..." (Y/N) laughed a little. "Not sure I really want to" pan said staring into (Y/N)'s
(Y/E/C)s. (Y/N) blushed staring into his emerald green eyes. Peter leaned in slowly so did (Y/N). Peters face was just inches away from (Y/N)'s until.

"(Y/N) we need you" Rumple interrupted. They both sighted. "Sorry" (Y/N) laughed a little.

~~~~time skip to next day~~~~

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I was a bit mad at rumple for interrupting me and pan from almost a kiss.
" Hey regina can i talk to you for a moment" "sure" she looked confused. "Did you send rumple at the right moment when me and peter almost kissed so we wouldn't?" "You did what?!!!!" She asked in a stern tone. "I.... Mean what....." I walked away so she wouldn't ask me more questions. I was walking out the door so I could go to the cafe. Just as I shut the door behind me
I felt a hand pull me to them and placed a passionate kiss on me. I looked up and saw peter "Ive been wanting to do that for a while...." I placed my lips on his again this time our kiss was in perfect sync "Me too."

A/N: so thats that..... Not sure how I feel about this one. But hope you guys like it.


✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now