Peter pan imagine ~ shes mine! Part 1

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(A/n: this was requested by @Az12345678910123456 hope you enjoy! Also yes two parts are needed...)

Warning: swearing(the usual...), ultimate cringe levels increased to high sorry it's short...


Y/n's p.o.v

Running through the dark forest I felt the wind rush through my hair and the sound of lost boys calling out into the sky's surrounded me as we held up our weapons ready for a fight.

After a few minutes of that we found our selfs on the beach where his ship was set "hook! GIVE ME MY LOST BOY!" Pan sneered appearing out of thin air.

"Or what?" Hook dares the devil that was Peter Pan.

A smirk formed on his light pink soft looking lips "I think you already know" he inches closer "I won't let him go  unless you let me off this island!" Hook held up his sword close to the lost boys throat.

"Alright then" he smiled evily facing the group "you know what to do" after those words all the lost boys charged the boat fighting a small group of pirates.

"I'm going into the forest to make sure henry stays where he is he can't get hurt" he told me walking past me. I nodded making my way on the boat. I held up my two swords swinging them around in intimidation.

I walked right up to hook daring him to come at me with anything "are you sure your up for a fight with me love?" He laughed holding up he's weapon.

I grinned rolling my eyes taking the first swing "you don't mess around do you" he grinned.

I sliced his cheek open making him bleed "nope" I replied with a hint of sass in my voice "I like you" he took a heavy sigh as we fought "yeah? I don't really like you" I said.

"oh hook how many times do I have to tell you it's never going to happen" I smiled "will see about that" he replied walking back into his ship as everyone fled the building when Pan arrived on the vesicle.

"Let's go" I nodded obeying pans orders not wanting to mess with him.

It was odd lately he was being a lot kinder than usual. Maybe it was because Felix and Henry both had crushed on me. I mean it was obvious they were always fighting over me and sometimes Pan would join in the fights.

I walked back to camp with the rest of the boys and sat by the fire cleaning the blood off my sword.

"What was that today?!" Pan appeared in front of me gripping the blade of my weapon.

"I don't know what your talking about" I replied not looking at him keeping my focus on the wet rag gliding down the metal.

"Your flirting with hook" he rolled his eyes. I laughed standing up to face him "and why do you care?" "I don't! I just need you focused!" "Yeah whatever".

I started walking back to my tree Fort I made when I was on my island I could feel a pair of eyes on my back. Slowly I turned my head to look in all directions I could I just have the strangest feeling someone is following me.

"Hey Baby" I turned my head to see a familiar face leaning on a tree crossing his arms it was Felix.

"um hey Felix" I laughed nervously.

"mind doing something with me?" He came closer putting his hands on my waist.

"what might that be?" I removed his hands "a date" he grinned from ear to ear "um yeah no... sorry don't feel that way about you" I said backing away as he pulled out a small bouquet of flowers.

✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now