Peter pan ~ A seconde chance?

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(A/n: feels like I haven't updated in forever.)

Narrative p.o.v

You had lived in the enchanted forest along time and you loved it. Your family, your best friend snow and most of your village. Except for a boy named peter pan. He would be in your dreams when you were a kid when your real parents died and you didn't feel loved when you never got adopted. But time flew by now pan was just evil. You were lurking the forest hunting for food for the night. You focused your arrow at your target keeping your sight on the animal your face determined to shoot it.
"Don't miss" spoke a boy with a strong British accent. Suddenly your arrow left your bow in his direction. He caught it before it hit his chest.
"Are you serious" you spat. The animal ran away on sight. You furrowed your eyebrows with an angered expression.
"I don't feel like dealing with a demon today!" You broke the silence he chuckled.
"So good to see you again" he smiled dropping the arrow.
"What are you doing here?" You asked annoyed.
"I came to find you" he simply stated folding his arms.
"Well here I am" you replied with sass.
"I don't want to see or talk to you just leave me alone!" You started walking off.
"Wont you at least let me explain?!" He called out rushing next to you.
"Why theres nothing more except the fact your lost boys tried to kill me!" You shouted at him. You had only been to Neverland once pans lost boys were jealous that he spent most of the time with you.
"I had not idea!" He shouted back transporting in front of you.
"Then you never spoke to me for years after that!" You snapped back.
"You know I couldn't find you!" He mentioned.
"Yet it only took this long for you to finally tell me." You sarcastically added.
"Let me make it up to you.." He softened. You walked away in disbelief leaving him standing there with bloodshot tear filled eyes.
It was night and you finished all your work still pissed off that you lost your food because of pan. You felt yourself getting tired but you saw your window was open fireflies filled a part of the sky. You decided to enjoy the view outside. You stepped outside your cottage admiring the view.
You noticed some candles creating a path. You decided to follow the path leading you to a blanket and flowers with more candles might I add surrounding a small pond. You saw peter standing with a small smile with his hands crossed. You rolled your eyes with a smirk.
"How did you know I would follow the path?" You asked folding your arms with a grin.
"I didn't... I was going to actually try and persuade you to come over here..." He explained.
"Mhmm" you sassed.
"I really was besides it was your choice to follow it"he added you rolled your eyes. (Wow her eyes must be sore lots of eye rolling I'm noticing lol sorry continue)
"This is so cheesy to be honest I never thought you had it in you to do this." You smiled lightly sitting on the blanket.
"Because it was for you" you stared in his eyes at his response.
"Im sorry (Y/N) I had no idea my boys did that to you and sent you all the way back here. But believe me when I say I spent so much time looking for you!" He said.
"Really?" You asked.
"Yes! Because. I Love you to much..." He help your cheek in his hand.
"You too peter and That dose mean a lot to me..." You whispered the last part.
"I will never lose you again" he stated. You smiled.

Then.. You woke up... Tears filled your eyes as you knew it was just a dream. You knew peter entered your dream to say it everything. To you it felt real. You sat up wishing peter would come for you.

(A/n: feel free to correct me I'm not good at grammar...)


✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now