Robbie kay ~ Hurt (requested by: Excitedtree4293)

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(A/n: this imagine was requested by @Excitedtree4293 hope you enjoy! And I'm so sorry it took me a million years XC)

Y/l/n: your last name
Y/m/n: your middle name

Warning: swearing, mentions of anxiety, abuse and depression.


Thea's p.o.v

I stood in front of the mirror looking at the tired person in the reflection, dark circles and red face. I kept my eyes glued to the bathroom mirror as I watched the little tears fall from my eyes. So many thoughts running through my mind all at once. I sight sadly quietly and slowly walking down stairs in attempt to avoid my parents not wanting to deal with their drunk crap early this morning. I was their punching bag and for what? Nothing.

"It's about Time you woke up!" My mothers voiced tang through out the whole house, loud enough for the neighbours to hear. I always wished someone would come bursting through that door to come and help save me. But no one cared about me.

As I walked to the bus stop waiting for more drama I held my jacket tighter around me trying to gain more warmth. The big yellow vehicle pulled up to my stop and the doors opened. I got on the bus and my eyes searched for an available spot. People glared at me and made fun of me as I made my way down the isle.

"Is this seat taken by anyone about to get on this bus?" I asked patiently waiting for a response bracing for rejection. The boy turned his head to face me, it was Robbie, Robbie kay the schools popular boy. My eyes widened as I realized who I was speaking to.

"Oh no you can take it" he smiled moving over making space.


"No problem, your thea y/l/n right?" He asked trying to create a conversation.

"Y-yeah um h-how do you know my n-name?" I asked trying to hold it together not to screw this up.

"Your in my English class" he responded.

"Right, right I forgot..." stupid Thea come on!!

~~~time skip to school~~~

I pushed open the doors violently causing everyone to stare at me and start whispering al kinds of things. I rolled my eyes speed walking over to my locker opening it as fast as I could. I wanted to avoid Lauren (Sorry if that's your name) and her band of assholes.

Once I got to my locker I looked up at it and saw the newest word that was written in marker. Loser was written in bold letters and all I could do was stare at it because of how broken and empty I felt.

"You know just staring at it isn't going to change the truth" I heard the deep raspy irritating voice of Lauren from behind me. I rolled my eyes ignoring her stupid comment opening my locker.

"So thea have you finally decided to give up? And just killing yourself" She spoke with a confident yet mischievous smirk on her lips as she waited for a reaction. I sight shoving my binders and text books in my bag, zipping the zipper up and swinging my bag back over my shoulder.

"Hey Im taking to you! Are you deaf y/l/n?!" She shouted gripping on to my arms forcing me to face her.

"Answer me!" She shouted again shoving my back against the lockers. The entire hallway fell silent and everyone's eyes were on us.

"What do you want" my voice cracked as a tear fell down my face as I knew what was going to happen next. I stared at her deeply searching for an answer. It was simple she was just cold and insecure like the rest of her buddies and she didn't want to admit it. She didn't respond only glared at me.

✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now