Peter pan ~ like home // requested by Ccrissluv

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(A/n: requested by @Ccrissluv hope you enjoy it! Also sorry for being really inactive I've been having a really hard time right now... this kinda takes place in half modern time and never land incase you guys get confused (since there is a school part you can imagine storybrook). And a big thank you for 20k reads❤️)

Warning: possible sensitive trigger warning(il warn you before you read), swearing.

Camari's p.o.v

As I sat in my bedroom on a normal evening, doing my homework, listening to the rain drops lightly  tap against my window with it cracked open just enough to let in a little bit of air. Snuggling deeper into the blanket wrapped around me feeling the relieving soft blanket against my skin. I stared at the door hoping it stayed locked from the dangerous human that slept two doors down from me. All though I was sealed off I couldn't shake the feeling someone was watching me.

The knob jiggled signalling someone was trying to get into the room. I heard a groan coming from the other side of the door and a loud banging. "CCRISS GET OUT HERE AND DO YOUR CHORES NOW!" A tear slipped my cheek as I knew what would happen if I left this room, the horror waiting for me on the other side. I hated this feeling I hated this feeling of fear I controlled my body and emotions... but could you blame me? If only people in our neighbourhood really knew what went on in this house then maybe someone would care.

I dug myself completely under the blanket curling myself up "il do them tomorrow in the morning before I leave for school!" I replied. If I did this I was safe my father never woke up before 12:00 in the afternoon I should be fine.

"Whatever" he replied annoyed leaving the door and me to be alone. As the rain got harder it relaxed me I quickly fell asleep as I listen to the calming sound of rain. Usually I would have a hard time but it was always easy when there was a storm.

~~~time skip to the next day~~~

Camari's p.o.v

I walked the dim, dark and depressing halls alone as usual heading for next class. Trudging through the halls I ran into the people I attempted to avoid on a daily "excuse me bitch! Watch were your walking!" (Enemy's name) spat in my face pushing me against the lockers. Yup this was a daily thing. Everybody just stared in confusion and fear at her/his actions. Nobody cared they just stood by watching, never to stop to see how I was doing even though it was clear I looked like a mess.

"I-I'm sorry..." I stammered brushing myself off in a rush to get away from her/him.

"Your sorry? Your sorry. Aww are you stuttering" (enemy's name) fake pouted as her/his friends just laughed at me. They left finally so I took off running into the bathroom.

I ran into a stall and locked the door shut behind me. I thought about all the traumatizing things that have happened to me, I think about how I wished I could tell someone, I think about how everyday every night I wish to just leave this sad town.

~~~time skip to end of day~~~

School was finally over and the grey clouds from last night still remained in the sky letting the rain fall. I pulled my hoodie over me with a frown resting on my face. Hauling my bag over my shoulder as I let my legs carry my home. Everyday on my way back to my house people would just stare at me and mock me every time they got a chance which made me angry.

I finally got home I took a deep breath bracing for the dangers that awaited me. You could see my breath in the air like smoke (anyone else pretend they're like a train or something when it's cold and start puffing out air to see your breath? No that's just me? Ok...) hitting the door as I opened it up.

✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now