Peter pan ~ true love (requested by xLoveDovex

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(This imagine was requested by @xLoveDovex hope you like it and did I get your user name right? Sorry for not posting for a while been busy with finals for school -_-)

Pan's p.o.v

I saw Wendy and one of my lost boys cuddling together rolling my eyes they both looked at me. "Jealous?" He spoke from a far. "I could care less" I replied. "U need love pan because you don't your lonely" he laughed. I just ignored him with and angry look. I saw my shadow fly by to the beach from a far I knew it meant there was a new arrival.
"Where are you going pan?" Felix asked me I had not told him about the new member To greet the new member of the island" I smirked. Heading from camp making my way through the forest to the beach were my shadow dropped all the boys who visited me. I saw three of my lost boys crowded around the new lost boy. But this time it was different.

"Why are you all over here?" "See for yourself" one of my lost boys replied. I looked over an saw it was a girl. She looked peaceful but not for long. "Leave!" I demanded. The three of them made there way back into the forest. I bent down and too a long gaze studied her features. I soon carried her to one of our cages she was still knocked out.

Trinity's p.o.v

I felt a sharp pain rushing through my head and Im pretty sure the last thing I remember is being in my room sleeping. I woke up to a bright light peaking through the cage holes. WAIT CAGE! Realization came back to me my eyes widened. "Where the hell am I...." My voice cracked a little. "Neverland" I heard a British accent from the ground. "Who are you?" Deep down no not deep down I was freaking out. "Peter, peter pan" He smirked HA please thats just a fairy tale. "Sorry love this is very much real" wait he read my thoughts... "Yes" "thats creepy ok..." I whispered to my self. Soon the boy left the ground and was soon at my level. "Y-you can fly?" "Yes" he answered simply a part of my body felt like I knew him. He unlocked the cage and opened it slowly "follow me" he demanded. I decided to because god knows what would happen if I didn't.

"So I'm going to give you some rules and the rules of Neverland and you must follow them" oh hell no. "One you cannot disobey my orders, two you have a task that you mist follow when I give it to you, three you can only sleep in my tent and no one else GOT it" he said in a harsh tone. Wait his tent no Im a girl I need privacy tell me this isn't happening I just wanna go home! "Got it trinity?!" He asked again. "How do you know my name? And yes I do" he didn't respond to how he knew my name so I just left it alone.

Night time arrived and I wasn't to excited about my sleeping... Arrangements...  Felix showed me to pans tent when I opened to go inside I caught a glimpse of pan without... A shirt... His muscles showed nicely I only saw part of his back thank god he has pants on though. I guess he caught me staring "Trinity?" My head snapped back into reality he stood there with a smirk on his face. "I was just coming in so I could go to bed" I crossed my arms. This was about to be awkward. Pan was already in the bed "well?" He raised and eyebrow. I climbed in the bed slowly and fell asleep.

~~~tike skip to next day~~~

Morning came and it was definitely weird.  

"You can do better than that" pans voice rang in my ears. I was learning to shoot a bow and arrow. "Im trying..." Pointing the arrow at the target the arrow left my bow and glided straight to the target. Pan's face was shocked "good" I gave a sarcastic smile.
The rest of the day went on I took a break before heading back to the camp fire. "Hey Trinity" I looked up "uh sorry I don't think we've met" "I know just pan talks about you. My names Felix by the way" pan dose what now? "Oh".
The rest of the time me and Felix talked all the way back to the camp he was actually pretty cool.

~~~days later or whatever~~~

Peter's p.o.v

Trinity has been on Neverland for a long a time and Id never think I would actually like her.  Were walking through the forest when soon one of my lost boys were walking by us. Giving her a lustfull look.

Trinity's p.o.v

Peter swung his arm around me right when one of the lost boys said something. "Looking good trinity" one winked. It was awkward but it was normal that pan had put his arm around me. Some days it wasn't just him putting his arm around me he always held my hand and around my waist it would really get annoying. I just don't get him anymore he's so protective over me. "Leave me alone" I mumbled walking away from peter as soon as I could. "Trinity wait" pan shouted for me "peter no!" I kept walking as he followed "please just for now.....your just so protective when you don't need to be" I ran fast before he could say anything. True the lost boys flirted with me but I knew how to deal with it! Kinda.

~~~~at the camp~~~~

I was sitting by the fire away from pan I could tell he felt guilty but my mind was confused. In the corner of my eye I could feel Felix staring at me I looked over but he looked away fast. I decided to take a walk.

As I was walking I occasionally heard snapping twigs I tried to ignore it. "Alright come out" I shouted out Felix came out of the dark. "Um..." Was all I managed "sorry its just your alone now so.."  Ok that was creepy Felix came closer to me I could see the look in his eyes. "Felix what are you doing?" I was backed up to a tree felix pinned me to the tree. I tried to block Felix's hands from kissing me... "What do you think your doing!" Peters hand locked on Felix he used his magic and flung him across the surface. "Keep your hands of her!" He shouted. "Peter...." Was what I managed out of my cracking voice. "Look I know your annoyed with me and Im protective of you because I love you" He spoke all in one. "Peter" "no let me finish!" "Trinity for a while my heart has been empty and when you showed up in my dreams" thats where I recognized him at first. "And then you came to Neverland I knew I loved you" he came closer. "I love you trinity..." "I love you too peter" our lips touched and this kiss felt real.

(A/n:I hope you liked it @xLoveDovex and thanks for requesting. Vote? Later ✌🏼️


✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now