Robbie kay ~ the one that got away

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(A/n: your 22 in this fanfic also sorry this is kinda short I wrote it at 12 in the morning....)

(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I sat on my bed in the dark as the rain fell. I found someone I hadn't seen in a long time. Robbie kay. We used to be friends when we were kids then we started to go out when we were teenagers and it was amazing. But ever since he got more rolls he obsessed over his job and I never saw him but believe me when I say he left me a mess. He was the one that broke up with me and it hurt... It had been along time sense and I had never seen him after all that. I became a famous actress and a single mother and trust me it was hard because the father of my kid (not Robbie) left but kept coming back when he first found out about it at 17.

"Mommy what are you thinking about?" My four year old little girl Marcy (you can name her however you want) asked. "Honey shouldn't you be in bed?" You pulled on my bed to sit with me.
"I had a nightmare..." I hugged her to my chest. "When is daddy coming home?" Marcy sounded tired. "Sweetie don't get your hopes up he's not a good man." Tears brimmed her eyes. All he ever dud was drink and abuse me. We fell asleep cuddling each other.

~~~time skip to next day~~~

I woke up getting ready for the day calmly considering I didn't have work today. "Marcy lets go! We need to get to the store." She came in all dressed with a smile.

~~at the store~~

We finished getting the stuff we need. As I was putting everything in the car a recognizable boy stood leaning on a sign pole in the corner of my eye. I looked up to see Robbie kay.

---flash back---

"Hay babe are you ok?" My boyfriend Robbie came up to me entering our house. We were supposed to have a movie night together but he was late.
"No not really!" I mumbled. "Whats wrong?" He looked at me confused.
"Oh I DONT know!?... Maybe the fact that you stood me up seven times now!" I was angry now. "Look Im sorry work is chaotic schedules change-" "save me the load of crap!" Tears were falling. "I thought I could handle all this but I cant..." I whispered the last part. "Then I guess its over" he spoke sadly. "I guess it is.." I didn't actually think this day would come. I left the house but now I wasn't sure what to do now he basically owned all the money. Now I have no idea where Im going to stay.

--flashback over--

We both just stood there awkwardly. "Hey..." He spoke up scratching the back of his neck he did look a bit different but not much. "Hey" I finished loading my car. "Its been awhile" he stopped leaning on the pole. "Yeah, how are you?" I asked. "Good.." I could tell he wasn't good. "What about you?" I gave that are you serious look. "I guess Im managing thanks to you defiantly doing better" the look of regret spread all over his face but then again it was my choice and partly my fault to. "(Y/N) letting you go was the biggest mistake of my life. Im sorry." I teared up. "I still love you" he added. " I forgive you mostly because Im doing ok" its true I mean I am an actress now. "I hear your an actress now" he gave a small smile. I smiled back "yeah its really great I see why you love it so much!" We both laughed. "MOM HURRY up" Marcy whined. Robbie's eyes lit up in confusion I chuckled. Marcy came out of the car I left her up so I was now holding her. "Who's that?" Robbie asked curiously. "My daughter Marcy. Say hi sweetie" She waved Robbie smiled but there was some hurt left on his face as if he were thinking of what could have been. "Shes adorable" he smiled. "Go back to the car hun Il be there in a sec. "We should hang out sometime" I suggested. He nodded and smirked ohhhhh that hot smirk mmmmmm. (did I make you cringe? 😏) "MOM!" "Well I should get going" we laughed. Robbie gave me a warm hug. "Im sorry for everything" he cried. "its ok the past is the past" he cried still and so did I. "I love you Robbie kay" i walked back to my car "I love you too".

(A/n: how was that please let me know! And Im running out of ideas halllp don't worry though this book shall stay alive! Hopefully.... Lol. Don't forget to keep being awesome ;) )


✨Robbie kay and Peter pan ouat imagines✨(Requests closed)(completed series) Where stories live. Discover now