Chapter 1: Mission Accepted

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It was another boring day for Killua Zoldyck, well until he was notified that someone had a request for his services.

"Mr. Killua, we have a young teenage male here asking for your services." Killua's female servant Canary said on the intercom.

The boy sighed as he pressed the button on the microphone located on his desk.

"Alright, send him in." The white haired male replied, running a pale white hand through his snow-colored hair.

Not even a second later a tall fair skinned male burst through his wooden doors.

"Hello, please have a seat." Killua stated, pointing to the leather chair in front of him.

The teenage boy sat down in the seat and made himself comfortable, before looking back up at the powerful teenage boy in front of him.

"Now what is it that you need?" Killua asked, sternly.

"Killua Zoldyck, I need you to assassinate a fellow classmate of mine. He is the Captain of the Basketball Team and in order to surpass him, I need him eliminated. His name is Gon Freecs sir." The tall brown haired male stated, as he placed a photo on the white haired male's desk.

Killua looked down at the photo that the stranger had given him and saw a tanned skinned spiky-haired boy with golden brown eyes.

"Is this him?" Killua asked, finding himself staring at the photo.

The male nodded.

"Very well then, consider your request accepted, now give me details on this so called, 'Gon Freecs.' ".

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