Damaged Pride

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Later in the day I decided to call the local Yakuza involved in the deal and arrange a meeting. At the leaders request we agreed upon meeting at an abandoned warehouse by the Tokyo Bay.
     "Ichinomiya. We have a meeting with the Yakuza this evening." I informed him before heading off to get ready.
     I tied my hair up into a ponytail and dressed in a simple pair of black leather jeans and navy blouse. I placed my loaded gun in a holster and concealed it with my leather jacket.
     At this point I was pretty sure the Yakuza had nothing to do with the incident but talking with them wouldn't hurt either. Ichinomiya and I took my Lamborghini to the meeting place and walked in to find three men already standing waiting for us.
     "Good evening," I said as I shook his hand.
     "So the rumors are true?" Ozaki raised a brow and gave me a once over. Automatically, I crossed my arms and straightened myself to my full 5'5.
     "Yes. There has been talk since this morning that George had sent his pretty little girl all the way to Tokyo alone," he smirked.
     "Is that so?" I licked my bold red lips and narrowed my eyes.
     "And the rumors are not wrong, you are a pretty young thing," he drawled.
     "Excuse me sir, but there are more important matters that must be discussed." Ichinomiya stepped up, leveling Ozaki a cold glare.
     "You'd do better to keep your mutt on a leash," Ozaki warned and I gave Ichinomiya a stern look as I take a step forward, even though all I wanted to do was punch this mans throat for insulting my family.
     "My apologizes," I bowed my head. "Anyway, back to the matter at hand. I have been looking into last nights deal and would like to confirm a few things."
     "Like?" Ozaki frowned.
     "A man was spotted at the construction site, he showed up just before the deal had been a success before cutting the chains that held the beams, thus killing Amori."
     "And you think we hired him?" Ozaki interrupted, his voice raised and he became visibly angered by my words.
     "I just want answers." I stated calmly.
     "You know what?" His hands tightened into fists by his sides. "I don't have to stand around and be insulted by some little kid who thinks she can just show up and take charge."
     "I see. I'm sorry you feel that way," I bowed once again and turned ready to leave. "Come on," I motioned with my chin to the exit as I looked towards Ichinomiya. He narrowed his eyes at Ozaki and the two men flanking him. I paid little attention to them and began walking- knowing that Ichinomiya will follow.
     It wasn't until a few seconds later, however, that I heard an all too familiar bang and a sharp pain in the left side of my body. I stumbled into Ichinomiya who quickly shielded me with his body and took us into cover behind some large metal tanks.
     "Fuck!" I hissed through my teeth.
     "They got you bad," Ichinomiya commented angrily as he looked at me before peeking round the side of the tank.
     "I'm fine, are they still there?"
     "No. They've left." A car screeched away on the gravel path on the other side of the building and I pushed myself to my feet.
     "Let's go," I winced as I staggered towards the opening. Suddenly I felt an arm carefully slip around my body and Ichinomiya on my right side. I looked up in surprise at the sudden closeness but he kept a serious look as he supported my weight.
     "You weigh nothing, are you sure you're a mafia princess?"
     "Of course I am," I let out an amused breath. "I fight a lot better when I don't have my back to the enemy. Or when I know I have an enemy." I mumbled the last part.
     "Hm, with a frame as small as yours I'm not sure about that.." He smirked down at me.
     Is he challenging me?
     "I'll have to show you some time." I smirked back then Ichinomiya opened  the passenger door and helped me in. The car ride was deathly quiet and I felt my body growing weak despite the pressure I was putting on the wound. I pulled my hand back and saw it was covered in my blood. I dipped my head back and groaned at the intense pain as I closed my eyes and reapplied the pressure.
     "Hey. Wake up. Don't close your eyes." The voice beside me growled. Suddenly I realized we weren't moving anymore. By the time I turned my head to look at the driver seat it was empty and then I felt like I was floating. I frowned deeply when bright lights hit me and the buzz of talking suddenly stopped.
     "She's been shot where's Luke?" Ichinomiya demanded. I turned my head just in time to see a pale blonde haired man come into view. The men left  the room after that in a hurry and I slowly began to lose consciousness.

     "You're awake?" I tried to push myself up in bed but instead the blonde man from before pushed me back down by my shoulders. "Stay." He demanded in a thick British accent before bringing me some pills and water. I took them and finally felt my dry lips and throat regaining moisture. "You were shot and lost quite a lot of blood, Miss Pierce."
     "Alexis is fine," I interrupted him. I hated being called by my surname, it reminded me of the horrible man I was related to.
     "Okay, Alexis," he continued. "Eisuke brought you back and I removed the bullet fragments," he smiled slightly, his blue eyes shining in the bright light, reminding me much of my own natural eye colour.
     "How long will this take to heal?" I questioned.
     "A few months. Refrain from moving the area too much and it'll be fine." After Dr Foster talked me through the basics of dressing the wound myself I left his clinic and headed to my office.
     "Finally," I heard as I closed the door.
     "What are you still doing awake?"
     "I thought waiting for you in the clinic was a bit much." He shrugged as he walked towards me in the dim light. "How are you feeling?"I still felt weak but the pain in my side was beginning to ease thanks to the painkillers Foster had given me.
     "I'm fine, it was nothing really," I said nonchalantly as I walked towards my desk.
     "Oh really? It didn't look like that when you passed out in my arms," he retorted cockily and I glanced up to him from my laptop. I shrugged in response and returned to the screen.
     "You can go to your room now, I'm heading to bed in a minute." I didn't hear anything after that apart from the sound of a door closing. I bite my lip as I toyed with the idea of reporting to my father what had happened this evening.
     No. I'll just get sent back to England if I do that.
     I closed the laptop and sighed heavily as I locked my office door and went to my own room, by the time I reached it exhaustion had already taken over and I collapsed onto my bed.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Let me know by voting and commenting your thoughts! :)


Published: 19/2/17
Edited: 4/1/18

Guarded || (Soryu) KBTBB Fanfic || First book in the Guard seriesWhere stories live. Discover now