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"Alexis!" Someone knocked hard on my door while shouting. The space next to me was empty now. Soryu must've slipped out before anyone could see him leaving my room. That thought gave me a funny feeling.
     I shook myself free of the thought that the Wolves could get the wrong idea of our relationship. Soryu and I's relationship was purely business.
     "What?" I shouted back, the voice I now recognized to be Ichinomiya's, irritatedly.
     "Come quick. There's been some trouble." I'd never heard Ichinomiya sound like this. Composed with a hint of panic.
     I shot up with this new information and quickly dressed myself in black jeans and a navy sweater. I wouldn't bother with a shower this morning.
     As I stepped out of the room I had a terrible feeling of foreboding. The air felt different somehow.
     "Mr Oh has been arrested."
     I froze, staring up to Ichinomiya's face. My ears began to ring so much I had to lip read to fully understand what happened.
     "It happened not long ago. He and I were talking in the kitchen until there was a knock at the front door. I answered it and they immediately pushed past me and cuffed him. Saying some shit about taking him in for questioning and how they finally have evidence to lock him up."
     "Shit. Fuck!" I ran my fingers through my hair to push it away from my face. "Where's Mamoru?"
     "At the office, he was called in late last night."
     "That bastard double crossed us." I said with rising anger. "Get the car ready, now."
     Luckily a familiar face waited in concern when I walked past the living room. "Princess what's wrong? Has Sor really been arrested?"
     "I'm going to go find out. Keep this place on lockdown. No one in, no one out. Anything connected to any illegal activity needs to be put in the hidden room in the basement. I want this place clean." I said in an absolute tone, Baba nodded and rushed off to take care of things after I'd dismissed him.

I strode up to the front desk in the polished station confidently. I'd have to exude a strong aura to help me here, thankfully my half Japanese ethnicity would also help. Foreigners and women were not as respected here and I happened to be- partly- both.
     "My boyfriend has been arrested. I demand to speak to him," I told the woman behind the desk, in perfect Japanese. Ichinomiya glanced at me but thought  better than to say anything. I'd only called him that for lack of anything else to call him.
     "Can I have his name?"
     "Oh. Soryu Oh. He was arrested from our house about two hours ago."
     "I'm afraid you're unable to. He is being questioned by officers at this moment in time."
     Fuck. Think. Think!
     I looked towards Ichinomiya and noticed a muscle in his jaw tick. I felt the same anger.
     "Kishi! I must speak to officer Kishi this minute." I tried again.
     The woman stopped and looked up for a moment before typing on her computer. "Give me a moment, please."
     I nodded once with a hard stare then turned while she began to dial a number on the phone beside her. I heard snippets of a conversation but I mainly tried to focus on composting myself.
     "Miss, your name?"
     I turned back to the woman, "Alexis Pierce. He knows who I am," I ensured. She hung up shortly afterwards and I noticed Ichinomiya impatiently tapping his foot on the floor.
     "We have arranged for you to speak with Mr Kishi privately in one of our available interrogation rooms. An officer will be down to escort you momentarily."
     I thanked the woman and ushered Ichinomiya to follow me to the waiting area. I sat but instead of taking the vacant seat beside me he continued to the water fountain and got us both a small plastic cup.
     I gladly took the drink to moisten my mouth and throat. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" Ichinomiya's deep voice questioned me.
     "I'm not sure what to think. It sounds like Kishi has been arrested."
     "Exactly-" a man cleared his throat from behind me and I immediately stood up.
     "Call home and make sure everything is alright," I said normally but he understood the double meaning.

     It only took a minute of sitting silently in front of an equally silent Kishi, cuffed to the table, for me to lose it.
     "What the fuck is going on, Kishi?" I shouted, pushing my chair back as I stood, hands braced on the table as I looked over him.
     "Listen, kid-" he started and I already knew I was not going to like what I heard. "I didn't have a choice. They woulda got it outta of me eventually."
     "You fucking did it!" I had no issues with raising my voice. Japanese interrogation rooms were soundproof and had no cameras or windows so we were totally alone.
     "I had no choice-"
     "So you ratted us out?" He didn't say anything but I already knew the answer.
     I gritted my teeth, my knuckles turning white as I gripped the metal table. "Go on. Explain." I slumped back down then but folded my arms over my chest as I waited.
    He only took a moment to breathe, "Alexis, they've been building a case against Soryu since his first kill sixteen years ago. One hundred and fifty-three victims, from the age of sixteen. I tried to save yah, said he was in charge."
     "Oh so it's alright then?"
     "They somehow found out I had contact with the Wolves. What was I supposed to do?" I massaged my temples and sighed to calm myself down.
     Next I ran my tongue over my teeth and returned to my arms folded position.
     "Not betray your family." I spat out through my teeth, shaking my head and chuckling in disbelief.
     "They offered me a reduced sentence if I told 'em where Soryu was and whatever I knew bout him. I wouldn't a done it if I didn't think he could get outta this."
     "The punishment for murder is death by hanging, genius." Kishi dropped his head to look at his lap. "He is in questioning now and thanks to you they'll have no problem putting him down for it all."
     I stood up again, ready to leave. "How many people are on the case?"
     I slide a small notepad and pen across the table, Kishi understood to write their names down for me and I took it back.
     "You'll hear back from me soon. Until then not a word. Don't tell anyone else shit."
     I exited the claustrophobic room and walked down the path I was first lead down to meet Ichinomiya again.


Oh shit!
     How y'all feeling about a bit of drama? 😏
     Let me know by commenting, voting and adding Guarded to your reading lists!

I'll see y'all later!

Published: 25/7/17
Edited: 6/1/18

Guarded || (Soryu) KBTBB Fanfic || First book in the Guard seriesWhere stories live. Discover now