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The next day I woke up earlier than usual, I'd rolled onto my left side while in my sleep and the pressure on my wound tore me from my slumber. After getting dressed and ready to deal with the day I opened my door and walked out only to be met with a silver grey wall. I groaned in frustration as I walked straight into Oh's back.
"Is there a reason you're camped out in front of my room?" The annoyance in my voice was evident and I was not doing anything to hide it.
"Security purposes," he stated after stepping out of my way. I rolled my eyes and walked down to the dining room where the chef had set the table for breakfast. Ichinomiya and I discussed the details of this mornings meeting with an Italian mob boss named Antonio Bucci. From what I'd gathered they were a powerful organization that wanted to expand their business into Japan and so on.
Oh understood that if he repeated anything he heard here his life wouldn't be spared but his intense stare was really beginning to bother me.
"Can I help you?" I snapped, cutting Ichinomiya off mid sentence.
"Not at all," Oh said, then quickly avoided my unnatural grey eyes. I ignored him for the rest of breakfast and shortly after the three of us were on our way to the Tres Spades Hotel to meet with the mob boss.
"Where is the meeting taking place?" Oh questioned as we stepped out of the car and both men walked either side of me through the entrance.
"At the casino on the thirtieth floor," I replied without even a glance. As the hotel staff opened the doors to let us in, the guests who were all dressed to the nines in long elegant gowns and suits crowding the lobby began to part like the Red Sea. I quite enjoyed the fact that the three of us looked intimidating enough to have social elites move for us.
Minutes after getting in the golden elevator opened, revealing a buzzing casino. Men in suits at tables surrounded by beautiful women filled the place and it didn't take long for the three of us to attract attention. I felt completely confident in my mid thigh length navy slip dress with my gun concealed by my black blazer and both men flanking me were impeccably dressed in expensive suites- we definitely fit in with the general glitzy attire.
Soon, on our way to the back of the room, a couple of women sidled up to Ichinomiya and Oh. I immediately stopped in my tracks and whirled around the face all four of them. While Oh looked completely disinterested and even slightly disgusted by the women, Ichinomiya had a smirk plastered on his annoyingly handsome face.
That bastard knew I wasn't happy about their presence.
"Ladies, we have a meeting to attend," I started of by using my 'business' tone and smile.
"Sorry you two have to be around such a stick in the mud, why don't you come drink with us, we have a private booth in the back," the red head whispered rather loudly to Ichinomiya.
I took a provocative step towards the stick thin woman thinking about how I could snap her if I really want to.
"Honey, my men aren't  interested in the service you and your friend provide. Now get your trashy asses out of our vicinity before I make them disappear off of the face of this earth," I leveled the red head a cold glare and then slyly pulled my blazer back to reveal my Smith and Wesson M&P 9. Both girls eyes widened in fear and then I waved my hand- telling them to shoo- before I turned on my heel and continued towards the table Mr Bucci and his daughter Carolina were seated at.
"Miss Pierce!" Mr Bucci exclaimed, pulling me in to kiss my cheeks. I chuckled at the sudden contact and smiled at the pair.
"Please call me Alexis," I insisted as I took my seat between Ichinomiya and Oh. I gestured to Ichinomiya, "this is Eisuke Ichinomiya, my second in command." I introduced both men and I noticed Carolina had sighed dreamily. "And this-" I gestured to Oh "- is my bodyguard Soryu Oh."
Mr Bucci regarded me with a questioning look as they shook hands across the table. "Why would you need a bodyguard?" He asked clearly confused.
I retold the events of a few nights ago and Antonio Bucci tutted while shaking his head. "That's not gentlemanly at all and while you had your guard down as well. He should be ashamed. It's people like that that we need to get rid of."
I chuckled at this and shook my head, "its okay, I'm healing well. If anything it was a lesson on why I should never let my guard down." Over the course of the evening we had a few drinks and played a few games while we discussed future plans for our respective organizations.
The more I learned about Bucci's organization; The Family, the more I began to notice how much alike his ideals were to my own. Not my pathetic excuse of a fathers.
"I can assure you that I and the Japanese branch of the Grey Wolves would be honored to be allied with The Bucci Family but I do request one thing." I paused as I lay down my cards. "That we keep this off the records."
Bucci's eyebrows raised in surprise at my request and he took a long drag of his cigar. "And why is that?"
"You see, my father and I have completely different ideals. He is a greedy bastard that has no regard for anyone, but with the backing of your organizations it won't be long until I can overthrow him."
"Then you have my word that this," he gestured to the table, "never happened." He nodded once as he sipped from his champagne flute.
I smiled and nodded back, "thank you, I promise you won't regret your decision."
"I'm sure I won't." Bucci laid out his cards on the green felt and pushed the ace of spades towards me. "I'll see you tonight I hope?" he stated but made it sound more like a question.
I joined him as he stood and he again leaned over to kiss my cheeks, "here, this will get you into the tea party." He whispered discreetly into my ear and passed me what felt like a small envelope which I quickly hide in the inside pocket of my blazer.
"Thank you both for a lovely game," I said in my normal voice after Carolina had kissed my cheeks also. I waved goodbye to the pair as the turned and disappeared into the crowd.
Well that went extremely well.


Hello my pretty little things!
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See you soon..

Published: 1/3/17
Edited: 5/1/18

Guarded || (Soryu) KBTBB Fanfic || First book in the Guard seriesWhere stories live. Discover now