Uncovering The Truth

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29 December 2003

Dear Diary,

I received another letter from Mamoru today. As of the 5th of this month he is officially a police detective and I can tell he's really proud of himself. It took a while to graduate from a regular officer to detective but he worked hard to get to where he wanted to be. I'm so happy for him.

Kim X

     The next couple of entries were spread over a few years and none of them held anything of interest. Until I read the date of the next entry.

13 December 2010

Dear Diary,

Alexis is 15 now and she's growing up to be so beautiful and bright. We celebrated her birthday yesterday and this morning she went to her annual camping trip, this time in Brazil.
I'm worried though. She seemed sad on the night of her birthday and also before she left. She even pretended to be ill but George had the in-house Doctor do a check up and we found she was in perfect health.
Something still doesn't sit right with me. I feel it in my gut. Maybe I'll have a little look into this camp while George is out on business today.
I hope I'm wrong.

Kim X

     The memory of the Brazilian drug lord who'd bought me that weekend burned in my mind.
     "What's wrong?" Soryu asked concern evident in his voice, he must've caught me staring at nothing in particular. I quickly snapped my head round to him and shook it.
     "Nothing, I was just thinking," I brushed it off and he gently put a hand on my arm. I shuffled a little closer to him and leaned myself against his firm body as we both returned to our respective books.

13 December 2010

Dear Diary,

Oh God. I was right. There is something going on. After George left not long ago I snuck into his office and after a few tries I managed to guess the password to his computer. I browsed through various tabs that were left open and noticed he'd received a sum of £4 mil to the Wolves bank account on Alexis' birthday. The transfer came from a man who's name I can't pronounce but I know he is a very powerful drug lord in Brazil that George has conducted business with on more than one occasion.
I started looking through more transfers into the account and then the computer made a 'ding' sound. A message popped up announcing the arrival of a new email. I clicked the notification and it was an email from the same man who'd transferred George the money. This is what it read:
Hello George,
My weekend so far with your daughter has been more than satisfactory. She no longer complains at the things I do to her and instead remains silent like I want. Since she's so good at pleasing me I'd like to ask if I can keep her for one more day. Of course I'll pay for the extra time, let's say £2 mil?
     I look forward to your reply.
I feel so sick. I almost threw up there and then. My beautiful little angel was going through hell and for God knows how long.
I replied to the email straight away. Of course posing as George saying that Alexis in fact needed to be returned home today and that he was not to mention this ever again. He reluctantly agreed and within the hour she was put onto a plane back to London. I deleted the conversation before leaving and getting some things ready to pick her up from the airport.
Oh God please help me.

Kim X

     I gasped softly when I came to the end of the entry. "She knew-"
     "What?" Soryu asked in confusion and I turned my head to look up at him.
     "When I was sent away on my fifteenth birthday she found out. She found out where I went, she was the reason the guy sent me home early that weekend. All this time I thought my mum never knew what happened to me-" I paused as a wave of realization hits me "- I'm fifteen, that means she's going to die soon." I trailed off and my eyes drop to the book.
     I no longer wanted to carry on reading, as if, if I stopped here my mum wouldn't die; she could live on forever in the pages of this diary.
     "Please be strong, you need to make it through the diary, it's almost over." Soryu comforted me, putting his own book down on the nightstand and enveloping me in a hug instead.

14 December 2010

Dear Diary,

I picked her up from the airport as soon as she landed and we both cried into each other's shoulders as we embraced. I didn't let her know that I knew what happened to her, I just told her I missed her too much and then I took us to a cheap motel. I couldn't bring her home until she was due home which I assumed wouldn't be until the 15th which is tomorrow. I need to get us out of here. Back to Japan where we'll be safe.

Kim X

7 January 2011

Dear Diary,

I've finally confronted George about what has been happening with Alexis and to my horror I found out that she's been enduring traumatic weekends away since her 8th birthday. I'm so heartbroken and disgusted at the man I married. How could he do that to his own daughter? His flesh and blood?
This isn't the man I fell in love with. This is a monster.
We've argued several times when I'd tried to figure out ways of escaping but nothing seems to work. He burned my passport and Alexis doesn't have one. I've written to Mamoru and he told me to go to the police right away, he offered to get Interpol involved but I refused. That would mean throwing myself and so many good Wolves into prison, jeopardizing Mamoru's career and worst of all being forced to give up my sweet angel to live with strangers, I couldn't risk any of that. So that's why I decided I'd go tomorrow to the local police tomorrow with some sort of lie and make them send us as far away from London as possible.
I just hope they can help us.

Kim X


Hey guys!

Guess who's back! Did y'all miss me?
     I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, please let me know by voting, commenting and adding Guarded to your reading lists so that you never miss an update.
     The next chapter shouldn't be too long as I already have part of it written so look forward to that my pretties!

Ta ta for now,

Published: 9/9/17
Edited: 10/1/18

Guarded || (Soryu) KBTBB Fanfic || First book in the Guard seriesWhere stories live. Discover now