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Twelve and a half hours was a long time to spend stuck in the same place thousands of miles in the air. But it gave me time to look through my files and prepare to take control of the branch. From the profiles there were a handful that had stood out to me. Everyone seemed to have a good set of skills, running this place should be easy.
     I smirked to myself as I exited the private jet, somehow being away from my father made me feel a whole lot more powerful. Once I make my way through the airport I step outside to find a blacked out Lamborghini Aventador waiting for me, I take the keys my father had given me before I left and unlock the door.
     "Good morning miss," the guard greeted me as I walked inside.
     "Good morning," I nodded at him and looked around the almost empty living room of the large mansion that doubled as the Grey Wolves headquarters. "You," I called out to the young dark haired man sitting on one of the sofas. "I want Ichinomiya, Kishi, Baba and Aihara in my office in five minutes." I demanded and he scurried off to round everyone up.
     Five minutes later I was sat in my office with all four men in front of me. "Its good to meet you all, I'm sure you know who I am but if not, I am Alexis Pierce, second in command of the Grey Wolves and new leader of this branch." I spoke in fluent Japanese and each of them have an impressed look on their face. "Now, although I am fluent in Japanese I prefer speaking English which from what your profiles have told me should be no problem." I continued in my native language.
     "If you don't mind me asking princess, but why have you called us here?" Baba questioned with his hand on his jaw.
     "Because Baba, I plan on putting down who ever caused last nights little accident," a confident smirk crossed my lips and Ichinomiya mirrored it. Perhaps my right hand man and I aren't too different.
     "At least someone has some sense here," Ichinomiya commented.
     "Yes. Who ever caused the accident will most likely be a thorn in our side so the best course of action is to get rid of them."
     "I see.." Aihara grinned mischievously. "The deal took place at a construction site, I'll get security camera footage from there and any near by buildings."
     "Perfect," I nodded before shifting my gaze to Baba, "once we find out who caused the beams to fall I'm sending you undercover if required. Ota I want you to help with the desguise."
     "Got it Boss," Baba and Ota answered simaltaneously with bright smiles, I definitely got the feeling that those two were close and liked working together.
     "Ichinomiya, I want you to get me the file of the organization the deal was made with," he dropped his confident smirk and nodded now, a serious look on his face.
     "You can all leave. Except you Kishi."They all did as asked and Mamoru stayed behind, lazily puffing on his cigarette. He was the only one I was a little wary about. "Why are you working with us?" I asked straightforwardly, not bothering to beat around the bush.
     He shrugged, "pays well." I regarded him with a questioning look but suddenly his phone began to ring and he pulled it out of his pocket to check the caller ID. "Duty calls," he smiled before leaving my office—phone to ear. I sat back in my chair with a sigh and ran my fingers through my long dark pink hair. My eyes naturally settled on the tattoo on my right wrist. Bracelets impede your ability to fight, so instead I had a realistic silver bracelet tattooed around my wrist with my mothers name engraved on it in memory of her.
I'll make you proud.
     I smiled down at the tattoo until I heard a knock at the door.
     "Come in," I called out, returning to my serious demeanor quickly.
     "Here is the file, it was a drug deal with local yakuza." I noded and took the files from Ichinomiya.
     "Thanks," I said as I opened the file and began reading. "One more thing," I look up the tall brown haired man, once I heard the door open. "I want a sweet tea, strawberry and vanilla preferably, but whatever you have here will be fine." He left the room with a slight chuckle and I went back to the file.

     "So it couldn't have been them?"
     "Not from what the surveillance cameras show." Aihara looked up at me over his shoulder. "Cameras from surrounding buildings show that only one car apart from our own pulled up. Four men come out of their car, and they're all present at the meeting point." I bite my lip as I study each screen.  
     "And it was just one unidentified men who caused the beams to fall?"
     "Yep. he arrived just minutes before the deal was a success meaning he must have had some inside knowledge of the deal."
     "Hmm, okay then." I nodded and straightened up again. "Thanks."

     "Oh perfect! I just finished checking the money from the deal just like you asked." Kisaki smiled brightly as he let me into his office that doubled as a studio. Kisaki served as the Grey Wolves authenticator as well as unofficial disguise maker, he was too talented at creating masks and whole personas that it would have been silly to not put it to good use.
     "It all checks out. He sat down in his chair and opened the briefcase full of notes. "They're all real." I frowned slightly. I'd expected it to be counterfeit, the fact that it wasn't mades the whole situation a lot more perplexing.
     "Okay, that should be all for now, take the case back downstairs." I ordered on my way out.

I absentmindedly wait for my father to answer his phone while staring at the clock on the wall, there was a nine hour time difference between Japan and England so it'd be midnight right now.
     "Hello father," I greeted him emotionlessly once he answered the phone.
     "How is everything going?" He questioned immediately.
     "Everything is fine. I've been here for a few hours and I've decided to look into Amori's accident. But it's looking a lot less like faulty equipment by the minute." I pressed my lips into a thin line as I rubbed the back of my neck.
     "I see, starting off with a small case like that is good. I taught you well," he chuckled.
     "They'll only be trouble later on if we don't weed whoever did this out right away," I frowned. "I'll report back to you if anything else happens." I hung up without so much as a good bye and tossed my phone onto my bed. Everyone was busy around HQ with various tasks I'd given which gave me a little time to rest despite is only being nine o' clock in the morning.


Hey guys,
So... This is chapter 1, I really hope you like it.

I'd love to hear your thoughts so please vote, comment and share!

Until next time,

Published: 18/2/17
Edited: 4/1/18

Guarded || (Soryu) KBTBB Fanfic || First book in the Guard seriesWhere stories live. Discover now