Dinner Date

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After everyone had been introduced we took our seats at the elegantly dressed table. My father took the seat at the head of the table with Roy sitting to his left, me on his right and Soryu to the right of me. Moments later Ross rushed through the door panting ever so slightly, he cleared his throat before adjusting his sweater vest and jacket.
     "Pardon my lateness, there was a little trouble at the door," he said pointedly to Roy who took no notice. That made sense, the second guard must have been Roy's.
     "It's not a problem, we've just sat down ourselves," my father assured him as he shrugged off his trench coat and allowed the butler to take it to the cloakroom.
     "Hello again," Ross smiled at Soryu and I, which we both returned with a small smile and 'hello' of our own. With a displeased look he then proceeded to take the last remaining seat to Roy's left. Next, five waitresses bring us our starters- pan seared scallops on a bed of greens with some sort of dressing poured sparsely overtop. Everyone thanked their waitress before they made their silent departure and the room was covered in frost. No one wanted to speak, that was of course, except for my father.

"So, it's been a while since we spoke last, how have things been Alexis?" He asked me directly and I reached for some much needed champagne.
     "Things are well back home," I answered; making a point of calling Japan my home, "everything has been running smoothly."
     "Except for the last few months no?" I swallowed my mouthful, worried as to what he was referring to. I looked up and met his eyes, urging him to continue. "First the coma and then our last deal?"
     "Ah right, both of which were out of my control, sir."
     "Coma? Busted deals? You failed to mention this George," Roy spoke up and looked between us. I finished off the last bite of my starter and sipped my drink, it was clear though that my father wanted me to be the one to make conversation.
     "Neither were big deals-"
     "Bullshit that deal would have made me millions," my father cut in angrily and banged his hand against the tabletop. I cleared my throat and glanced towards Soryu.
     "I was involved in a car crash that caused me to fall into a short coma and then just a few weeks afterward," I paused and took a deep breath. I hated to even lie about this now that I had Evie to worry about back home. "We had a shipment of children coming in by boat from a trafficking ring but it sunk out at sea, there- there were no survivors." I closed my eyes for a moment until I felt Soryu's hand on my knee, grounding me to reality.
     Roy and my father launched into a loud discussion about future deals and the plans for their respective organizations that I tried my hardest to keep out of.
     "Are you okay?" Soryu whispered softly into my ear, I turned my head to meet his eyes and confirmed that I was.
     "Yeah, thanks," I replied quietly hoping no one would hear or see our exchange.
     "You two look like you would make a stunning couple," Ross spoke to us in a hushed tone and I looked up in shock.
     Uh oh.
     "Oh no, it's-" Soryu smiled easily and placed his hand on top of mine.
     "Please, allow me princess." He turned his attention to Ross and continues, "after having to spend so much time in such close proximity to the princess it is true that I have learned a lot about her and we have grown somewhat close but her safety and comfort is always my number one priority. Our relationship is strictly professional, therefor I must always ensure that her mental as well as physical wellness is tended to." He explained calmly and Ross smiled before dabbing his mouth with his napkin.
     "Of course Mr Oh, although you certainly look more like a couple than I'm sure you intended to," he smirked knowingly and my eyes moved to Soryu.
     He was right, with his white dress shirt, black suit and red tie we definitely looked like a couple.
     Nervously, I began to fidget.
     Was my father that perceptive?
     "Must have been an accident," I tried to brush it off.
     "Yes. An accident, not a couple," Ross smiled to himself before glancing skyward and taking a sip of his champagne.
     "What's this about couples?" My father interjected and I suddenly felt a pit in my stomach.
     "It's nothing sir, we were just discussing the recent proposal announcement between Naoki Ukiyo and Mei-Ling Lee. Their respective organizations joining forces could prove to be beneficial to many people."
     "Ugh." My father grunted in disgust, "someone should have burned their factions down before they even got a chance to take off. Their morals are all wrong." Beside me I noticed Soryu's hands clenched into fists but I decided to wait until we were alone to ask about that small action.
     "I agree, the Bell Crickets and the Phoenix's morals are far too good for that of a successful mafia group," Roy nodded along and I was less than surprised. It would make total sense that they were both evil people.
     "Anyway the only important couple in my eyes now is the both of you," my father smiled pleasantly and I almost choked on my mouthful of champagne.
     This can't be about Soryu and I.
     "I beg your pardon?"
     "Perhaps I forgot to inform you my darling daughter, but I have agreed for Roy to take your hand in marriage."


Aaaaand the bombshell has been dropped.
     Updates are on their way but until then don't forget to vote and leave me feedback in the comments. I love reading our thoughts and it always motivates me to carry on writing.
     Don't forget to add Guarded to your reading lists so that you never miss an update.
     Ps. Anyone notice the Chasing Unexpected Love Easter egg I dropped in there? 🤔😉

Anyway, until next time guys,

Published: 10/11/17
Edited: 10/1/18

Guarded || (Soryu) KBTBB Fanfic || First book in the Guard seriesWhere stories live. Discover now