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Soryu and I stood side by side on the balcony over looking hundreds of people. The Grey Wolves, the Red Foxes, and a huge amount of strangers who must've been a mixture of the Ice Dragons, the Bucci's, the Bell Crickets and the Phoenix's. It was a little overwhelming to see so many people waiting for me. I cleared my throat, I felt a little apprehensive but that went away as soon as Soryu slid his hand into mine and squeezed. 
     "Hello everyone," I said to the large crowd and they all looked at me expectingly. "I'm sure you all know who I am but for those who don't I am Alexis Pierce. Due to some-" I stopped to think of the right word, "-unfortunate events my father, George Pierce has passed, leaving me to take over his position as leader of the Grey Wolves." 
     Below us a loud round of applause started, I couldn't think of many people in the underground who didn't want my father out of leadership. I smiled confidently; now feeling more at ease by the support. 
     "Furthermore after some negotiations with previous leader, Roy Thompson Junior, he has decided to sign away all rights of leadership to the Red Foxes to me. I know that this may be a lot to bare for some people but I plan on joining both forces together under the Grey Wolves name." I watched the crowd whispering to each other and I glanced towards Soryu who looks down at me at the same time. 
     "I'd also like to announce something to you all, as of today Alexis and I are officially engaged," he told our onlookers but his eyes didn't stray from me. The crowd cheered and clapped for us and our engagement but Soryu didn't allow me to see for myself because instead he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me softly. 
     "Let's go say hi to everyone," he smiled just inches away from my face before pulling me back inside and down the hall. 
     "Wait!" I dug my heels into the carpeted floor in front of the room I'd changed in. "Let me get out of this god awful dress first," I pleaded and Soryu smirked mischievously. 
     "I don't know... it's giving me a pretty nice view," he teased while pinning me against the door with nothing but the lustful look in his eyes. I licked my lips as he took a step towards me and brought his face closer, naturally I closed my eyes in anticipation for a kiss but it never came. "I'll wait right here," he teased me again with a wink and I groaned before shutting myself in the room. 
     I sighed deeply, not out of tiredness or sadness but in relief. I was finally happy again. I threw on the denim jeans and navy knitted sweater I'd arrived in and swapped my heels for my brown boots. Without hesitation I pulled the door open and grabbed Soryu's hand to drag him outside. I was so excited to see some familiar faces that I had a smile on my face before I'd even gotten outside. 
     "Ready baby?" Soryu asked as he slid his phone back into his pocket. I looked at him over my shoulder and nodded as we reached the main doors. "Go ahead," he motioned his chin to the door and I let go of his hand to open the large double doors. The doors pulled open with relative ease and I threw one last look over my shoulder as they do. The smile on my face remained until I looked back in front of me and gasped. The penultimate thing I expected to see today stood before me. 
     "Mommy!" Evie yelled and ran towards me from Baba's legs. In seconds I got down to my knees and hugged her tightly. This reminded me of the first and last time my mum picked me up from the airport, rescuing me from my dark birthday present. I leaned back to look at her small heart shaped face and smiled brightly. I'd missed her so much. I brushed her bangs out of her face and kissed her cheek, hugged her one more time and then picked her up as I stood again. 
     "You're not going soft on us are you Alexis?" Aihara taunted with a lopsided smile and I pulled my lips in while shaking my head. 
     "Never," I denied it as I walked closer and let the most important people in my life surround me. 
     Eisuke, Mamoru, Baba, Ota, Luke, Hikaru and Shuichi all gathered around me. 
     "It's nice to have you back," Eisuke smiled very uncharacteristically but I liked it anyway. 
     Baba then wrapped me in a hug, "we missed you princess." 
     "I'd be careful Baba, Soryu is right there," Ota warned with his angelic smile and I looked over my shoulder to find Soryu glaring at Baba while reaching for his breast pocket where he kept his gun. This made me chuckle and once everyone greeted me I stepped back at look at them all. 
     I really was so lucky to have such an amazing family. 
     "You guys don't know, do you?" I asked suddenly, I'd not seen any of them when we were standing on the balcony so they missed everything. "I'm the leader of  the new Grey Wolves, we're getting quite a lot of new arrivals because-" I paused for dramatic effect- "I am also the leader of the Red Foxes." I grinned over to Soryu who took a step closer and wrapped an arm around my waist. I almost forgot that everyone knew about Soryu and I being together now, I gazed up at Soryu, silently asking permission to tell them the best news. He nodded and a breathtaking smile adorned his features. "And for the best part about it all? I'm doing it with the love of my life by my side," I announced and held out my ring hand for them to see the engagement ring. 
     They all cheered loudly with the news and I felt an overwhelming sense of happiness overcome me. 
     My real family accepted my love. 
"Wait so you're going to be my real mommy and daddy?" Evie asked, she looked up between Soryu and I with sparkling eyes and I grinned even further. 
     "Yes, we are," Soryu answered. 
     "That's the first thing I'm going to do when we get home, I'm getting you to officially be ours," I told her directly as well as everyone else. Her little arms wrapped around my neck and she buried her face in the crook of my neck. 
     "Thank you," She whispered after Soryu had joined the hug too. 
     How did I become so lucky? 
I will away the tears and then felt several more bodies join Soryu, Evie and I. When I looked up I found that Baba and Ota had joined us,  then Luke and Mamoru; leaving Eisuke, Hikaru and Shuichi standing away from the group. 
     "Come on guys, this is a nice family moment and you are ruining it," Baba opened an arm and beckoned the remaining three to join us which they eventually do- begrudgingly.


This was so cute. I kinda wanna cry!
     I really hope you guys liked this chapter! Please let me know in the comments and give this chapter a vote if you think it's deserving. Also don't forget to add Guarded to your reading lists and share it with your friends! Everything helps!

Love you guys!

Published: 28/12/17
Edited: 17/1/18

Guarded || (Soryu) KBTBB Fanfic || First book in the Guard seriesWhere stories live. Discover now