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"You've healed extremely well," Dr Foster told me. I sighed in relief and looked around the pristine clinic while his icy hands examine my healed wound.
     "That's good to hear."
     "Hm," he hummed in agreement. "You should have no trouble with physical exercise now," he smiled gently and I stood up.
     "Thank you for helping Doctor," I smiled briefly after smoothing down my shirt.
     "It was my pleasure."
     It had been a while since I was shot and much to my relief I'd healed quickly and could get back to working out.
     I walked to my room with a slight spring in my step at the prospect of being able to use the at home gym for the first time. I changed into a pair of leggings and sports bra before navigating my way to the back of the house.
     As I walked through the hall to the gym I heard heavy breathing and grunts paired with the sound of something being hit. My brows automatically furrowed and I slowly pushed open the door to the gym- where the sound was coming from.
     I swear to god if I walk in on two people going at it there will be murders.
     Instead of two people getting hot and heavy though I found Oh with his back to me using the punching bag. I sighed in relief and closed my eyes briefly. He stopped the heavy bag from swinging and turned his slightly sweaty body towards me.
     My eyes took a moment to take in the contours of his torso before settling on his face where a slightly teasing smirk showed itself. I noticed my cheeks redden in the mirror behind him and I quickly looked away.
     "It's good to finally see you in here," he broke the silence.
     "Yep, my wound has finally healed," I smiled and turned to show him the small circular scar.
     "What are those?" He asked dead serious, now just a foot away from me, I slowly turned around again only just realizing my mistake.
     "Scars," I answered after a long wait, referring to the 8 long thin scars on my back. Clearing my throat, I wrapped my arms around my middle and walked away to the treadmills on the other end of the room. The door slammed shut behind me announcing Oh's departure and I took a deep breath.
     I wish I could've ran then. Just like I was now. Running from the memories. From the disgustingly vivid memories that still gave me nightmares.
     Every. Damned. Night.
     The treadmill slowed to a stop after a long while and I rested my head in my arms on top of the control panel.
     I took a moment to recover from my glassy eyed state before moving on. I wasted away the next few hours going from one machine to the other, until I felt completely exhausted and the warm afternoon sun shone through the large window.

"The chefs prepared dinner," Ichinomiya smirked down at me after I opened the door in my bath robe.
     "Hold on," I shut the door in his face, changed and fasten my hair up in a bun then re-open it to reveal Ichinomiya leaning against the wall. "Is there a reason you're waiting for me?" I asked skeptically.
     "I heard the news."I froze when I heard those words.
     "News?" I urged cautiously.
     "Yeah. You've healed."
     "Oh. That, yeah, I guess." I nodded casually as we walked down the hall.
     "You better make good on that promise, little princess," he teased.
     "Uh oh. What promise?" I asked through a slightly worried chuckle.
     "The one where you said you'd show me that you can in fact fight." He tilted his head down to me and raised a brow. "I don't like people who go back on their word."
     I narrowed my eyes at him as we neared the dining room. "I'll get you to the ground no problem," I Grindr confidently and the conversation ended there as we took our seats.
     I smiled at a few of my mem until my eyes landed on Oh, sitting just a few seats away, he glared coldly at Ichinomiya.
     Why is he looking at Ichinomiya like that? They'd been getting along quite well lately.
     I frowned in confusion until the sound of cutlery hitting glass rung out and silenced the room. Baba cleared his throat as he looked around the table happily.
     "Let's make a toast to our princess. May you always heal well and live long." Everyone raised their glasses to Baba's toast and I rolled my eyes with a smile.
     "Long live the princess!" Everyone cheered and the chef brought out a celebratory dinner.

     "Happy Mother's Day," I whispered to my wrist now that I was alone on my balcony overlooking the garden. I folded my arms over the stone railing and looked at my tattoo. A sad smile crossed my lips. "It doesn't seem right that's it's been seven years," I sighed. "I wish that I could have gathered up the courage to tell you what happened to me for so long. Maybe things would be different? Maybe you'd still be with me." I suggested to the open air.
     A single tear fell down my cheek and I wiped it away with my fingertips. "I promise to make you proud, I know you didn't want this for me so I'm going to do everything I can to change the Grey Wolves. You were so strong but gentle, you cared so much about the innocent and I still admire you for that. I want to be just like you."
     "Ahem," a deep voice cleared it's throat and I quickly wiped away my tears. "My grandfather always spoke fondly of your mother," Oh said calmly as he stood by my side, looking out over the garden.
     "You knew my mother?" I asked quietly.
     "No but she and my grandfather were close shortly before she passed," he stated with a small smile. "I wish I could have met her." I nodded, my eyes focused on Oh's profile.
     What are you hiding, Soryu?


Hey guys!
     I feel like it's been a while.
     I hope you enjoyed it, let me know by voting, commenting and adding Guarded to your reading list!

Ta ta for now,

Published: 28/3/17
Edited: 6/1/18

Guarded || (Soryu) KBTBB Fanfic || First book in the Guard seriesWhere stories live. Discover now