The Calm

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It had been a few busy days since Soryu rescued me from my horrid fate and things had never been better. We stayed in Edinburgh so that I could sort everything out, the paperwork was exhausting but everyone was with me; lending a hand wherever they could. I sighed while looking out of the window. Below me in the hedge maze I'd walked through just last week Soryu and Evie were wrapped up in coats playing hide and seek. I couldn't help but giggle to myself when Soryu ran up behind Evie and snatched her up off of the ground, her face scrunched up in shock but quickly morphed into one of hysterical laughter. A knock at the office door made me turn away from the heartwarming sight and I called who I assume must be Ross in. 
     "Eisuke said you wanted to see me?" He asked after stepping inside. I smiled happily and took a seat at the mahogany desk. 
     "I did," I nodded, and quickly searched through the top draw for the file I needed to give him. "For all of the years I have known you you have been a kind, loyal man to not just me and my father but the Grey Wolves as a whole." He smiled modestly from the seat in front of me. "I could never thank you enough for everything you have done, but I hope this shows how much I truly value you and your work." I slid the beige folder towards him and he picked it up. 
     "T-this must be a mistake," he shook his head in disbelief, his eyes flickering between me and the contract he held in his hands. 
     "No mistake. There is no one more trustworthy or qualified to take leadership of the London branch. I've been reviewing your file and I want you to have the job."
     "Alexis-" he muttered, I could tell he was still processing the news, "- I don't know what to say." He laid his hand on his bald head and I smiled. 
     "How about yes?" I offered him a pen and he took it and signed the documents. 
     "Thank you so much for this opportunity, I won't let you down."
     "I know you won't. Now go pack up your things your private jet will be ready whenever you are," I stood up and walked around the desk. In a matter of moments Ross stood up too and pulled me into a tight hug which I returned. "I'll miss having you around, Ross."
     "I'll miss you too," he said quietly before saying goodbye and leaving to get ready for his new position as leader of the Grey Wolves second largest branch. 
     After I took care of the last few things I left the office with all of the paperwork I needed and took it to my room. It was bare in here still, just suitcases and bags ready to go. I grabbed my coat with the intention of going out to join Soryu and Evie but on my way outside I heard the sound of Moonlight Sonata playing not too far down the hall and my smile grew. I quietly entered the room just like I had on the first day I met Murryn and I leant against the grand piano while she played. 
     "Woo!" I cheered and clapped after she ended her piece and she grinned proudly. In a matter of days she's perfected it, I hadn't gotten a chance to ask how she was and I knew today would be the last time I'd see her for a long time. "So.. tell me how did things go with you know who?" I smirked. 
     With a blush she looked down at the keys and nodded shyly, "he said he really liked my playing and gave me his number," I had to stop myself from squealing in excitement when I heard the new development. 
     "That's brilliant, so you've been talking to him?" 
     "Yeah, he's so much better than I first thought."
     "They always are," I chuckled, thinking back to my first time meeting Soryu, I really disliked him back then and now I couldn't imagine my life without him- I didn't want to. "I hope things work out for you both," I smiled gently and gave her a hug. 
     "Thank you for helping me, and I hope everything works out when you go home again. I suppose the next time I'll see you is for your real wedding," she said with rising excitement and I chuckled. 
     "I suppose so." After saying goodbye to Murryn I hurried to the gardens and walked through it. Soryu and Evie were still here since I could hear footsteps and crunching leaves around me but it was impossible to know where. 
     I stumbled upon the center of the maze pretty quickly and stopped in my tracks. There were several paths that branched off into different directions and I wasn't sure which one to pick. Suddenly an arm snaked its way around my waist and I shrieked. 
     "Got you," Soryu whispered before turning me around and kissing me, his lips were unusually cold and it sent a shiver down my spine. 
     "Mommy, daddy! I found you! I win!" Evie ran up to us ecstatically and hugged our legs. I smiled down at her and stroked her cold rosy cheek with my thumb until Soryu swept down and picked her up. 
     "How about we find our way out of here and go get some hot chocolate before we leave?" I suggested and they both agreed.

     Hours had passed now and it was early evening as we finally boarded the private jet. 
     "Ugh, I almost forgot we were gonna be in the air for twelve hours," Ota groaned when he entered after Soryu.
     "What're you complaining about now?" Shuichi shook his head then pushed his glasses further up his nose. 
     "This is a state of the art jet, there's outlets, tv's, games consoles-" I listed off, "what could possibly be boring about that?" I asked in confusion as I put Evie's belt on for her since she didn't tighten it enough herself. 
     "You guys," Ota sassily remarked and stuck his tongue out at Evie, making her giggle. 
     "Aw come on now, this is going to be twelve hours of pure fun!" Baba enthused while plopping himself down onto the seat beside Ota. There was a collective groan from the guys and I couldn't stop myself from laughing. 
     "Like hell it will. I'm sleeping for the next twelve hours straight," Mamoru piped up on his way to the back of the  jet. "No one bother me," he waved an arm over his shoulder. The pilot took off just moments later and when he announced we are free to move around Baba brought a party popper out of his pocket and fired it over Ota's head. Evie seemed to find this absolutely hilarious and burst out into a fit of giggles along with a now less grumpy Ota. I sighed as I watched everyone joking around. Things would finally go back to normal. Nothing was planned and that was okay with me.


Woah.. guys.
     We're here. The end. 
     I'm sorry, I'm still processing. 
     I really hope you guys liked this final chapter. If you could leave a like and comment I'd greatly appreciate it. 
     Until the sequel guys ;) 
     Ps. Keep an eye out on my message board for updates about the sequel to Guarded.
     Thank you all so much for your support, every vote, every comment, every kind word has made me so happy and motivated to continue writing for you guys. 
     I love you guys with all my heart.

See you soon,

Published: 3/1/18

Guarded || (Soryu) KBTBB Fanfic || First book in the Guard seriesWhere stories live. Discover now