Aki Hamada

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I frowned at the small photo attached to the file in my hands. Ichinomiya say beside me, peeking out the window to the third floor of the old apartment complex.
     "What's wrong? And you're sure this is the right place?" He asked in disbelief.
     "This is it," I drawled, my eyes still stuck on the photo of Aki Hamada. A scrawny man with extremely pale skin and tired eyes. Something didn't sit right with me. "You don't think- you don't think he might be an ex drug addict?" I asked Ichinomiya to get his take on this.
     "Hard to say but he definitely looks like he's taken something in the past," he nodded, I was glad I wasn't the only one thinking it. I close the file and stowed it in the glove compartment.
     "I think that's him," my eyes looked up to see a man in a dark maroon hoodie leaving the main door of the apartment complex. From the glance I got, the messy brown hair and pale skin gave him away.
     "Let's go," I motioned, "we'll check his place first." By the time Ichinomiya and I crossed the street Hamada had already disappeared. 
     We made our way to apartment number thirty-four on the third floor, once we reached it we knocked. The plan being to pretend to be taking a survey in the event that he hadn't already left and was still inside.
     No answer. I nodded with a small smirked and let Ichinomiya work the door open with some metal tools. Moments later the lock clicked and Ichinomya opened the door.
     "After you Madame," he smirked smugly and I rolled my eyes as I step past.
     The place was dark and dingy. The front door opened straight into the living room. It was a mess, dirty dishes and clothes were all over the place and there was a horrible smell in the air. The door closing and a snap of latex made me turn my head to Ichinomiya who wordlessly handed me a pair of light blue latex gloves. I don them before walking further into the room.
     "This is disgusting," I commented as I pulled back the lid of a pizza box but I dropped it quickly when I discover an almost untouched pizza sporting a layer of mold. I stood back  and looked around, the dust was visible in the air thanks to the few streaks of sunlight peaking in through the curtains. "I'll check the bedroom, you check the bathroom," I instructed and we made our way to the other end of the apartment.
     The bedroom was just as bad, food containers and clothes among other things disregarded. But it wasn't the mess that caught my attention, it was a wooden box left on the bed. I carefully drew closer and pulled the box closer to the edge of the bed. I opened it to find a lighter, dirty spoon and what looked to be a used syringe.
     My eyes widened, my assumptions had been correct.
     I carefully pulled out the shelf holding the previous items and set it on the bed before reaching into the rest of the box. A thin tube wrapped up and then several bags containing a powdery white substance.
     "The bathroom's clean just lots of laxatives." I snapped my head up and around to see Ichinomiya at the door.
     "Come look at this," I looked back in front of me until I felt Ichinomiya's presence beside me.
     "Shit, he's a heroin addict?" He asked while inspecting the baggies and then the syringe.
     "Looks it," I bite my lip then began putting things back just like I found them. "I know what we need to do, we can get rid of him today."
     "You sure?" He asked and I replied with a hard nod.
     Just then a key was pushed into the lock of the front door and Ichinomiya rushed into the wardrobe, he closed it behind himself and I know he was watching through the slits. I hide myself behind the door and moments later the front door closed and footsteps moved closer to the bedroom.
     Hamada pulled a bag out of his jacket and emptied the contents onto his bed- more baggies of heroin. I watched his every move intently. He removed his hoodie, opened the wooden box beside him and took out the spoon, lighter, syringe and tubing, setting it all on the bedside table while he tied the tubing around his upper left arm.
     I glanced at the wardrobe briefly before returning my gaze to Hamada.
     Everything was silent while he poured some white powder onto the spoon and heated it up, soon it turned into a brown liquid and he filled the syringe with it before injecting himself.
     I take shallow breaths just like he was but mine aren't due to drugs in my bloodstream. He leant back  with a smile on his face and his eyes droop. Then I closed the door and revealed myself. Hamada fell in and out of consciousness while I made my way to the bed.
     "W-who are you?" His slow confused voice asked.
     "That doesn't matter."
     "Are you... an angel?"
     "Of sorts," I smiled evilly before pouring more of the powder onto the burnt spoon and offering it to him. "Take another hit," I urged.
     He stared for a moment before sitting up a little, taking the spoon from me and heating it up. He injected himself once again and I noticed his pupils constrict in the dim light.
     He groaned as he laid back and his eyes closed. With a roll of my eyes I took the items and cooked more, I filled the syringe and held Hamadas jaw with my free hand.
     "Hamada, wake up, there's more." I shook his head which seemed to work. He searched my face for an infinitesimal before frowning.
     "I- I know you.." He trailed off and I stood over him, my hand reaching behind me to the waistband of my jeans.

"I'm your guardian angel," I took the gun from behind me and held it close to my side- the barrel pointed directly at the piece of scum in front of me. "Take it," I said deathly quiet.
     "I don't want to," he whimpered and I shook my head 'no'.
     Wrong answer buddy.
     "Come on, it makes you feel good," I encouraged.
     He shakily reached out to me and took a third hit. Then his head fell back, eyes open, his thin chapped lips parted ever so slightly. I concealed my weapon again but remained standing over Hamada's lifeless body.
     A creak told me Ichinomiya had left his spot and I looked up at him from the other side of the bed.
     "Come on," he said softly and we left the building unnoticed.

"Mark Hamada down as drug overdose," I told Aihara and Hishikura once I found them back at HQ.
     "Heroin," Ichinomiya answered for me.
     "He was already dead?" Hishikira asked in confusion.
     "No, I took care of him," I explained vaguely before leaving the room and retiring to my bedroom.


I hope you guys enjoyed this dark chapter, more may be to come depending on how bad my imagination is.
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Until next time,

Published: 4/8/17
Edited: 6/1/18

Guarded || (Soryu) KBTBB Fanfic || First book in the Guard seriesWhere stories live. Discover now