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Soryu offered to sleep in my bed with me that night but I turned down his offer; I needed to be alone. My mind was too full to add another person to the mix.
The next morning I left my room to saw a couple of Wolves carrying cardboard boxes towards the front door. I stopped the short brunette, "what's this?" I asked authoritively then peaked into the box. Not much laid inside apart from personal belongings and some toiletries.
     "O-oh this is Mamoru Kishi's belongings, he asked us to help take them out to the car while he packs." I raised my brows at this and stepped away.
     "Where is he now?"
     "He was still in his room last time I was there miss," he bowed his head deeply and I dismissed him with the order of unpacking Kishi's belongings from his car. Upon reaching Kishi's room I knocked three times on the door until I heard footsteps on the other side and it opened.
     "Oh, hey kid," he smiled slightly when he saw me then cupped the back of his neck.
     "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, I was unable to mask the hurt in my voice and most likely my expression too. He sighed as if he knew this was coming before stepping to the side to let me in. With the door closed Mamoru walked over to the sofa and chairs in the corner of the room. I followed him and took a seat on the other side of the sofa.
     "Looks like I couldn't sneak past ya' eh?" He joked while lifting his cigarette. No, he couldn't but that wasn't the point of me being here- not all of it at least.
     "Don't avoid my question."
     "I know, sorry kid, I mean it must be hard to hear that the person you trust the least and who sold out the Wolves is blood. But I was only doing as your mother asked me to. Being arrested was never part of the plan," he explained.
     "Plan? What plan?" I furrowed my brows.
     "You've read the whole diary, haven't you?" He tilted his head and I shook mine.
     "Only up to the twenty-seventh of June, what happened to my twin?" I asked in a hard tone, I needed answers.
     "I'm afraid I can't tell ya that, sweetheart, you're gonna have to find out for yourself." I breathed deeply to calm my rising frustration. I hated how every question I drew up in my mind lacked an answer, I was no longer sure how things added up.
     "So what now?"
     "You finish the book and then you decide," he stubbed out his cigarette in the ash tray then stood up, "I on the other hand got some packing to do."
     Oh right, that's the other thing I had to bring up.
     "About that. Where are you going?" I inquired and stood up too.
     "To find a new home, I figured I can't go back to policing now, so I'm not much use to you anymore," he scratches his goatee.
     "Don't be stupid, you're staying right here. I've already told your little helpers to unpack your car. You're family so I'm not going to just let you walk out of here," I spoke firmly.
     "You really ain't gonna let me outta here are ya?" He chuckled  and I shook my head no, "Alright kid, as you wish," soon a smile spread across his face, a warm, kind one and I instantly felt at ease; I finally had a real family member who's main interest in my life wasn't to make it hell.


     After giving the guys some errands to run I slipped away from the bustling crowd and retreated to my warm private balcony. "Here we go again," I murmured to myself as I settled down in the lounge chair.

29 July 1995

Dear Diary,

It's been a while since I've written.
Edward died earlier this month in a shootout with another mob. George hasn't taken the loss too well- I know he's upset but he's trying his hardest not to let it show. Since he is the only blood relative to Edward he has become the new leader of the Grey Wolves. I'm proud of him and how much he is trying but I know he's a little stressed; even with his adviser's help.I overheard them talking about how the Grey Wolves have lost ranking due to George being so young- other mob bosses won't take the Wolves as seriously.
I just hope he is okay and that everything settles down.

Kim x

22 August 1995

Dear Diary,

At today's appointment Dr Foster gave us the option to be told the twins sex. Neither of us could wait to hear what we're having so we said yes.
A boy and a girl.
No one can understand how happy that makes me to hear. George already set his men to work on making a nursery, half blue half pink, for them even though I'm only about 15 weeks into my pregnancy. Every night George lays with me and rubs my belly. The little things like that are what make me the happiest.

     Kim x

26 December 1995

Dear Diary,

It's been two weeks since I gave birth to my beautiful daughter Alexis. They were premature, at only 31 weeks. But little Riley didn't make it, he was stillborn and it broke my heart.
He looked so peaceful.
I've never seen George cry like that. He'd really been looking forward to the prospect of having a boy in the family- someone I'm sure he planned to succeed him one day. He didn't take any notice of Alexis. It hurts but maybe he's just grieving... I haven't heard from him for two weeks now and the doctors have said I can go home tomorrow. I hope things are okay there.

Rest in peace Riley, I will always love you; from the bottom of my heart and with every fiber in my being. I love you. 

     Kim x

I slowly closed the book, too afraid to carelessly slam it shut like I had before. The tears that'd been blurring my vision since the beginning of the entry finally had a chance to flow now. My only brother was dead and I had no idea until now, 22 whole years later. My heart clenched painfully in my chest and I clamped my hand over my mouth to stop any sounds from escaping while I gasped desperately to fill my lungs with some much needed oxygen.


Hey guys,

I'm so sorry this chapter is so sad but it had to be done. 😞
     I have a question, however, would you guys like to see some non-fiction books from me, like a Q&A (send questions in pm or comments), my experiences (suggest topics in pm or comments), facts about me or thoughts and feelings on suggested or popular topics. Just let me know!
     Thank you for reading, please don't forget to vote, comment your thoughts and add Guarded to your reading list.

See you soon!

Published: 13/8/17
Edited: 9/1/18

Guarded || (Soryu) KBTBB Fanfic || First book in the Guard seriesWhere stories live. Discover now