A New Chapter

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I breathed deeply to slow down my heart rate before finally pushing the door open. In a matter of milliseconds Soryu washolding my body flush against his. I couldn't describe how much I'd missed his embrace. 
     "Never leave me again," I whispered into his chest and he tightened his hold on me. 
     "I'm not going anywhere. Not now, not ever," he assured me and I just wanted to melt into him even more. 
     "I love you Soryu," I looked up to his face and he looked down at me with an expression of pure love. "I love you. Every moment since rescuing you from the police I have loved you." I couldn't  seem to stop myself from saying it. My biggest regret when I thought he was dead was that I never told him I loved him enough. Now I had that chance back and I wasn't going to waste it. 
     "I love you too, more than I can put into words." He paused and got down on one knee. I wasn't one hundred percent sure what was to come from this but whatever it was I was already ready to burst out into happy tears. 
     From his pocket he pulled out a small navy velvet box and revealed a stunning diamond ring, a gorgeous sparkling diamond sat in the center surrounded by smaller navy stones. I covered my hands with my mouth and shook my head. 
     This couldn't be real
     "Alexis, you have made me the happiest man in the world without ever even realizing it. I've experienced losing you too many times and I don't want to put myself through it ever again. I want to make you happy, I want to protect you and that happiness because I don't want to lose it. If you'll have me I promise to keep you and our family safe for as long as I have breath in my body. So, Alexis, will you do me the honor of making me the happiest man alive? Will you marry me?" I stared at Soryu for a moment. I couldn't believe my ears, I'd never heard him speak with so much sincerity before and it took my breath away. 
      "Yes, Soryu!" I nodded vigorously, "I want to be yours forever!" I began to tear up as I extended my hand down to him and he sliped the ring onto my ring finger. He stood up and before I had a chance to breath he caught my lips in a beautiful kiss that made the rest of the world melt away. After the kiss we leaned our foreheads together and I smiled at him. 
     "It was only ever going to be me that put a ring on that finger," he told me while stroking my cheek with his thumb. 
     "I wouldn't have it any other way." 
     "Before we go out and tell everyone the good news I have something else I need to show you," he smirked and took a step away from me so that he could take something out of his breast pocket. "This is for you, the new leader of the Grey Wolves." 
     I took the paper from him and opened it up, it was a contract. 
     I scanned the sheet, taking in as much information as I could in a short amount of time.
     'I, Roy Thompson Jr, hereby relinquish my position as leader of the Red Foxes to Alexis Pierce, of the Grey Wolves.' stood out to me at the bottom of the contact along with Thompson's signature. 
     No way. 
"H-how did you get him to sign this?" No one in there right mind would. 
     "All you need to know is that it's real and you just have to sign your name to make it official," he held a pen out to me and I quickly took it and signed my name at the bottom of the paper. 
     "Congratulations baby, you are officially the new leader of the Red Foxes. What you choose to do with them is solely up to you but I, the Ice Dragons and the Grey Wolves will stand by you all the way." He smiled warmly and I pressed my lips together to contain my smile. I couldn't believe what was happening in my world, it felt too good to be true. 
     "Now lets go tell everyone the good news."


I'm literally so excited about righting all this wholesome happiness that I can't stop so expect a quick wrap up because I just keep writing these chapters haha!
     If you enjoyed this chapter give it a vote and a comment to let me know what you liked as well as a share and why not add it to your reading lists while you're at it? It would make me so happy!

You guys will probably hear from me later today so until then my lovelies!

Published: 26/12/17
Edited: 17/1/18

Guarded || (Soryu) KBTBB Fanfic || First book in the Guard seriesWhere stories live. Discover now