Night Vision

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Since a young age I'd learned to be practically numb to any man's touch so the thought of having a fake boyfriend for the evening didn't bother me.
"Here goes nothing," Oh mumbled from beside me before we all exited my limousine in front of the Tres Spades hotel. On either side of the red carpet were crowds of people, some just fans and others journalists and paparazzi. The cameras continued to flash and snap shots of the three of us but I lowered my head to avoid having my photo taken. No one knew me here, but the underground knew me and having my face in any newspaper would only cause trouble.
Once the glass doors closed behind us Oh wrapped an arm around my waist while well dressed staff directed us to the IVC's venue.
"We should probably hang around here for a little while, we can't make it obvious that we didn't attend this party." I told both men as we took in our surroundings. We were standing by the entrance still, the chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling made the whole room sparkle beautifully and the large wall to ceiling fish tank which housed a beautiful array of tropical plants and fish did amazingly to open up the otherwise crowded room.
A worker approached us with a bright smile and offered bubbling champagne. We all gladly took a glass and quietly discussed the evening from the opposite corner to the bar which I'd pointed out was in the top left hand corner of the large ballroom.
"You have the masks don't you?" I casually asked Oh as I moved my gaze from the crowd up to his face.
"In my pocket, don't worry. I'll give you yours before we enter." I nodded and switched my gaze back to the crowd while I took another swig.
"He's here," Ichinomiya commented tensely and I frowned in response.
"Ozaki and his henchmen." Just as I heard his name my eyes zeroed in on him and my jaw clenched.
"Ozaki?" A voice questioned in a hushed tone. I turned to Oh and ran my tongue over my teeth in disgust.
"The yakuza member who shot me." I answered in a clipped voice. Oh moved his gaze over me and glared coldly at the small group where Ozaki was currently trying to make small talk with a very young and uncomfortable looking waitress.
"He's no better than a thug if he takes advantage of others." Oh said bitterly.
"You wouldn't like my father then." I scoffed and turned back to the crowd after placing my empty champagne flute on the table beside us.
"I don't." Oh's grip on me tightened and he pulled me in a little closer. I was about to respond but I closed my mouth when I noticed a familiar thatch of grey- black hair. I followed it through the crowd and to the bar, the man in the slightly disheveled suit spoke to the bartender briefly before receiving a nod and having the door beside the bar opened.
"What is it?" Ichinomiya caught my frown.
"I think Kishi is here. Come on." I nodded to the bar and we made our way over completely unnoticed.
"Good evening, what can I get you?" The bartender asked us politely.
"We're here for the Mad Hatters Tea Party, we'd like Night Vision," I said in a hushed tone.
"Of course ma'am, right this way." The man opened the door for us and ushered us through. "Third mirror from the left," he said before closing the door behind us.
I stepped out of Oh's hold and strode straight over to the mirror. After a small push against the glass it slide away revealing an elevator.
Naturally a smirk appeared on my lips and I looked at the surprised men behind me. "It's probably about to start, hurry up."
"Here you go," Oh passed me my red and gold masquerade mask before putting on his own silver and navy one.
"Thanks," I mumbled just as the doors slide apart. A short walk down a hallway brought us to a set of doors being held open by a young man.
"We're here for the Mad Hatter's Tea Party," I told him and he flashed me a bright grin, just then I felt an arm wrap around my waist again. I glanced up at my fake date for the evening a little confused by his actions.
"O-oh, pardon me." The young man quickly apologizes, looking a little flustered from the hard gaze Oh gave him. He quickly produced three numbered paddles from the tray beside him and passed them to each of us. "The numbers on your paddle correspond with your seat number," he bowed his head and we continued through to the buzzing auditorium.
My eyes widened at the excitement in the dimly lit place. The atmosphere was almost creepy in an intriguing way.
"Looks like we're seats number 84 to 86," Ichinomiya said over his shoulder as he lead us through the crowd to our seats. 

"Sold to bidder number 160 for $4 million!" The eccentric auctioneer announced happily. He'd introduced himself as the Mad Hatter- which is a role he played perfectly- before starting the auction.
We were about half way through, nothing had really jumped out at me. There had been some government secrets, endangered animals and even a mummy, but nothing I was interested in.
The three of us watched on quietly but my eyes widened with interest when an old looking diary was brought out onto the stage.
"Ah, yes!" The Mad Hatter said excitedly and clapped his hands repeatedly while he walked over to the book on the stand. "Ladies and gentlemen what an interesting item we have for you here! Oh, yes indeed. This diary is unlike any other!"
A few members in the crowd whispered to each other and I automatically leaned forward a little.
I remembered that book, it looked familiar but I wasn't sure why or from where. It was calling me, I felt it.
"Here we have a peek  behind the curtains and into the life of the wife of an extremely powerful mob boss. Secrets to bring them down are sure to be inside!" He said in a sing song manner. "Let's start the bidding at $1 million," he grinned and paddles began moving at a surprisingly fast rate. "$1.5 million from seat number 103. $2 million from 65.."
"Princess, what are you doing?" Ichinomiya asked in confusion.
"I don't know.. It interests me," I shrugged .
"$4 million from number 103. $5 million from number 4. $6 million from number 65," he announced and it went quiet. I held out hope that I'd be the winning bid until a new sum appeared on the screen behind the Mad Hatter. "$10 million from seat number 103, do I have any more bids?" He asked clearly delighted at how high the item seemed to be going for. "Sold to seat number 103."


Hey guys,
I wasn't supposed to be writing for a while because I have deadlines to meet and exams but I needed to write a bit to stop myself from going Mad Hatter crazy.
Any who, I hope you enjoyed this, let me know by voting, commenting and sharing with all your KBTBB friends!

See you all soon,

Published: 9/3/17
Edited: 5/1/18

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