Cheese Fries

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"Marriage?" I repeated in shock and repulse. I was standing in two seconds flat after my father announced the "happy news". I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I didn't want to.
     "Yes Alexis, marriage," my father stated calmly as if he didn't know he was trying to ruin my life. The room fell silent-deathly.
     "No!" I shook my head in disbelief, my eyes skating to Ross then Soryu for some sort of help but that proved to be useless; there was nothing either could do. Finally my eyes settled on Roy who sat confidently knowing he'd successfully caught me in his trap and there was little I could do to save myself. "No, I refuse."  
     "Alexis I think you're forgetting that you don't have a choice in the matter."
     "I will not marry that man, not over my dead body," I seethed. "Come on Soryu, we're leaving." I didn't stop to look back at anyone, if I did my facade may have just slipped and this was the last place to let that happen.
     "Alexis..." Soryu called out to me once we were finally outside in the busy streets of Edinburgh. His hand reached out for mine and he gently held me so that I turned to face him. My eyes met his and I found myself unable to hold back my overload of emotions. Before my knees had a chance to buckle Soryu pulled me against him and held me tightly as I cried into his shoulder.
     This couldn't be happening. It just couldn't be real.
     After a few moments Soryu gently leaned away so that he could see my face. Using his thumb to wipe away my tears he then sighed.
     "It's okay, we'll figure this out. I won't let that man have you, you were made for me and me alone," he promised quietly before pressing his lips against mine. A few wolf whistles and claps reminded us that we weren't alone and I leaned back to look around, a couple people looked our way with warm smiles on their faces and I suddenly felt embarrassed but happy. This was the first time we'd been together like this in public and I loved it. I looked back up at Soryu to see him wearing a bright smile as he wrapped his arm around my waist.
He loved it too, I could see it in his eyes. "Come on, let's go," he motioned with his head and I sucked my bottom lip between my teeth.
     "Actually, is it alright if we don't go back just yet? Maybe we could walk through Winter Wonderland?" I suggested hopefully and he nodded. Seconds later he took a step away from me and shrugged off his suit jacket.
     "As long as you wear this to keep warm," he said while laying the too-big jacket over my shoulders, the tone of his voice told me that he wasn't going to let me object, naturally a smile spread across my face and I pushed my arms through the sleeves.
     "Deal," I giggled and kissed his cheek before lacing our fingers together and pulling him across the road to the festivities. My face was one of awe, while I took in the glittering fairy lights, wooden stalls selling holiday themed trinkets and the happy families and couples walking through the crowd. I looked up to gauge Soryu's reaction and it's unusually warm for his cool features, I liked seeing this side of him, he looked truly happy.
     "We're just like them," I pointed out.
     "Like who?"
     "The other couples here, for one night we get to be normal," I smiled as we walked past a couple talking and laughing over a portion of cheese chips.
     "I like to think our love is stronger than cheese fries," he joked and I looked up at him with a raised brow. He laughed it off and kissed my temple, naturally my body moved closer to Soryu and I leaned my head against his shoulder, his hand then moved to lay over my shoulder and I lifted up my left arm to interlock our fingers.
     He said love. Not that he loves me, but that what we have is love.
     I smiled at the thought.
     "What're you smiling at?" He leaned down to peer at my face and I quickly hid it.
     "Nothing, I was just thinking, leave me be," I said with rising embarrassment but that didn't seem to bother him. He pulled our bodies to a stop and used his free hand to make me look at him.
     "You're so cute," he laughed before pecking my lips.
     "Ugh, Soryu," I groaned half heartedly.
     "Don't moan like that or I might have to cut our outing short and take you back to bed, Miss Pierce," he whispered into my ear and there was just something so dangerously seductive about the way he said my name. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes briefly until I felt lips on my cheek. "Not yet," he squeezed my hand and flashed me a teasing smile. "Here's to a normal, cheese fry relationship," he said before turning to the man at the food truck and ordering a portion.
     Soryu and I dropped hands outside of the doors to HQ. It was late now but there was still every chance people would be awake. Slowly and quietly I unlocked and opened the door. The coast was clear. I sighed with relief as I closed the door behind us and we retired to our room. I had a terrible feeling just being here again but I refused to let it show.
     "Hey, Alexis, look at me for a sec," Soryu said just louder than a whisper. I made a one-eighty turn but instead of seeing the tall handsome man standing behind me I saw nothing. Naturally my gaze moved down and I found him on one knee.
     Oh god.
     Oh. My. God.
     He looked up at me with a small smile before pulling a small black velvet box out of his pocket. While opening it he began to speak, "this isn't a proposal, this is a promise. If you'd have me I promise to always be by your side, to make you happy and protect that happiness with everything I have. I will not let any other man have you and I will do whatever I can to make sure no one ever harms you again. So I ask, will you let me be the man to make you happy?"
     I brought my hands to my face and covered my mouth, I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing, automatically I began to nod. "Yes, oh my god, Soryu yes!" I repeated in an excited whisper. I gave him my right hand and he slipped the ring onto my ring finger. Quickly he stood up and we shared one of the most beautiful kisses of my entire life. It was as if all of our love for each other was being personified. "I love you," I breathed against his lips and I felt his arms tighten around me.
     "I love you too."


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Love you all!

Published: 13/11/17
Edited: 10/1/18

Guarded || (Soryu) KBTBB Fanfic || First book in the Guard seriesWhere stories live. Discover now