Protecting The Cub

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The morning after we arrived back home I requested a breakfast for the whole family to not only celebrate the successful mission but to also welcome the Grey Wolves newest member. I stood up and tapped the side of my glass to get everyone's attention. The noisy room fell under a blanket of silence and suddenly all eyes were on me.
     "I'd like to thank everyone for their cooperation in our latest mission, everyone really pulled together when it was most important. I'm sure you'll all be happy to know that every one of those children were returned home safe and sound to their families."
     "We couldn't escape a spot on all of America's news station either," Baba's boastful voice called out and I- along with everyone else couldn't help but cheer and laugh. I waited until the room quietened again before continuing.
     "That is, all but one," I looked down at Evie sitting to my right. She joined me and I gently moved her to stand beside me. "I'd like to introduce to you all the Grey Wolves newest and youngest member- Evie. I expect for her to be shown nothing but respect and kindness from now on." The room erupted into a plethora of claps and cheers.
     "Welcome to the family, Evie!"
     "We're so happy to have you here!" Were just a few of the things heard from the crowd between the cheering of Evie's name. I looked down at her with a smile while she took in the crowd cheering for her in awe.
     "You're home now, I won't let anything happen to you," I said to her before kneeling down and hugging her. Once everyone calmed down we returned to our breakfast and enjoyed our own conversations. I looked up from my syrup covered pancake when I heard Baba and Evie's exchange.
     "A pretty flower for an even prettier girl," he smiled warmly while tucking one of the flowers from the tables decor behind her ear. She looked down with a blush and I chuckled. I already had a good feeling that she'd fit right in here and that the guys would welcome her as one of their own.
     After breakfast was over I held Evie on my hip and introduced her to a couple of people. It was smiles all around until Ichinomiya made eye contact with me and nodded his head to the hallway. Naturally my business-like demeanor returnee and I sat Evie on the sofa and told her to stay here while I went away to chat to Ichinomiya. I met Ichinomiya outside and he looked at me seriously.
     "The girl-"
     "Evie," I corrected him.
     "-Evie can't stay here. It's not safe for her." Hearing this angered and upset me.
     "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm here protecting her."
     "I don't mean unsafe from the outside, I'm talking about within the Wolves. Your father will have her killed if he finds out what you did with that mission." I paused, folding my arms over my chest defensively. He was right.
     "N-no, he won't find out. I told him the ship sunk on it's journey here. He knows there weren't any survivors." I said quickly.
     "But for how long? You can't hide her forever. You of all people should know that things end badly when a secret comes out."
     "He won't find out." I said in a harder tone.
     "Maybe not yet but he will eventually, you can't keep the existence of a member under the boss' radar forever." I took several breaths, in reality I knew Ichinomiya was right and I needed to figure out how I'd handle that situation should it arrive.
     "I'll be in my office," I said quietly before walking down the hall. Three knocks on my office door drew my attention off of my laptop. "Come in," I called out.
     "Hey," Soryu said gently as he came inside. "You disappeared," he pointed out in an obvious tone. I sighed and massaged my temples.
     "Ichinomiya brought up an important factor that I failed to seriously think about. My father doesn't know Evie is with us, he thinks the boat sunk at sea. He'll kill her if he finds out I've taken her in."
     "Listen to me, Alexis, we will keep her safe. Your father won't have the chance to go near her, I promise you that," he said convincingly then squeezed my hand gently. I took a deep, calming breath and looked into his stormy grey eyes.
     "I know. I just, I can't help but worrying what will happen."
     "Of course you are but she'll be okay, I mean it." I smiled up at Soryu and he leaned in to kiss me softly. Just what I needed to calm my nerves.
     "Thank you," I whispered and he nodded. Seconds later my laptop made a 'dinging' sound announcing the arrival of a new email. I turned back to the laptop on my desk and in a few clicks I was reading the email my father sent. "Oh fuck," I muttered under my breath and I could feel Soryu hold his breath while he read too.
     "What the... ?"
     "Why would George want me to go to that Edinburgh meeting early? I'll be gone for a few weeks-" I trailed off.
     "The meeting in Edinburgh? Why would he move it up so suddenly? I thought that was only going to be a quick deal scheduled for next month?" He questioned.
     "So did I. But he's given me a date and address to be there. I have to leave in two days."
     "Then so do I, it'll be fine." I knew I should listen to him, but I had a gut feeling that a shit storm was coming my way.


     Maybe. Maybe not.
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Thank you!

Published: 25/9/17
Edited: 10/1/18

Guarded || (Soryu) KBTBB Fanfic || First book in the Guard seriesWhere stories live. Discover now