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A soft thud resonated around the gym after I threw Ichinomiya to the padded mat on the ground. He chuckled and looked up at me.
     "I told you I could get you to the ground," I gloated in an 'I-told-you-so' tone. Once he towered over me again I mirrored his smirk.
    "I let you win."
    "Of course you did," I laughed, but while he thought my guard was down he reached out in an attempt to pin me down. "I don't think so, Ichinomiya," I tutted in his ear after I'd brought him to his knees with his arm bent behind his back.
     "Hmph." I jumped back from Ichinomiya when a familiar deep voice huffed in annoyance.
     "Oh, Soryu," I smiled briefly at him as he neared a punching bag only to receive a glare in return. Naturally my brows lifted in surprise and I looked down awkwardly while trying to ignore the pain in my chest.
     Why did that hurt so much?

     Later that evening after a lengthy phone call with my father I wandered into the main living room. I noticed Oh and Kishi standing off in a corner talking in hushed voices. I walked over to the both of them and told them that I wanted to speak to Kishi in my office. They stayed quiet after my interjection and followed behind me. A slight nod to Ichinomiya told him I wanted him there too and he joined us.
     "You've been lying low for a while now, why?" I asked from my desk.
     "What's it gotta do with ya, kid?"
     "Because I don't trust you." I paused and sighed deeply. "Did you find the guy who caused the accident?"
     "No, the culprit ain't showin' up on any databases." I grunted in disapproval. I so badly wanted to find our who it was and make them pay.
     "Fine, moving on. A few weeks ago I saw you at the hotel, at the mad hatters tea party, why?" I narrowed my eyes and folded my arms as he puffed away on his cigarette.
     "My apartment was broken into, the item that was stolen was at the auction and I was simply retrieving it," he answered breezily.
     "What item?" I raised a brow.
     "Uh-" he choked on his smoke, obviously not expecting me to question further. "A- a diary. One that's very personal to me."
     "You were the winning bidder?" I glanced up to Ichinomiya and Oh as they stood either side of me. It didn't make sense, why would he need a mob bosses wife's diary.
     "Mm-hm," he hums.
     "Why?" I scowled, getting annoyed at the lack of answers that I had.
     "I know the writer... Knew her. I have a job to carry out with it as soon as the time comes."
     "I want to see it," I stated, returning to a deadpan expression.
     "I'm sorry kid, but no can do." I dismissed him when it became apparent that he would relent and Ichinomiya and Oh took a seat in front of my desk.
     "It doesn't make sense," I groaned while massaging my temples.
     "It's a diary, belonging to the wife of a powerful mafia." Ichinomiya stated.
     "And he used passed tense, he knew the writer. There's a chance that, that it's your mothers." Oh finished with a slight nod to Ichinomiya who got up and left.
     "Surely not," I shook my head. "Why would Kishi have it?" Oh pursed his lips but remained silent. My eyes dropped to my tattoo and I sighed.
     I swallowed against the lump forming in my throat and looked back up at Oh who was sitting across from me with a troubled expression.
     "What's wrong?" I asked hesitantly.
     "Nothing." He replied quickly and I looked away. "Why can't you tell me about your scars?" He asked after a few minutes.
     "I- my scars?" I closed my eyes briefly, reliving my brutal childhood and upbringing.
     "I'm supposed to protect you, I want to be able to know that I don't have to protect you from any thing else," he reasoned in a soft voice.
     "Not here..." I trailed off before realizing I'd just told him I'd tell him my story.
     "How about we go for a drive? Tonight when everyone's asleep?" He offered. I was completely at a loss for words at the change in Soryu's attitude. I'd never seen him act so gently and it touched me.
     "...Okay," I finally agreed and a faint smile appeared on his lips.
     "I have something I need to take care of but I'll see you later," he excused himself, the look he gave me saying he wouldn't let me back out of this now and part of me was happy about that fact.
     I didn't want to carry this burden alone anymore. Maybe if I just told him about it all it wouldn't feel so heavy.


Hey guys,
     Long time no see.
     My apologies for that but I struggled a little with this chapter so sorry if it's a lil' crappy. I promise it'll pick up soon! Just hang in there!
     Don't be a silent reader! I love reading your comments to don't be shy and don't forget to vote!

Ta ta for now!

Published: 16/4/17
Edited: 6/1/18

Guarded || (Soryu) KBTBB Fanfic || First book in the Guard seriesWhere stories live. Discover now