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"That was quick," Soryu pointed out when I got back to the room.
     "I didn't notice, it felt like an eternity," I sighed as I closed the door and leaned against it. "He knows."
     "He knows, my father, he knows about us," I explained; my attention had focused on the ring Soryu had bought me and I played with it on my finger.
     "Maybe that's a good thing," he tried to pick up my low spirits and held both of my hands in his. I shook my head though.
     "It's not, it changes nothing. I've already been promised to that man, that monster." I added a little quieter.
     "Maybe he's not like his father? You can put up with him for a little bit and then I'll figure out a way to get you out of there," Soryu suggested and I looked down at our hands.
     "I never told you this, Soryu," I paused to take a breath. I felt like I was back to that day, when I told Soryu about my upbringing. But I knew I was safe with Soryu here to protect me. "When I was a little older, he started to join in. His father would buy me for him as a gift..." I trailed off hoping not to have to relive the dreadful memories.
     "Jesus," he whispered in disbelief and hurt before pulling me into my chest. "I'm going to kill him," he promised.
     "Excuse me," Ross spoke over the sound of his knocking. Soryu and I pulled away from each other just as the door opened and Ross stood with a warm smile. "Breakfast is waiting." He announced with a nod before leaving again.
     We followed in the direction he walked and I looked up at Soryu, "keep your guard up," I whispered before we rounded the corner and joined my father, Ross and a few other Wolves.
     "Good morning princess, Mr Oh," we were greeted by the four extra men. I smiled at their politeness and genuine smiles. Clearly it was only my father who was evil here.
     "Good morning," Soryu and I said in unison before sharing a slightly awkward look, that had never happened before. An English fry up was soon brought out to us and I smiled at my plate. It had been a while since I had a taste of home.
     "So Soryu, tell me a little about yourself," my father asked in a seemingly friendly manner but I knew better than to take everything he said and did at face value.
     "Well there's not much to know. I was born in Hong Kong to a rich business man, I was the result of an affair and to prevent my fathers name being tarnished I was left at an orphanage." He was lying, this story differed majorly from what he'd told me. "I never was adopted and when I turned eighteen I left, living on the streets until I ran into trouble with a local gang. That lead me into the hitman business; word had got out about the job I did to apologize to this gang and soon enough I was flying all over the world, making money for killing people." He shrugged it off as if it was no big deal. I appreciated his lie, the less he really knew about Soryu the safer he'd be when I inevitably had to leave him.
     "It's impressive stuff," my father nodded along. "So what made you accept my job offer?" I only half paid attention to their conversation while I was pulled into another one with the rest of the Wolves dining with us.
     "Alexis, tell us about Japan, how were things?" Corey, the young boy who'd collected my bags yesterday asked cheerfully. I took a sip of my tea before going on about my experience in Japan, it had been hard but so very worth it when I thought of everyone waiting for me back home.
     "How about we take a drive, Soryu? Just you and I." My interest in their conversation picked up now and I listened in without making it obvious.
     "A drive?" He questioned.
     "Yes, my boy, I can't have the man my daughter wants to marry be a complete stranger." I stiffened and Soryu did too.
     "Father?" I questioned his motives.
     "Now I know how this may seem but I do not have an ulterior motive. I would simply like to take a drive and get to know you a little better before I reconsider my daughters engagement."
I stare in disbelief. Surely he wasn't lying this time, he probably couldn't even formulate those words if they were a lie.
     "A drive sounds lovely," Soryu nodded and my eyes flickered up to his.


Shorter chapter today, but look forward to the next one guys, it's coming soon!
     Ps. I'm sorry for the late upload (when I promised I'd have this up yesterday) I had to deal with some really heartbreaking stuff but im trying to make it all better.
     I'll see you guys soon.


Published: 18/11/17
Edited: 10/1/18

Guarded || (Soryu) KBTBB Fanfic || First book in the Guard seriesWhere stories live. Discover now