The Ghost From My Past

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"Let me," Soryu insisted while I struggled with the zip of my short black dress in front of the mirror, before I had a chance to protest he replaced my hands and easily glided the zip up the length of my back. "Stunning," he whispered under his breath, more to himself than me, as he looked over my shoulder then kissed my neck.
     That action never failed to cause a pleasant fluttery feeling in my stomach and this time was no different. While lost in thought, and an immense flurry of feelings, I almost didn't catch Soryu's teasing.
     "Pink looks good on you," he grinned at me through his reflection and I blushed even more whilst turning my gaze away. I couldn't let him know he had this kind of affect on me.
     "We mustn't be late, George will get suspicious," I reminded him and he chuckled- clearly noticing my change of topic.
     "Of course not, madam," he joked and ran his fingers over the soft, delicate lace covering the length of my arms. I bite the inside of my cherry red painted lips and smiled happily at our reflection, this is something I could get used to seeing that was for sure. The sound of my phone vibrating against the rosewood nightstand snapped both of our attention to it and I quickly picked it up.
     "Good evening, Alexis, I have called to inform you that your car is waiting outside. Your father hopes to see you shortly."
     "Very well, thank you Ross," I said before dropping my phone into my purse. "Our chariot awaits," I sighed inwardly and Soryu reached for my hand then kisses my knuckles.
     "I promise that with me by your side I will not let that man harm you," he assured me and I nodded, "good, now as much as I love your cold emotionless expression I love when you smile even more so let me see that one more time," he grinned again and and I rolled my eyes, a bright smile on my lips that I didn't have to force at all with him. "Much better," he muttered before I pulled him closer by his red tie and pressed my lips against his.
     I walked just a step ahead of Soryu as we entered Martin Wishart and were led to our private room, everyone's eyes fell on us in awe, our presence commanded attention that was clear. Two large men were posted outside the door, I recognized Max but not the other man beside him.
     "Good evening ma'am, sir," they bowed their heads slightly before the newest member of my fathers security detail pushed the door open for us, I threw Soryu a look over my shoulder before stepping inside to a surprising sight.
     "My darling daughter, you're just in time!" My father all but leapt out of his chair at the head of the table and walked over with faked enthusiasm. Well, I knew it was fake, to everyone else that looked real, no doubt.
     "Hello father," I greeted impassively and allowed him to kiss both of my cheeks. An action he wouldn't have dared do if it wasn't for the audience we had this evening. After he stepped back his eyes skated over to Soryu and his eyes narrow, a smirked plastered on his thin lips. "And finally, Mr Soryu Oh, I have heard many great things about you," he nodded as he pushed his hands into Soryu's outstretched one and shook it. "Thank you for all you have done for my daughter."
     "No. It was my pleasure," Soryu answered matter-of-factly, Soryu glanced my way briefly before his eyes looked across from me and I followed them.
     "Hello Alexis," the lanky man in front of me took my hand and lowered his head to kiss my knuckles- just like Soryu had earlier but it had no affect on me other than making me feel sick. His ginger hair fell in front of his green eyes but he quickly pushed them back as he stood again. "It's good to finally meet you," he spoke with a thick Scottish accent and smirked; his eyes wandering up and down my body.
     I gulped and Soryu took a protective stance in front of me to block his view. "I apologize but I must ask that you refrain from looking at Alexis in such a lewd way," he said in a professional yet intimidating manner for which I was thankful for. I nodded in appreciation as I moved to Soryu's side and stood in front of my father.
     "Finally?" I questioned him, referring to his guest.
     "Ah yes! Of course. Alexis, meet Roy Thompson II of the Red Foxes." I looked over at the red head and my heart dropped to my stomach. He had his fathers eyes. Those dark, demonic green eyes and by the look of those eyes he recognized me too.


Ooooh a cliffhanger, who doesn't like those?
     Things are heating up for Alexis now but will her and Soryu's relationship be strong enough to pull through or will it all go up in flames?
     Drop a vote and a comment to let me know how you're feeling about the story so far and don't forget to add Guarded to your reading list so that you don't miss an update.
     Also I'd like to apologize for my hiatus, there has been a bunch of personal drama in my life recently and I've been so busy; on top of that the phone I borrowed to replace my broken one is also broken and typing can sometimes be a bit of a challenge.
     Anywho, I'll be treating you all to another chapter either tonight or tomorrow to thank you all and apologize again so look forward to that guys.

Much love,

Published: 9/11/17
Edited: 10/1/18

Guarded || (Soryu) KBTBB Fanfic || First book in the Guard seriesWhere stories live. Discover now