Moonlight Sonata

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"Don't go."
     "No. I don't trust him," I cut Soryu off and he gave me a troubled look.
     "I know you don't but maybe he has reconsidered? The only way we'll find out is if I go with him." I sighed. He was right and I knew it but I feared for his life.
     "Keep your phone on you then, let me know when you're on your way back here, okay?" I begged desperately and he nodded with a smile. Before I had the chance to say anything else Soryu's hand shaped against the side of my face and he kissed me deeply, making me lose any trace of worry I had for the man. Almost. But I knew that Soryu was a strong and smart man, he could handle anything that was thrown at him.
     "I'll see you again soon, try to relax until then," he smiled gently while combing my hair away from my face with his fingers, I closed my eyes and nodded while exhaling deeply.
     "Okay." We shared one last hug then Soryu left the bedroom to meet my father out front. A few moments after Soryu and my father left I decided to clear my head with a walk through the gardens.
     Remembering the chilly air from last night I quickly changed into a white jumper and picked up my coat. I hadn't had a chance to explore the grounds yet so hopefully a little exploration would take my mind off of things. When I reached the cobble path surrounded by well trimmed bushes I stuffed my hands into my pockets to keep warm, the plants were frosty and my breath was visible in the air. Maybe venturing out into the cold wasn't such a good idea after all. I shrugged that thought off, I was already a ways into the walk so I might as well finish it.
     Some time later I was aimlessly walking through the halls of the mansion, I passed several hard working Wolves before stopping in front of a large oak door, the sound of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata played extremely slowly and with a few mistakes drifted to me from behind it. Curiously I pushed open the door to find a young girl, maybe around eleven years old sitting at the grand piano in the center of the room. I could see her profile, her long auburn hair was pin straight and she wore a completely focused face. She hadn't noticed me while switching her gaze repeatedly between the sheet music and keys so I gently closed the door and cleared my throat to catch her attention. Despite my best efforts to be subtle I still startled the girl and she jumped up from the bench quickly.
     "M-Miss Pierce, I'm sorry if I was disturbing you," she apologized quietly but it was in vain. Her playing actually reminded me of when I was young and my mother would sit and teach me how to play.
     "Not at all," I smiled as I took a step close, my eyes then moved to the piano and that smile grew. "Moonlight Sonata was my mothers favourite piece, I used to play it for her whenever she was sad."
     "That's really nice of you," she smiled gently then looked at the keys with a frustrated sigh, "I wanted to learn to play it to impress a boy in my music class but I just can't seem to make it sound right," I noticed her pout and stopped beside her.
     "I'll teach you," I told her and she raised her eyebrows in surprise.
     "Really? Thank you!" Her expression changed from that of a frustrated and discouraged one to one full of happiness and excitement. Her change in mood made me chuckle and I took a seat beside her on the bench, first I began by pointing out which octave to play on, she nodded with a look of realization on her face. I easily positioned my fingers on the keys and began to play.
     "I always found it easier to learn a song when I saw my mum play if first," I explained while looking at her and she widened her eyes in amazement clearly having not expected me to be able to look away and still play perfectly.
     We spent the next few hours playing together and talking, she went on and on about the boy in her class that she had a crush on and it reminded me of my own love. One that I hadn't heard from for quite some time now. I politely excused myself and let Murryn carry on practicing alone, while leaving the room I took my phone out and tried calling Soryu. I waited impatiently with the phone held tightly against my ear, by the fourth ring though I grew worried, something had to be up; Soryu never ignored my calls. I tried again, and again, and again but nothing. They all went to voicemail.
     I heard the sound of footsteps coming nearer and looked up from the text I was typing. It was my father walking into his office, and he was alone. I slid my phone back into my pocket and rushed down the hall to the door my father had disappeared through. Without knocking I roughly opened the door, my father had just sat himself down at his desk and was turning on his computer.
     "Where's Soryu?" I demanded, stomping straight over to the other side of his desk.
     "Soryu? Oh right. Unfortunately I had to let him go," he told me then laced his fingers on the table in front of him. I frowned, furiously.
     "Let him go?" My voice raised an octave as I questioned his wording.
     "Yes, Alexis. Let him go, dismissed, laid off-" he paused then moved his eyes up from his hands to my face, the same dirty, shady smirk from this morning made its way onto his features and instantly i get a feeling of dread, "-disposed of." I gasped, swiftly pulling away from the desk and covering my mouth, tears were already brimming my eyes and I shook my head profusely.
     "No." I denied it. "You couldn't-" I stopped when my throat began to close up and the tears spilled. In seconds I was out of the room, tears streaming down my cheeks. I slammed the door to my room shut and frantically tried Soryu's number again. Voicemail. This confirmed my worst fears and I fell to my knees in the middle of the room. "Soryu, " I whispered helplessly while clutching my phone to my chest.


I'm crying. You guys have no idea how hard this was to write, I've been putting it off forever. Please dont hate me!
     Ps. I didn't want to re-read this chapter and upset myself again so I'm sorry for any spelling or grammatical mistakes.
     If you could leave me a vote and comment I'd love to hear your thoughts and feelings. Lets weep together.
     Also don't forget to share Guarded with your friends and fans, I'd really appreciate it.

See you guys soon!

Published: 14/12/17
Edited: 11/1/18

Guarded || (Soryu) KBTBB Fanfic || First book in the Guard seriesWhere stories live. Discover now