The Set Up

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Soryu and I took a seat near the edge and I stared forward. I had a happy memory of this place. Although I was talking about my childhood I was safe from it when I was with Soryu.
     "It looks so different during the day," I commented and Soryu agreed with a hum.
     "It reminds me so much of Hong Kong, truly a sleepless city." I smiled.
     "That's right, you were born in Hong Kong weren't you?" He nodded and I turned my body to face him. "What was your life like? I barely know anything about you."
     "Hm.. Let's see, I guess I should start with my parents. My mother and father met when they were young and had me out of wedlock." My eyes widened but in all honesty I knew I shouldn't have expected him to have had a good upbringing, most hitmen didn't come from happy backgrounds. "My father was a wealthy businessman and had many mistresses. When I was still young my mother was bullied into running away by my fathers other women."
     "Soryu, I am so sorry," I placed my hand on his arm and he looked down at it with a small smile.
  "It's okay. Anyway, a short while later my father was tricked into bankruptcy and abandoned the family business. It's been years and we've had no contact with him. After that my paternal grandfather took me in."
     "Wow. How lovely of him," I smiled and he nodded, smiling too.
     "He was a much better father to me than my real one. He gave me everything I could ask for and for that I am forever grateful," I shuffled closer and looped my arm though his then with my head resting against his shoulder I placed my hand in his and intertwined our fingers.
     "Where is he now?"
     "Still in Hong Kong, I haven't spoken to him in years, but I know he's alive and that's all that matters."
     "You should call him, you'll wish you did if anything ever happens to him."
     "Maybe one day soon, but not yet." We stayed in a beautiful, calm, comfortable silence for a while, both with different things going through our minds yet both seeking comfort from each other.
     It didn't take me long to come to the conclusion that I wanted my father dead. He had wronged me the second he mentally and emotionally abandoned my mother and I on the day I was born. Everything else confirmed that he was not a person that deserved life. I'd see to that when the time was right, however.
     "We should get going, you said the deal is at five right? We'll need to get to the warehouse early and prepare for the kids arrival," Soryu pointed out and I nodded before he got up and extended a hand to help me up too.
     We made it to the warehouse in record time and several large black cars are lined up waiting for us. Ichinomiya, Kishi, Baba, Kisaki and Aihara are all gathered around the front  of the first car. Soryu and I walked straight over and I looked around to make sure we're the only ones around.
     "So what's up?" I asked, curious as to what happened while I was gone.
     "The deal with the Ice Deagons was a success, they said they'd be in contact with any future deals," I nodded happily at this and let Ichinomiya continue. "There's five of us from the break out, lazy cop included, and seven Wolves. I've accounted for the seats the children will need but it leaves five of us here." As if a switch had gone off, my brain goes into mafia mode and I looked down the line of cars, whistling loudly between my fingers to call for the rest of the wolves to line up.
     In seconds twelve men are gathered in a semicircle around me and Soryu. "Alright listen up, this won't be an easy job. But our priority is the safety of every one of those children. Got it?"
     A variety of nods and 'yes miss's' assured me that everyone understood and agreed with me on that.
     Starting from the opposite side of where Ichinomiya was standing I gave the Wolves numbers from one to seven then I number the cars too. "What I want you guys to do is park your cars around the back of the building, that way the delivery people won't see them when they dock, then I want you to line up in order on the ground floor with me. One by one you'll escort the children to your car and take them home. Soryu, Ichinomiya you stay with me too. Kishi, Baba, Kisaki and Aihara I want you all to go to the second floor of the warehouse and hide yourselves. Once all forty children have left we'll be the ones to take them down."
     "Woah kid, you really are a smart one," Kishi grinned, clearly impressed as he stamped out his cigarette on the gravel. I tried to hold back my smile but it failed when all the guys began to clap and cheer.
     "Let's do to this," one of the Wolves piped up and everyone scattered to do their jobs.
     I turned to look up at Soryu but he caught my face in his hands and kissed my lips slowly but passionately, this kiss reminded me so much of our first and I'd come to take it as a sign that he just couldn't hold himself back from his action.
     After he inched away I felt his forehead against mine, "we can pull this off, it'll be a piece of cake," he cheered me on, wiping away any doubt I had that anything could go wrong.


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Published: 11/9/17
Edited: 10/1/18

Guarded || (Soryu) KBTBB Fanfic || First book in the Guard seriesWhere stories live. Discover now