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(Wtf is their ship name?)

Allura loved her paladins. They were like family. Humans were interesting and so different from any race she's ever met.

She just never expected to fall in love with a human, let alone one of her paladin's older siblings.

Matthew Holt. A gentle soul. Always smiling despite what they just rescued him from. He was a Galran prisoner, broken out, and taken as another group's prisoner. He had a white streak in his hair that Pidge had cut to be as it looked in her picture rather than pooling over his shoulders. Pidge had returned Matthew's glasses so he could see better.

Allura found herself drawn to Matthew. He was quiet, kind, determind, intelligent, and just... Everything Allura wished she could be.

But he was also sad. His mother was alone on Earth, his sister is one of the only five people who can defeat Zarkon, and his father is still missing. His nightmares keep him awake throughout the night, and Allura just wanted to help him.

So, tonight it was Allura's goal to get him to fall asleep and not be haunted by nightmares. She was sure she could do it. On her way to the main control room, Allura pet Lance's cow as he wandered down the hall.

"Matthew?" She whispered as the door opened, not wanting to startle him. He turned, then smiled at her. Allura returned his smile. "Matthew, you should be resting."

The human nodded and returned his gaze to the map of the universe. "... Look at all of this... All of the planets you've saved, all the prisons you freed. The Galran empire is slowly, but surely shrinking. A ten thousand year old empire is being brought to it's knees, thanks to Voltron."

Allura smiled as she approached him. "Voltron and her allies. We wouldn't get much done without our allies."

Matthew laughed softly and nodded, gaze turning to her. "That's true." Allura's heart leapt as she looked into his eyes. Just a few shades darker than Pidge with wisdom years beyond his age. Matthew somewhat reminded her of her father. "Maybe... Maybe in just a few short years... Zarkon will finally fall. Zarkon will be just a bad dream."

Allura nodded and took his hand. "Did you ever think you'd be apart of something like this?"

"Not really." Matthew hummed, looking down. Allura was relieved as he squeezed her hand rather than released her. "I knew Katie would be apart of something great, as did our father... I just never thought I would be, too. I mean, the Kerberos mission was amazing for the human race. It was the biggest step, but compared to the rest of the universe... We still have so much to accomplish. We're so far behind and we won't have anything to defend ourselves if the Galra attack."

"The Galra won't. They can't."

"I know... And I'm glad." Matthew smiled again. "What about you? Did you ever think you'd be apart of something like this?"

Allura laughed softly. "Of course I did. I had to expect it, being a princess. I just never thought it'd be against someone my father and I held dear."

Matthew nodded. "That's right... You knew Zarkon. I forget sometimes."

"That's alright." Allura leaned over, then experimentally rested her head on his shoulder. "We'll find your father... I know we will, someday."

"Thank you, princess. You have no idea how much that means to me..."


Allura remembered when Lance had explained the earth custom of 'kissing.' All the paladins joined in on explaining all the different kinds of kisses. On Altea, when your lips touched, it was a sign of gratitude. Nothing more. Allura found she liked earth kissing customs better. Just such a simple action could mean a number of things.

Including comfort.

They finally found Samuel Holt.

Lance and Keith were the ones to find him. They found a hovering device the Galra had used to carry him on and pushed it back to the castle, heads low.

Pidge and Matthew were devastated and Shiro was having trouble holding himself together. Shiro held Pidge as she screamed and cried while Matthew hid himself in the castle.

Allura went in search of Matthew and found him holed up in one of the rooms. "Matthew, I'm so sorry!" She knelt in front of him. His fingers tangled in his hair, tears streaking his cheeks. She reached forward and cupped his cheeks. Allura wiped away the tears as her own built up. She knew the pain of losing a father. "I'm so sorry..." The princess whispered.

Matthew sobbed and she gathered him in her arms. "It'll be alright, Matthew... It's going to be okay..." She wanted to reassure him. She knew it would be, but it still hurt. Right now it wasn't okay, it wasn't alright... But it will be.

Allura kissed his head and pet his hair back. He looked up at her with wide, sorrowful eyes. She brushed her knuckles over his damp cheek, then leaned forward. Allura pressed her lips to his, her eyes fluttering shut. She hoped it came across as comforting and gentle.

Matthew hesitated, but then leaned into her, returning the kiss. Allura's heart fluttered. They pulled away as he took her hand.

"Thank you... Allura..." He whispered, gazing into Allura's eyes. She offered a smile and ran the pad of her thumb under his watery eye.

"I'll always be hear for you, Matthew."


For the next few weeks, Allura took Matthew to her room to sleep in her bed so she could make sure he slept. She was there when he jerked awake, screaming or crying, and held him until he fell back asleep.

Tonight was no different as they lay down. Matthew slept better without a shirt on. Allura didn't bother to ask why. She figured it was rude. Matthew was still awake, back facing Allura as he stared at the bland wall.

Without thinking, Allura reached out and brushed her fingers over one of the many scars littering Matthew's back. Matthew jolted at the unexpected touch. "I'm sorry!" Allura gasped, snapping her hand back to herself. "I'm sorry, I wasn't-"

"Do it again..." Matthew whispered. "Your fingers are warm and soft... It felt nice..."

Allura looked up at the back of Matthew's head, then sucked in a breath. She reached again. Her fingers feathered over his marred skin. Allura bit her lip and spread her palm flat over his back. "They hurt you so badly... Terrible... Terrible people..."

A soft huff of amusement came from Matthew and he rolled over to face Allura. He took her hand. "There will always be terrible people. However, there will also be wonderful people, like you." He smiled at her. Matthew shuffled closer and pressed his lips to her forehead.

Allura's eyes fluttered shut and she released a soft sigh. His fingers tangled in her hair. "You're wonderful, Allura... I don't know What I'd do without you. I'd have Katie, but you... You've helped me so much and I... I think I love you." Matthew whispered and she looked up at him. He smiled at her, running his thumb over her cheek.

The princess smiled. "I love you, too."


1204 words

I somehow just love this ship like, htf did I even-?

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