Season 7

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Holy fucking shit.

What is wrong with this fandom?

I'm sorry to whomever this post offends, but there is something fucking wrong with this fandom. It is getting way to out of control.

Not even two hours after season 7 came out, people loathed it because it didn't have Klance. It showed Allurance. People loathed it because Adam died and that magically kills off our LGBT rep somehow.

Fucking shut the fuck up. This was a really fucking good season that they packed a bunch of shit into for us. Yeah, they killed Adam. That doesn't mean our LGBT rep is totally wiped out. I see Adam's death as a motivator for Shiro, despite how things ended between them. Sure, I wanted a reunion too, but I didn't want them to get back together because Adam stomped on Shiro's heart, totally disregarding his dreams and everything he's worked so hard for. He wanted to make Shiro choose, and if he truly loved and cherished him, he wouldn't have.

Okay, and the whole Allurance thing this season. Y'all know I'm fucking in love with Klance, and I loved that scene. I thought it was sweet. Lance hadn't been trying and trying so persistently to win her affection lately. He's barely even flirted.

If you remember, Lance had been there, comforting Allura in her times of need these past few seasons, and that showed Allura the true side of Lance. She's crushing on the man who's there for her and will comfort her without any mind to his own wants. She's seen his self-sacrifice and his soft sides and has been kind and playful in the past(like when he discovered his Altean broadsword). She didn't always dismiss him. Sure, she still dismisses him a little, but it's not so blatant and it's mostly in time of dire need- like when he was guessing ridiculous answers during The Feud! She understood their situation and he was blurting answers.

Yeah, I get that people don't like that. Sure, the VLD crew made him a goofball. That's exactly what he fucking is. He's a cute, loveable goofball that can't control how silly he is sometimes. She knows that, so she was trying to help.

Yes, Lance was reffered to as the 'dumb one' this season - all in light heartedness, but y'all are taking it several levels higher than that.

Lance is silly and a goofball, but he has a sensitive side as well. He's caring and self sacrificing and we know that. The show actually displays that, but you just can't accept the fact that he isn't your character. He's their character and he is who he is. He tries, but he can't help being goofy. That's him. Not the VLD crew members abusing him.

Hunk actually got so much development this season, I cried. He actually got an arc and we learned about his past and his family.

Yet again, you guys hyped yourself up so fucking much that you expected something greater. You expected more than you deserve.

For those people who are actually happy with how things turn out, thank you for not berating the creators or the voice actors. They do so much and a good majority of the fandom isn't happy because they expected something else.

People are expecting their headcannons, their ships. People were expecting specific charscters to be gay.

Same. I was too. I was hoping Shiro would be straight, honestly, because you know how much I love Shidge. I was upset when I found out about Shiro and Adam and Shiro being just straight up not straight at all, I can admit. I admit I was upset that one of my beloved ships won't become cannon ever, but I fucking accepted that shit, and I fucking hated Adam for what he did to Shiro.

I love Shiro and I want what's best for him. I want him to be happy, no matter the gender of his significant other is. He deserves that, just like all the characters.

There weren't queerbaiting you assholes. Who ever said that Adam and Shiro would fucking end up together again? All they confirmed was that they were together and that Shiro is gay. Nothing more, nothing less.

No one ever said anything about Lance being bi or Keith being gay.

And now, honest to every fucking God out there, I will be confused as all hell if Lance and Keith become cannon.

Most of the jerks and black mailers and those who threaten the cast and crew don't fucking deserve that.

I love this show... I love it so much. I've been with it since the beginning, but I am absolutely ashamed to be a part of such a horrible, terribke fandom...

This show was meant for children. Sure, there's a lot of death, holy shit, but still...

Every other fandom out there fucking hates out fandom. We are horrible to our lovely cast and crew. We only want our headcannons and our desires and our wishes to come true instead of being grateful for everything that they've given us.

Just get over yourself if you are a part of the people who believes you should always get what you want. This show has been planned out and written long before it ever even came out...

You didn't get what you wanted, oh well. Neither did I.

But I still loved this season. It was filled with and was created with so much love. There was angst and hurt and joy and heartbreak and stress and suspense and so much more and you all aren't happy because you didn't get what you wanted. You didn't get your headcannon.

LGBT rep is there. We were never told how much rep we would get, but at least you fucking got some, so be fucking grateful.

Again, I'm sorry to whoever this offends and I'm sorry if this was harsh, but some people just need to hear this...

Please share with anyone whom you think needs to hear this message...

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